Memo – Attn: Nilk


Regarding this (and this and this), I give you this.

Seriously.  I reckon you should go for it.  Craig sounds a way better match for you than that Sgt. Joey Jones guy 😉


H/T Bolta

Challenge Issued

This is the scene over Melbourne several weeks ago.

Melbourne Sky

I don’t suppose any of you are game enough to interpret the photograph from a feminist chauvinist post-modern traditionalist perspective?

“Low-life Losers”: The Kind Way Of Putting It

In 2006, the G20 held a meeting here in Melbourne, and as one expects, we got protesters. These same protesters have now forced an important event to be cancelled.

November 11, the eleventh day of the eleventh month, is a day of Remembrance in Australia, formally known as Remembrance Day. It is taken quite seriously, as it should be, and in many schools, businesses and other areas, there is a minute silence held at the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month, to remember our military heroes who have fallen. It’s a solemn, yet highly special, event.

The G20 protestors have now forced a Remembrance Day event to be cancelled.

Their perverse disrespect for the people who have made it possible for them to conduct themselves so poorly is absolutely revolting.

The Acting SA Premier, Mr. Kevin Foley, put it quite well. “These are feral, low-life people who want society to be in a state of near anarchy for their perverse pleasure. People who say they are anti-war, but who resort to violence and destruction to put their case are clearly dangerous.”

Low-life losers? I can think of better terms for them.

The Dandenong Ranges

Baghdad Needs A Ferris Wheel!


It seems that Baghdad is stealing Melbourne’s idea of having a giant ferris wheel to see the sights of the city… which we stole from London.

Half of Melbourne is stolen from other cities!

Our main train station, Flinders Street Station (guess what street it’s on) was meant to be built in India, but some genius messed up the blueprints and neither they, nor their counterpart overseas, noticed until the building was half complete. *SNORT*

Flinders Street Station

Decision Made: Jaspan Gone

The Editor-In-Chief of Melbourne’s most socialist/green/left/moronic/but-I-repeat-myself newsrag, The Age has been fired. This is a promising sign, because it means that the falling circulation figures of The Age are sending a signal to the upper management about the declining quality of the rag. Even though they frequently lie about their figures.

The former Editor-In-Chief Andrew Jaspan has a pretty decent resume, but I think it’s fair to say that he has a very skewed view of the world.

When Australian man Douglas Wood was abducted in Iraq, where he was working towards rebuilding the nation, The Age went to an especial effort to make it clear that they believed he deserved to be abducted because “we took away these people’s lives and we didn’t have the right to.”

Read the rest of this entry »

Melbourne: Super Cool Reservoirs; Super Cool Bushland

My quokka and I went off on another mini-adventure today, and headed down to Melbourne’s Silvan Reservoir to see how full it’s looking. Silvan Reservoir is actually the reservoir that is responsible for cleaning and distributing water to the general public, and therefore rather important in the grand scheme of things.

And here’s how it’s looking:

Don’t you just want to dive in and go for a swim? Perfect!

Read the rest of this entry »

Melbourne Has Deformed Local Wildlife

Further to confusion about ducks, this is what a deformed duck looks like:

Duck spotted at Lake Aura Vale, Victoria.

Off On Another Adventure

I had a lot on my mind today, so I did what I always do when I need to think and clear my head: I went for a drive.

After meandering through the city, I took the advice of a close mate and went for a drive somewhere familiar and comfortable. I ended up in the area I used to live, and cruised around there. In the past ten months, absolutely nothing has changed there.

So I cruised down through Belgrave South, and onto Wellington Road, which is a pretty major road. It felt good to fly along at 110 km/h… even though the speed limit is only 100 km/h.

Sadly, I don’t get the opportunity to do this kind of driving.

Anyway, as I was cruising, my car was doing the steering and I ended up at Cardinia Reservoir, which is a dam which holds a capacity of 287,000 million litres of water and provides it to the South and South-Eastern suburbs, as well as the Mornington Peninsula. The construction of the dam was completed in 1973.

The dam looked pretty full today, as you can see for yourself.

After taking those snaps, I drove down the exit road, which goes beside the dam. It was about at this point:

that I thought: “If that wall breaks, I’m screwed!”

A View Of Melbourne

I was in a leisurely mood, and felt like driving somewhere a bit different.

So I drove to the Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne, and drove up Mt Dandenong. I forgot how many tight and dangerous turns there is along that road, but it’s fun to drive!

When I got up to SkyHigh, I took a photo of the view. And here it is for you:

On the horizon, you can actually see Melbourne CBD, and the white area in the foreground is an industrial area with a bunch of factories in it. The green area in the foreground is trees.

Melbourne – Seriously, Really Cool Gardens

Melbourne has seriously cool gardens. The one above is just metres from St Kilda Road, one of the busiest roads leading into and out of the city. Yet it’s just so damn tranquil, and so beautiful.

Melbourne Is Really Beautiful

Melbourne Has Wicked Cool Architecture V

State Library of Victoria

Melbourne Has Wicked Cool Architecture IV

St Paul's Cathedral

I present to you, St Paul’s Cathedral.

Melbourne Has Sick And Wrong Architecture

Federation Square, Melbourne
I give you Federation Square, yet again.

It’s just so blindingly hideous!

Melbourne Has Super Awesome Gardens

Alexandra Gardens

Melbourne Is A Party Town!

Just heard some stupid bint on the radio:

“Melbourne is quite a party town. It moves from one party to the next.

And so once the Formula 1 Grand Prix leaves town, we move on to the Melbourne International Comedy Festival, one of Australia’s best known events.”



What happened to the Grand Final, the Grand Prix, the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race, the Melbourne Cup, the Melbourne to Hobart Yacht Race, the Annual Serial Murderer Arrest (Adelaide Based), the Mardi Gras, the Annual Resignation of a Labor Leader, the Moomba Festival, the Royal Shows, or any number of other things that are rated much more highly than the Melbourne Commie Festival?

So far this marvellous celebration of the utterly hilarious has been on for two weeks (19 March to 13 April), yet I’ve barely heard a peep about it. Hell, when I was in the city (last Wednesday), I didn’t even realise it had started, such is the hype and excitement.

Read the rest of this entry »

Melbourne Has Wicked Cool Architecture III

Arts Center

– For Eggz

Melbourne Has Wicked Cool Architecture II

Rialto Towers

Melbourne Has Wicked Cool Architecture


On An Adventure…

I’m going right into the heart of Melbourne tomorrow, and I promised a close mate a bunch of photos, because they’ve never been here.

Suggestions for the weirdest things to take photos of are most welcome.

Prize awarded for funniest suggestion!

Dangerous Land

It’s a dangerous land, this Australia of ours.

Anything falling from the sky just can’t be good news.