The failest fail since failtown burned down.

That paper of record the Gruinaid (Guardian), has come up with a set of pictures of a protest held in Palestine.

But its the lamest concept in protests ever. If you thought giant paper mache heads were the in thing then daaahlink thats just so last season…

So without further ado I present the most lame protest convergence idea in history.

The AVATAR/PALESTINE protest convergence….

I present AVARETARD.


An Avaretard protester climbing a "blockade" into Israel? It would help for consistency if the other protesters appeared to be following him, you know over where the other cameras are pointing and theres smoke plumes.


If only hed leave the plastic bag on....


Fortunately starvation of oxygen to the brain is unlikely to affect this tool...


Aieee!!!! I die, I die!! stagger stagger, crawl crawl....gurgle...


I actually feel pity for the poor old dude in front there...


Theres a few more piccies at the Guardian link, but I think I can safely say the lamest protest of 2010 has already been found.