Bob Brown Vs Wivenhoe dam

Its been fairly widely reported that the Wivenhoe dam managed to mitigate the effects of the floods by up to 2 metres. There is some controversy over why the dam (built for flood mitigation) started the flood at such a high level. After a few years of dry winters it would have been a courageous public servant who mentioned the dam should have been lowered by releasing more water.

Heres Bob Opposing a dam on the Mary river (in 2006), in all fairness it wouldnt have been finished in time for this disaster

Senator Brown, who recently led a protest flotilla of canoes down the Mary River where Premier Beattie plans a dam, said the environment will be a huge issue for voters.

He still doesnt get what the word mitigation means.

Bob thinks, or pretends to think, mitigation means “stopping bad effects altogether”. It doesnt, it actually means trying to lessen the worst effects an uncontrolled flood would bring. As Wivenhoe has apparently done in this flood.

Heres a statement from the Queensland state greens, Ive highlighted the parts that should be branded into hides for arrogance and overweening pride.

“The federal government has saved Anna Bligh $1.8 billion dollars by refusing Traveston Dam – she should use that money to supply a free rainwater tank to every remaining South East Queensland home without one, and to invest in stormwater harvesting in our cities to catch the rain where it falls.

“If Bligh is determined not to use money saved from Traveston on providing sustainable water solutions, then it should be used to reduce government debt. The cost of Traveston was one of the reasons she used to justify selling off the state’s valuable assets – now there is even less excuse for this ill-conceived flogging off of public goods.”

Bligh should also bring back the tough water restrictions that South East Queenslanders showed they were easily able to meet. A permanent water saving target of 170L per person is achievable and will keep a lid on water costs. 

“If we are to get serious about sustainable water supply for South East Queensland, we must ensure that population growth in our region is sustainable. We should refuse to grant new development approvals unless the proponent can demonstrate that the necessary water is available and that planning processes address sustainable water supplies.

With timely planning and provision of water recycling, demand and supply management, rainwater tanks, stormwater harvesting, evaporation reduction, water efficiency and sustainable groundwater extraction, there should be no need for energy-guzzling desalination.

Bligh should also scrap the planned Nathan Dam on the Dawson River which is designed to provide water to coal mines, and invest that money into providing renewable energy which will create Queensland jobs,” concluded Ms Waters.”

The bastards assumed there would never be another downpour in Queensland. The breathtaking arrogance of assuming they knew the future is shocking.

Sticking the word “dam” in their search engine reveals the following headlines.

No support for Traveston Dam in southeast votes

Help Stop the Dam – Bus from Brisbane

Greens slam Premier on false ‘green’ dam claims

Traveston Dam state approval a farce

Greens will stop Traveston Dam: Ronan Lee

Greens welcome Traveston Dam refusal

Thats the top few out of 22. (most don’t refer to dams in their titles).

Now having read their anti dam crap what do you think they are doing now?

Greens join call for judicial inquiry into flooding impacts

Including this great screamer.

“..planning for strategic river catchments and floodplains and how this could best take account of the uncertainties presented by climate change.”…..”Queensland has been through an unprecedented period of climate variability“…. “ill-considered and opportunistic calls for mega-dams and the like“….

This section especially needs to be factchecked every time its raised.

“Dr Connors said she believed the terms of reference should include looking at the appropriateness of developments such as open cut coal mines and coal seam gas infrastructure on the Condamine and the Fitzroy river catchments which are characterised by periodic flooding and, in particular, on the floodplains of these catchments, given that many of these were forced to release huge amounts of polluted water during the flood.”

The amounts released, to put it mildly were microscopically small. If all the water being removed from the mines was released all at once what %  of the flow would it make up right now?

Well heres a coal bloke with the figures.

“..Mr Roche said several of the mines in the central highlands needed to get rid of 100 to 200 megalitres of water to get back into operation. “To give an idea, the amount of water flowing past them to Rockhampton is about 250,000ML a day,..”

 LESS than 1/1000th of the volume in a given day…

2 Responses to “Bob Brown Vs Wivenhoe dam”

  1. magsx2 Says:

    I am convinced there is certainly something wrong with the Greens, why is it that they are all idiots? Logic seems to just pass them by for some reason, mind you Labor isn’t far behind them.

    You stated:- “in all fairness it wouldn’t have been finished in time for this disaster”

    I don’t really know anything about dam building but I would of thought from 2006 to say the end of 2010 a dam would of been up and running so to speak, regardless they should of still built it, and there should be a lot more the way the population is going, but this is not going to happen while the Labor/Greens are in power.

    • thefrollickingmole Says:

      From my (admittedly little) knowledge on dams its usualy a decade long project.. Might have been finished, but unlikely might have been better wording..

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