“Low-life Losers”: The Kind Way Of Putting It

In 2006, the G20 held a meeting here in Melbourne, and as one expects, we got protesters. These same protesters have now forced an important event to be cancelled.

November 11, the eleventh day of the eleventh month, is a day of Remembrance in Australia, formally known as Remembrance Day. It is taken quite seriously, as it should be, and in many schools, businesses and other areas, there is a minute silence held at the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month, to remember our military heroes who have fallen. It’s a solemn, yet highly special, event.

The G20 protestors have now forced a Remembrance Day event to be cancelled.

Their perverse disrespect for the people who have made it possible for them to conduct themselves so poorly is absolutely revolting.

The Acting SA Premier, Mr. Kevin Foley, put it quite well. “These are feral, low-life people who want society to be in a state of near anarchy for their perverse pleasure. People who say they are anti-war, but who resort to violence and destruction to put their case are clearly dangerous.”

Low-life losers? I can think of better terms for them.

Biden, a young Murtha (but just as dopey)

Present Requested

Alright, who’s volunteering to buy me a weasel?

Stuff Worth Lookin’ At

Via Paco (and The_Real_JeffS (ACCEPT NO IMITATIONS!)) we have some military photos.

The Tree Hugging Sister clearly understands my KFC addiction.

A rather unsurprising look at the changing qualities of marijuana.

Mythusmage has it about right on the Bigfoot hoax. I like the idea of Bigfoot being real, so these types of hoaxes also annoy me.

Michelle Malkin has the scoop on how desperate the Obama camp is getting.

Maggie’s Farm has some really cool photos of Golden Gate Park.

An intriguing look at some US law.

The man with the bike sets an evil challenge. I was afraid to guess.

Come On! Don’t Hold Out!

Does anyone know if it was the owner of Channel 7, Kerry Stokes, who purchased the Victoria Cross that was awarded to Lieutenant George Mawby Ingram for bravery and initiative in the battle of Montbrehain on October 5, 1918?

I’m very curious to know if Mr Stokes has again bought a significant medal and donated it to the Australian War Memorial, as is happening with this medal.

My curiosity is rightly fed by this piece of fantastic news.

Mr Stokes,


Lest We Forget

Today is ANZAC Day in Australia and New Zealand, the day that commemorates the bravery and honour shown by the men who enlisted in the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps to fight in the Great War (World War I). It is a day of commemoration, a day to honour the military, a day to remember those who have been lost, and a day in which many take the opportunity to pay respect to the men who died to keep Australia free.

Brave Men, All, and so on this day we say to the memory of those men, their families, and those who survive them, Lest We Forget.

To further remember, enjoy this powerpoint (all files are the same, except for the inclusion of sound.)

ANZAC Day – With Sound

ANZAC Day – Without Sound

ANZAC Day – PDF Presentation

The ANZACs deserve our respect. To celebrate the Australian way, have a shot of rum in your coffee this morning.

J.M. would never forgive me, if I didn’t post his brave men and women, in Afghanistan

Click to enlarge.

The McCain Family Is Very Impressive

A recap of the history…

The family and military history of Senator John McCain III (R-Arizona) is extremely impressive. There are a great many members of the McCain family who have served in the military, and the family has a tradition of military service which goes back to the time of the Revolutionary War. This is just incredibly awesome.

Read the rest of this entry »

Good Decision; Bad Reaction

This time the location is Britain, where a plan has been announced to encourage Britain’s teens into the Army, Navy or the Air Force. The idea comes at the suggestion of Labour MP Quentin Davies, who recently conducted a review into the role of the military in British society. As part of this review, Mr Davies found that many of Britain’s youth have no idea of military life.

This plan has the intention of strengthening ties between the military and the public, and has the backing of Prime Minister Gordon Brown. Involved in the implementation of this plan is for “high school pupils to receive basic military training to help foster a greater affiliation with the defence forces“, which is quite an ambitious and worthwhile endeavour. Read the rest of this entry »

Raw: US Fighter Jets Use New Technology to Hit Targets From 15,000 Feet

People, it is my great pleasure to introduce to you our newest editor….

Without people, both men and women, such as our new editor…We could not be posting threads or commenting.

This man has seen Operation Iraqi Freedom, up close and personal. A decorated U.S. Military Officer, one hell of a damn great person…and when he gets Stateside…I’m gonna be buying as many beers, that his fund has collected.

The gentleman’s name is Texas Bob.

Another case of our foul, vile American Forces, in Iraq. Really, just ask Jack Murtha and John Kerry. Would they LIE?


Sight to the Blind:

Soldiers Hope to Help Iraqi Girl See a Brighter Future

FORWARD OPERATING BASE KALSU — Her hands run across his hand, her fingers explore his features. She asks her father: Is he fat or skinny? Tall or short? She is trying to learn about the man she cannot see, the one who strives to end the mystery surrounding him and the world around her.

You must read it all

By any chance, if this one leaves you dry eyed, you are a Leftist…That means you Kos.

I’m Not Even Going To Tell You…

…what the hell is wrong with this, posted over at Bolta’s.

Its appalling how the US treats its veterans after they are of no further use. The are forgotten. According to U.S. media reports, there are well below 5,000 U.S. soldiers who have been killed in Iraq. However, this data appears to be very misleading. Why? Because many tens of thousands of American soldiers have apparently been killed to-date, as a result of being exposed to radiation poisoning from the indiscriminate killing machines of U.S. military weaponry.
U.S. investigative researchers have discovered an official U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs official, but not well publicized count, of 73,846 U.S. soldiers who have perished as an apparent result of Depleted Uranium based bio-chemical warfare exposure. This exceeds an estimate of 58,000 U.S. soldiers who had been killed in relation to the Vietnam War.
Well over 200,000 American soldiers could be killed by 2010, as a result of the after effects of exposure to U.S. dirty bombs.
Over One million U.S. soldiers have apparently been disabled from Depleted Uranium based biochemical exposure.

april of Katherine (Reply)
Mon 31 Mar 08 (09:17am)
Andrew BoltWhat utter, utter nonsense.

Andrew Bolt
Mon 31 Mar 08 (10:21am)

Once again, Mr Bolt is quite correct.

Iraqi forces battle Mahdi militia in southern Iraq, Baghdad

BAGHDAD — With Iraq’s top leaders directing the battle, Iraq’s army and national police pressed a major operation Tuesday to wrest control of the southern port city of Basra from the Shiite Mahdi Army militia. Fighting between government forces and the militia quickly spread through Iraq’s south and into Baghdad .

Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki and his defense and interior ministers took charge of the 15,000 Iraqi army troops and police units, which were deployed for what aides said was to be a three-day operation against militias in the city.

The battle at the oil-rich port began before dawn Tuesday and lasted into the early evening before subsiding slightly as the Mahdi Army, headed by firebrand cleric Muqtada al Sadr , defended positions in several neighborhoods. In the dead of night, residents reported artillery shelling, mortar rounds and guns being fired outside their homes.


Will you puhleeze, kill that fat pig!!!

US Marines “Unwelcome Intruders” in Berkeley

If the Islamist terrorists ever successfully detonate a nuclear bomb in the US, I hope Berkeley is at the epicenter.

I can’t think of any other US city I’d rather sacrifice.


The “Short Bus” you mean.

Andrew Olmsted: Frater, Ave atque Vale

BLOGGER ANDREW OLMSTED has died in Iraq. (Via Blackfive and Obsidian Wings). He left a last post for publication in this event; he also expressly indicated that his death should not be politicised in any way, so keep that in mind regarding your comments whether here or at Obsidian Wings. Here’s his blog, always worth reading. [update: blog down at the moment; Obsidian Wings has excerpts]

update 2: “Why Go to Iraq?” (Andrew Olmsted in the Rocky Mountain News)

About Andrew Olmsted:

Fort Carson-based Army Major Andrew Olmsted was blogging from the war in Iraq, where his mission was to teach members of the Iraqi Army how to defend their country and provide security for their people. Major Olmsted was a veteran blogger and he was determined to make a difference in Iraq. “The sooner the Iraqi government doesn’t need U.S. support to provide security for its people, the sooner we will probably be asked to leave.”

update 3: Tim Blair farewells Major Olmsted.


The Warrior Who Never Fought A War

Or, to put it more precisely, he fought every war because he studied them so diligently to discover what went right and what went wrong.  He boiled military strategy down to two concepts, The Sword, and the Swordsman, and probably saved more soldiers’ lives than we will ever know.

It’s a long read, but well worth the effort, as it explains in part why the American military is unsurpassed in the world. There’s a second part here, which examines the military surge in Iraq and explains why Iraq is not Vietnam.

Hat tip to Bill Whittle at Eject! Eject! Eject!, which I’ve been reading since just a while after 9/11.

1st Brigade Hooah…1st Cav. montage and greetings from Iraq.

Bless you brave men and women. And to you O brave warriors…Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

You must watch this video…ALL the way through! These people help make celebrating Christmas and New Year, possible.


Live Leak