Saudi Scholar: Biofuel is Sinful

Sheikh advises ethanol biofuel use prohibited by Islam:


A prominent Saudi scholar warned youths studying abroad of using ethanol or other fuel that contains alcohol in their cars since they could be committing a sin, local press reported Thursday.

Sheikh Mohamed Al-Najimi, member of the Saudi Islamic Jurisprudence Academy, based his statement on a saying by the prophet that prohibited all kinds of dealings with alcohol including buying, selling, carrying, serving, drinking, and manufacturing, the Saudi newspaper Shams reported Thursday.

Saudi and Muslim youth studying abroad would violate the prohibition if they used bio fuel, he said, since it “is basically made up of alcohol.”

Cue outraged Greenies with giant papier-mâché Mohamed heads?

h/t Jon Ham

UPDATE:  Just thinking more on this…  Yesterday I had a blood test down at the Path Lab and the nurse used ~~GASP~~ an  alcohol swab to prepare the site.  WTF are Good Muslims supposed to use – goat saliva?

Stupid AFL Suggestion

Ok, here’s the back story. The Australian Football League wants another two teams in the league to bring in more revenue and generate more support for the game, which is for the most part, based in Victoria with ten Victorian-based teams, two in WA, two in SA, one in Sydney, and one in Brisbane.

The interstate teams (WA, SA, NSW, QLD) have always had their successes on the field, and all teams involved have had some great talent. So Andrew Demetriou, the head of the AFL, is entertaining a proposal for a new team based in Sydney’s Western suburbs.

Now, this is amongst the stupidest ideas I’ve ever read. Demetriou is considering having a faith-based team. Yep, he wants to launch an Irish-based team, which would mostly consist of Protestants.

The problems I see with the proposal are these:

  1. Where does one find some Irish Protestants in Sydney’s western suburbs? It’s an area with a lot of people who believe in God, certainly, but they’re sure not Protestants.
  2. AFL is very much an equalized game. You leave your religion/politics/family heritage/whatever off the ground. On the ground, you play for your team. This idea would mean that now you bring those things onto the ground. Old rivalries will be brought back into the game, and those rivalries are stronger than Everyone vs Collingwood (as hard as that is to believe)…
  3. It sets a precedent. What can the AFL then do if there’s a team of Irish-Catholics who want to play, and then a team of Roman-Catholics, and then a team of Buddhists, a team of Muslims, a team of Pagans and so on down the line? If they’ve got the requisite number of players and the start-up cash, the AFL would have a lot of trouble saying no. Then it turns into a religious game.
  4. Australians don’t much care about other people’s religions, unless they’re attempting to kill us or force them on us. By turning the AFL into something faith-based, they’re ensuring that it makes it harder for the non-religious to give a crap about the game. And for many, their football team is their religion.

Enough is enough Demetriou. You’ve tried to push the “Super-Goal” idea and it failed. You’ve tried to overhaul the AFL Tribunal, and it’s failed for the most part. You’ve tried to discourage drugs from the game, but in paying 21-28 year olds well over $200,000 a year you’ve made that hard because what else are they going to spend their dough on?

But this, this is your stupidest idea yet, and I hope it backfires on you spectacularly. I do hope the HREOC (Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission) gets involved, because that would raise this from a farce to a comedy.

UPDATE: Further details have come to light, and the team will not be made up of Irish descendants currently playing AFL in Sydney’s western suburbs. It will be made up of a team of Irish players being brought in from Ireland to boost the game’s international appeal. That puts this in a very different light.

Muslims Demanding Change… Again

Once again, Muslims are calling for everything in the world to change to suit their ideological desires. The current move is to replace Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) with Mecca Time.

One geologist argued that unlike other longitudes, Mecca’s was in perfect alignment to magnetic north.

This of course, requires us to ignore the fact that magnetic north is constantly changing. But boy, will it be fun watching them move Mecca every couple of years! I wonder if they’ll use something like this? If so, it’s a good thing they’re constantly breeding with goats, because they’ll need an awful lot of them. I digress, however, and back to the article.

He said the English had imposed GMT on the rest of the world by force when Britain was a big colonial power, and it was about time that changed.

I’m thinking, if that’s the criteria for deciding what time standard to use, and it has to do with power, shouldn’t we be using a time standard from the USA? I mean, the same types of people pushing this Mecca-time thing are constantly telling us that the USA has too much power and is always taking advantage and pushing the boundaries, so let’s have fun with it!

I demand my USA time immediately. I expect nothing less from the Big Bad USA. I demand my full oppression! Stop giving me freedom and oppress me! I can’t rely on Australia to do it now we’ve gotten rid of that evil HoWARd.

Al-Qaeda in Iraq: Determined but Desperate, by Omar Fadhil

The latest three messages from al-Qaeda addressing the Sunni community uncover the depth of the crisis that al-Qaeda is facing in its former host community.

The threatening tone of the missives from the alleged Abu Omar Baghdadi and Aby Ayyub, and the insulting tone of the second by Zawahiri, reflect mistrust, anxiety and a dire need to retrieve what was lost.

Death threats do not represent a serious call for cooperation on an achievable objective. This “work-for-me-or-I-kill-you” tone is completely different from the usual recruiting slogans that have focused on the ideology of fighting for absolute truth against absolute evil.

Those slogans have failed, which is why they have been discarded and replaced by threats and an effort to seek out third parties to render verdicts on disagreements, which is what Baghdadi alluded to when he proposed that some (not all!) Sunni clerics come forward to mediate between al-Qaeda and the public.

This call for mediation indicates first, that al-Qaeda has lost direct contact with the public and second, that there are still some clerics involved with al-Qaeda.

the rest at, Pajamas Media

The Location Is Scotland…

The primary character is a man named Mohammed Anwar.

The secondary characters are a policeman holding a speed radar, a sheriff, and a lawyer.

The primary character is caught by the policeman driving 64mph in a 30mph zone, which is normally an offence that results in instant disqualification. But the primary character in this performance gets out of this offence with a £200 fine and was given six penalty points.

Anwar is a Muslim, and has two wives, living a fair distance apart, and a restaurant in an entirely different area. The court decided that because of his need to attend to his family duties, and his need to operate the restaurant and keep his family financially stable, he should not lose his licence.

When Anwar was questioned on the matter by the media, he responded:

“It is true I have two wives.

“Muslim men are allowed up to four. But I am not a religious leader and it is not my place to comment.


“As a matter of respect to my wives I would not comment on my home life.


“The sheriff did not ban me because I need my licence to run my business, although my wives were also part of the decision.”

I can only agree with the assessment of the sentence offered to the media by Lorna Jackson, head of Brake, a road safety charity:

“Regardless of the number of wives or businesses this man drives to, he broke a law which is there to protect everyone.


“Travelling just a few miles over the limit in a 30mph zone can be the difference between life and death if you hit someone, let alone driving at more than twice the speed limit.


“Drivers know the law, and they know the punishment they could face when they break it.


“For the courts to allow someone to keep their licence when they have so blatantly flouted the law and put peoples’ lives at risk, on the basis of an excuse such as this, is astonishing.”

The fact that this man’s multiple wives (although multiple marriages are illegal in the UK) played a part in the decision strikes me as incredibly suspect. After all, does this decision mean that the judgment can be extended to all business owners with two wives? And does it mean that eventually, all of those citizens with only one wife/husband will be discriminated against on the basis of their marriages, and in turn, their religion, which Anwar claims is the reason he’s allowed two wives?

It’s a slippery slope, Scotland. Be careful.

UPDATE: Jules Crittenden also has some thoughts on the subject.

Report: Non-Muslims Deserve to Be Punished. Well you know what Mohammed, I feel the same way about Muslims. Punished, to death… and as many as possible… ALL is good for me. How about you?

A report posted on Islam Watch, a site run by Muslims who oppose intolerant teachings and hatred for unbelievers, exposes a prominent Islamic cleric and lawyer who support extreme punishment for non-Muslims — including killing and rape.

A question-and-answer session with Imam Abdul Makin in an East London mosque asks why Allah would tell Muslims to kill and rape innocent non-Muslims, including their wives and daughters, according to Islam Watch.

“Because non-Muslims are never innocent, they are guilty of denying Allah and his prophet,” the Imam says, according to the report. “If you don’t believe me, here is the legal authority, the top Muslim lawyer of Britain.”

The lawyer, Anjem Choudary, backs up the Imam’s position, saying that all Muslims are innocent.

Click here to watch the interview with Islamic lawyer Anjem Choudary.

“You are innocent if you are a Muslim,” Choudary tells the BBC. “Then you are innocent in the eyes of God. If you are not a Muslim, then you are guilty of not believing in God.”

Choudary said he would not condemn a Muslim for any action. /**/

“As a Muslim, I must support my Muslim brothers and sisters,” Choudary said. “I must have hatred to everything that is not Muslim.”

Click here to read the report from Islam Watch.

Fox Mews

Harvard’s Segregated Gym. The U.S. is not far behind you, Brit’s. It’s called Appeasement. Which means, ‘they’ win.

On February 4, 2008, in an act of segregation disguised as “collaboration,” Harvard University set the clock back fifty years by agreeing to ban men from a popular university gym for six hours each week to appease Muslim women. Harvard University spokesman Robert Mitchell stated to me that this was done at the behest of a group of women “whose religion does not allow them to remove their burqas and/or hijab in the presence of men.”

“A group of Muslim women made a request, we thought it was reasonable,” Harvard athletics spokesman Matt Lavoie told me in an interview. “It’s a religious issue, that’s all.”

Pajamas Media

They have the gall, to call Harvard an Institution of “Higher Learning’? Keep genuflecting Harvard…Easier to behead that way.

U.S. Based Revolution Muslim Website Spreading Messages of Hate

NEW YORK, N.Y. — On any given day, log on to and a host of startling images appear:— The Statue of Liberty, with an ax blade cutting through her side;— Video mocking the beheading of American journalist Daniel Pearl, entitled “Daniel Pearl I am Happy Your Dead 🙂 “;— Video of a puppet show lampooning U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq;— The latest speech from Sheikh Abdullah Faisal, an extremist Muslim cleric convicted in the UK and later deported for soliciting the murder of non-Muslims.

Even more surprising is that isn’t being maintained in some remote safe house in Pakistan. Instead, Yousef al-Khattab, the Web site creator, runs it from his home in the New York City Borough of Queens.

And, because al-Khattab enjoys the First Amendment right to freedom of speech, all the authorities can do is watch.

Formerly known as Joseph Cohen, al-Khattab is an American-born Jew who converted to Islam after attending an Orthodox Rabbinical school, which he later described as a “racist cult.”

The 39-year-old New York taxi driver launched with the mission of “preserving Islamic culture,” “calling people to the oneness of God” and asking them to “support the beloved Sheik Abdullah Faisal, who’s preaching the religion of Islam and serving as a spiritual guide.”

Fox News

Come on NYC, someone has to have the balls to take this Islamic out, for shit sakes.

Just to make God Damn sure…NONE…ZERO…ZIP…NADA of the —–the remarks, graphics or anything else, were typed by me. Except for someone in NYC to kill this son of a whore, pig.

Network Solutions Suspends Site of Anti-Islam Film

h4rm0ny notes the furor over an anti-Islamic movie due to be released on the Web in the next week. After Pakistan disrupted YouTube worldwide over an interview with right-wing Dutch MP and filmmaker Geert Wilders, Network Solutions, acting as host as well as registrar, has suspended Wilders’s site promoting the 15-minute film “Fitna” (a Koranic term translated as “strife”). The site now displays a notice that it is under investigation for possible violations of NetSol’s acceptable use policy. According to the article the company’s guidelines include “a sweeping prohibition against ‘objectionable material of any kind or nature.'” The article describes the site’s content before NetSol pulled the plug as a single page with the film’s title, an image of the Koran, and the words “Coming Soon.” No one but Wilders has seen the film to date. The Dutch government has distanced itself from the film, fearing Muslim backlash. A million Muslims live in The Netherlands. Wilders’s party, which controls 9 of 150 seats in the Dutch parliament, was elected on an anti-immigration platform.


Way to show backbone, people. The Dutch government, has fought Islam, just not in it’s own country.


NETWORK SOLUTIONS SHUTS DOWN A WEBSITE under Islamist pressure. I’m guessing they wouldn’t respond to complaints from Baptists quite so readily.

UPDATE: Reader Antoinette Aubert emails: “Baptists don’t blow people up for disagreeing with them. Heck Baptists don’t even sue you for disagreeing with them. Thus does multi-culturalism make cowards of us all.” Or encourage violence and litigation.


Guess the religion: “Beat up infidel tourists, says cleric”

0595098500.jpg Islamic cleric Abu Bakar Bashir, who was convicted of conspiracy over the 2002 Bali bombings that killed 202 people, including 88 Australians, but was later cleared and released from prison, has some instructions for his young followers in The Religion of Peace.

Bashir, the co-founder of the Jemaah Islamiah terrorist network, recently feted extremists blamed for Indonesian bombings as “counter-terrorists” who he says are role models for other Muslims.


Here is an excerpt from the report in The Australian, March 24 2008:

ISLAMIC cleric Abu Bakar Bashir has returned to his hardline rhetoric with a call for followers to beat up Western tourists and for young Muslims to die as martyrs.

In the sermon, organised by an Islamic youth organisation and delivered a few kilometres from the home village of convicted Bali bombers Amrozi and Mukhlas, Bashir likened tourists in Bali to “worms, snakes, maggots”, and specifically referred to the immorality of Australian infidels.

The address was caught on video by an Australian university student.

“The youth movement here must aspire to a martyrdom death,” said the
“The young must be first at the front line – don’t hide at the back. You must be at the front, die as martyrs and all your sins will be forgiven. This is how to achieve forgiveness.”

• Meanwhile, Robert Fisk claims that “There is no connection between Islam and ‘terror’.” (‘scare quotes’ his)

And An Even Happier Easter!

Pope converting muslims.

I wonder if this is a part of his call for reciprocity. After all, the Muslims have been declaring for years that they are the world’s fastest growing religion. (Some comment on that particular piece of prop found here.)

If all these Catholics are converting to Islam, then surely in the name of fairness, we Catholics can expect a few Muslims to cross over to the dark (sic) side?

And a fantastic Easter/Purim/holiday of your choice to you all!

Pope Baptizes Prominent Italian Muslim

VATICAN CITY (AP) – Italy’s most prominent Muslim, an iconoclastic writer who condemned Islamic extremism and defended Israel, converted to Catholicism Saturday in a baptism by the pope at a Vatican Easter service. An Egyptian-born, non-practicing Muslim who is married to a Catholic, Magdi Allam infuriated some Muslims with his books and columns in the newspaper Corriere della Sera newspaper, where he is a deputy editor. He titled one book “Long Live Israel.”As a choir sang, Pope Benedict XVI poured holy water over Allam’s head and said a brief prayer in Latin.

“We no longer stand alongside or in opposition to one another,” Benedict said in a homily reflecting on the meaning of baptism. “Thus faith is a force for peace and reconciliation in the world: distances between people are overcome, in the Lord we have become close.”

Vatican Television zoomed in on Allam, who sat in the front row of the basilica along with six other candidates for baptism. He later received his first Communion.

Allam, 55, told the newspaper Il Giornale in a December interview that his criticism of Palestinian suicide bombing provoked threats on his life in 2003, prompting the Italian government to provide him with a sizable security detail.

The Union of Islamic Communities in Italy—which Allam has frequently criticized as having links to Hamas—said the baptism was his own decision.

“He is an adult, free to make his personal choice,” the Apcom news agency quoted the group’s spokesman, Issedin El Zir, as saying.

Yahya Pallavicini, vice president of Coreis, the Islamic religious community in Italy, said he respected Allam’s choice but said he was “perplexed” by the symbolic and high-profile way in which he chose to convert.

You must have missed this part Yahya….“along with six other”.

Hey, Yahya, we have an internet thingy, named after you. How neat, huh?


Dominus vobiscum

All I asked for was an explanation

Got myself into a very heated argument with a young British Muslim woman on Thursday night. It all started when I politely asked her to explain the following. So why didn’t she explain it satisfactorily and instead, attack me personally? The following is commonly known as the Verse of the Sword. It appears late in the Koran and, thus abrogates earlier peaceful injunctions.

9:5. Then when the Sacred Months (the 1st, 7th, 11th, and 12th months of the Islamic calendar) have passed, then kill the Mushrikun {unbelievers} wherever you find them, and capture them and besiege them, and prepare for them each and every ambush. But if they repent and perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat {the Islamic ritual prayers}), and give Zakat {alms}, then leave their way free. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

With thanks to