Geez, Jeremiah got competition

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5 Responses to “Geez, Jeremiah got competition”

  1. twolaneflash Says:

    Worship of mammon. Pride. Fall.

    Or just crazy.

    If a white guy could get away with preaching that flavor of crap, pigeon or bovine, I could see a successful career in evangelical pursuits. “It is immoral to allow a fool to keep their money.”.

  2. Angus Dei Says:

    “Many will come in My Name: See that you are not deceived.” Yadda, yadda, yadda; blah, blah, blah.

    Though there were some funny moments there, to be honest, it’s amazing how many preachers feed their congregants spiritual poison these days… both from the left and the right.

  3. tizona Says:

    For damn sure, Sir Angus

  4. tizona Says:

    Jeremiah was a BullFrog.

    The one spoken of is a TOAD…and brings NO joy to the world.

  5. Angus Dei Says:

    BTW, Tiz, I have a two CD set of Three Dog Night’s Greatest Hits – it’s in my iPod too, naturally – and I just love that old school pop rock. That tune was written by a late country star/actor whose name escapes me at the moment. He also wrote the “I Have Never Been to Spain” song 3DN did. What was his name…?

Well, SAY something...