President Trump? Not. Gonna. Happen.

James Board begs to disagree.  Seriously?

LOLcats for Sheen make more sense than that.

Heh.  Roll on the Primaries!

11 Responses to “President Trump? Not. Gonna. Happen.”

  1. bingbing Says:

    Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up, fuzzball.

    Hey, I’ve gone out on a limb, and may well be wrong, but indeed, roll on those Primaries.

  2. Greg Says:

    I will def vote for Donald.
    He is self made and answers to nobody.
    He also will not kow tow to the religious left or multi culti spin of recent times.
    Trump is his own man. Unlike obama the panderer.
    I live in Columbia MD and I am visiting australia for the first time. It awesome.
    It very beautiful and easy to get around but also very expensive too.
    Paid 6 dollars $US for a hot dog and 3.90 for a coke today at South bank. Onions and cheese $2 extra, Mustard and ketchup 80 cents extra? WTF? This was the cafe underneath the herald sun building. What a money spinner.

  3. thefrollickingmole Says:

    Dunno, Trump the ex-bankrupt now successful businessman vs Obama the Community organiser….

    Ron Paul!!????

  4. Levin rips Donald Trump to shreds « The Tizona Group Says:

    […] There’s James Board’s unedifying man-crush on Trump*, and then there’s reality… […]

Well, SAY something...