In which I amuse myself at a government ministers expense.

Now funnily enough I happen to live in the town where this has just happened.



This may be the furthest south any group has landed, to put it in perspective, if it was the east coast they would have been landing just south of Brisbane.

So I thought id take the opportunity to have a poke at an Australian Senator, the man who described dismantling the old system (which saw refugee boat arrivals at single digits) as his “moment of “greatest satisfaction”.



Good day, this may come across as a little gloating but Im just mailing to inform you I told you so.

Some years ago now you called for submissions into the detention/refugee system, I put in a submission based on 5 years of working in the detention field and seeing its failings and traps.
You were the minister responsible at the time, I initially hoped your inquiry might be a genuine one. Silly i know.

My submission was rejected on the grounds my “information was out of date” and similar tosh.
I responded and received a borderline rude dismissal.

So here comes my gloat, nearly EVERY thing you did which has hurt your government with regards to immigration could have been easily avoided if you had been less of a fool and actually taken submissions from people who had seen the previous fuck ups and successes.

Your own ideological stupidity and arrogance made a rod for your own parties back. Your “greatest satisfaction” has become just one of your governments signature failures. If you have any ounce of intellectual curiosity I could still give you a workable solution to you asylum impasse gathered from years of talking with refugees themselves. But hey, you know better don’t you mate?

I currently live in Geraldton, as you may be aware we had a boatload turn up in the harbor here today.
Now I know you’ve moved on, your obvious stuff up notwithstanding, but just think of me as the slave who stood at Caesars ear whispering, “Respice te, hominem te memento” or “Look behind you, remember you are only a man”, some of us remember your past, even if you like to forget.
Yours, with ALL due respect.



And i really mean all the respect due to him, probably slightly outweighed by a gnats pubic hair.



“And I put one in my arse”, says future MENSA candidate.

This story from Australias best newspaper will bring tears to your eyes.

Its the story of a young man pushing back the boundaries of science in his quest for knowledge, pyrotchnics and human endurance.

But seriously how can you go past a front page like this one…

Genius, pure genius.


A few choice highlights from the reporting.

A MAN who suffered serious burns when friends lit a firecracker in his bum says he was just showing his visiting mates a Territory good time.

Alex Bowden, 23, of Wagaman, Darwin, put a spinning “flying bee” winged firework in his butt crack during a party at a rented house on Rossiter St, Rapid Creek on Saturday night.

His mate Todd Lovell lit the fuse.

“I had a few lads up from Queensland and I had to put on a good show,”


“It didn’t burn my balls or my back,” the fitter and turner said. “Just my fingers and my arse. “It was a pretty loose one, hey.”


His mate Reece McEwen said: “He screamed a little bit and there were a fair few f-words”.

But Mr Bowden denied that there were tears.

“You can’t sit here crying,” he said.


Anfd how is his family coping with the shame and embarassment??

Mr Bowen said his mother “thought it was funny”.

Full fathom 5 my Slipper lies.

The drama in Canberra has inspired me to discover a long lost poem by one Mr William Shakespere.

Full fathom 5 my slipper lies:

Of his reputation cesspools are made:

Those little turds that were his eyes:

Nothing of him that doth fade:

But doth suffer a Party-change:

Into something stink and manged:

Press gallery hourly ring his knell:


Fark, now I hear them,– Dong-Dong, Taxi!!

Original below the fold.

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A long fisking of a stupid Parlimentarian

I caught Christine Milne (Greens Tasmania) on ABC news radio yesterday  on Thursday during the opening speeches about the minerals taxation bill.

The sheer “did she just say that” stupidity was breathtaking… That she hasnt been pilloried in the press for it speaks volumes about the poor state of political reporting in Australia today.

So Im going to fisk it a little, its a loooong speech, so it will take quite a while, her speech will be plain text, my observations will be bold.


Order! The Senate is considering the minerals resource rent tax legislation as a package.

Senator MILNE

(Tasmania—Deputy Leader of the Australian Greens) (19:30):

I rise tonight to discuss what sort of future we aspire to have in this country, because, whilst the specific is the Minerals Resource Rent Tax Bill 2011 and associated legislation, the context in which we are debating this tax is what sort of vision do we have for Australia in the next 20, 30 or 50 years. How you raise the money and where you spend it will determine that kind of country, because the future is actually an extension of the present and it is shaped by the decisions and actions we make.

Here Christine is using her amazing intellect to tell us time is linear, and actions have consequences… probably the highest point of her speech

More, oh so much more.. under the fold

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Modern Australian education

Just received this bit of coursework from a mates son in year 8 school, Ive removed the names but its first hand, not one of the usual “internet memes” that you get 45th hand.

A year 8 English poem!!!   Bought home by ****** for an assignment. Opinions please!!


The miner rapes
The heart of earth
With his violent spade.
Stealing, bottling her black blood
For the sake of greedy trade.
On his metal throne of destruction,
He labours away with a will,
Piling the mountainous minerals high
With giant tool and iron drill.


The face of evil?

In his greedy lust for power,
He destroys old nature’s will.
For the sake of the filthy dollar,
He dirties the nest he builds.
Well he knows that violence
Of his destructive kind
Will be violently written
Upon the sands of time.


A pristine peoples nest, before the miners move in?

But time is running out
And time is close at hand,
For the Dreamtime folk are massing
To defend their timeless land.
Come gentle black man
Show your strength;
Time to take a stand.
Make the violent miner feel
Your violent
Love of land.
Oodgeroo Noonuccal.

My opinion?

What a heap of steaming greenie shit wrapped up in a “poor blackfellah me” story to try and give it respectability. The lady that wrote it was a Communist, and the name it was written under was her original one  Kath Walker, but plain old Kath Walker wouldnt sound mystical enough for the education department would it?


This type of bullshit propaganda completely ignores any of the massive plus sides of a modern manufactured life. Pencils, air con, computers, coal for electricity, steel, all used to improve the lives of millions of Australians.

Ignored for some mystical greenie gibberish which makes a fetish of a stone age way of life.

The Afghan Koran burning riots are purely political

Right, time to quote some of the beardie weirdies own rulings on the proper disposal of Korans back to them.

As most people are aware an entirely fabricated and stage managed “outrage” has erupted over the disposal of defaced korans in Afghanistan.

Even the Iranians are using it as a propaganda tool.

It has led to war graves of Sodiers who fought against nazi tyrrany being defaced in the now “free” country of Lybia being attacked and desecrated.

This makes me somewhat cross.


Years ago in Port hedland we had a large number of Korans damaged in a deliberately lit fire, the Imam was consulted about the proper methods of disposal for the damaged books.

The 2 suggested methods were a burial (which ened up being what was done) or burning them.

I would suggest the Korans which have caused this “outrage” were being disposed of in an entirely Islamicly agreeable manner.

But enough from me, let see what various “Ask the Imam” sites say about this.


Ummah forum: How do you destroy (if that’s the right word ) Quranic verses. So if you’ve got a Quran that is worn out with damaged pages etc, how should you dispose of it?

Daruliffta:How does one get rid of unwanted religious literature, such as religious books, leaflets with the name of Allah, etc? Also, please state the ruling on what should be done to the copies of Qur’an that are no longer in a useable state:

Islam Q&A: How much efforts should muslim put in to preserve the old copies of Quran? This certainly requires resources and expertise in preservation. There are many old copies of Quran in various libraries and homes but they are all dusted and in bad condition. How one should act in this situation where there is a desire to save such Mushaaf?.


Guess what is acceptable in all 3 as the disposal method?

My prefferred option.


Onlt one out of the 3 suggests burning as less than optimal, all 3 have it as a legitimate disposal method.


Indeed, if I was a military commander in Afghanistan I might suggest handing over the detainees who defaced the Korans in the first place for the customary punishments

“..Desecrating a copy of the Quran is punishable by imprisonment in some countries (life imprisonment in Pakistan, according to Article 295-B of the Penal Code) and has been punishable by death in Afghanistan, Somalia and Pakistan…”


This is purely confected outrage, call the shits out on it, ask if they are going against thier own religous rulings on this one.


I live in a city (and I use the term extremely loosely) named Frederick. Frederick, Maryland, to be exact. Frederick is located 45 miles west of Baltimore, 45 miles northwest of Washington, DC. There are somewhere between 50,000 and 75,000 people who live in greater Frederick/Walkersville/Braddock Heights/New Market. Metropolis it ain’t. In fact, up until the cost of housing in greater Washington pushed suburbia on Frederick, it was considered “the sticks”. Nowheresville. Residents of Frederick are referred to as “Frednecks“. You get the idea.

The Occupy movement, which started with Wall Street, evolved to include many cities in the US, including Los Angeles, Sacramento, Seattle, Cincinnati, Austin, Washington, and others. The main thing these cities have in common is that they are either state capitals or major population centers. And the main thing that Occupy protesters have in common is that they are leftist spoiled kids from the suburbs who think the world owes them a living.

So how do “Frederick, MD” and “Occupy” end up in the same sentence? Behold, Occupy Frederick!

Frederick has officially been occupied.

Members of Occupy Frederick set up tents and hung signs next to Carroll Creek on Market Street on Sunday afternoon in hopes of getting the word out about their Occupy Our Homes foreclosure event in early February.

Fifteen to 20 people braved below-freezing temperatures and trudged through snow in their winter coats, gloves and hats on Sunday, trying to stay warm while building awareness.

Building awareness. How very progressive! [cue puking noises]

I’m rather at a loss trying to figure out how left wing pukes “raising awareness” are going to fare among the Frednecks. Perhaps we Frednecks can raise THEIR awareness. Lessons they could learn include:

“Get a job!”
“Occupy THIS!”
“I got yer 99% RIGHT HERE!”
“Why don’t you ‘occupy’ a bathtub, you filthy hippy maggots!”

And, the one they most need to learn: “We don’t owe you shit!”

Another Australian underclass house.

Had a call letting me know a couple of my customers had abandoned their state house,  I went around to see if any of my goods were still there.

I was there on Thursday about 1500, and the house was locked up, bailiff notices on the doors, all secure.

Friday morning I went to the house with the lady from the Department of Housing, I beat her by about 5 minutes and found the place had been broken into overnight. Empty houses in an underclass neighborhood are an open invitation to burgle.

I confirmed a bit of the gear was mine (barely worth retrieving) and left. I went back a bit later with my other half and the camera, I think its necessary to document why some of the “poor” should be left in the street as an example to others.


The rather inviting front...This place was occupied for only around 8 months, on average it takes Homeswest a good 3 months to "take back" an abandoned property. Side of the house.

There is a very large backlog of people looking to get into Homeswest housing (government), due to it being cheaper than normal rent, and generally more secure tenure.
Yet people are able to treat them like this and walk away, homeswest know its useless trying to get anything back, and also know that in a few years they will have the same tenants applying again, as various houses (all taken under different family members names) are wrecked and abandoned.
My fathers wife is Vietnamese, her opinion “They should be allowed to die”, harsh but bugger me, the indirect misery and cost these feral turds cause is enormous.
The Homeswest lady tells me the place might be ready for a new tenant in 2 weeks.. Id be surprised if it was that quick.
Many more under the fold… Lots of piccies.

Forest rescue, brains of mush…

For those who came in late..

Forest rescue is yet another of those tedious self anointed savers of the world. In there world every form of industry and progress is bad and must be stopped, usually by pooling their dole payments and weed and strapping themselves to bits of machinery.

Unfortunately said machinery is not generally allowed to be switched on as long as they are strapped to it.

Recently 3 tools boarded a Japanese whaling vessel in an attempt to cause maximum drama.. The Japs havent played ball and offloaded them to an Australian customs vessel and they returned to Australian soil today.

Yes thats "captain" Watson visiting the ferals at their camp site. Wonder if they entered into a conspiracy to break the law while they were there?

 I thought Id have a look at their website to see if they received any corporate funding, apparently they dont… A rather non-transparent organisation when it comes to funds.

But I hit the mother lode when I had a look at the poems/drawings section on the website. A psychologist would have a field day analysing this stream of bong-smoke drivel.

All glory to the Hypnotoad.....

A second one for your viewing …pleasure… 

Abscence of organised religion isnt the same as non-religious.

I need a better class of customers.

Apologies for slacking off on the blog, but business has been draining at the moment, the last couple of weeks have been “special”….


Heres a few highlights.

Nice customer of mine, sweet old lady looking after her kids in a crap street. Department of housing just dropped 3 families from “out of town” there because of feuding in Mullewa.

Surprise, surprise they are still fighting in town, culminating in a street fight with about 150 or so people involved, sticks, rocks, shanghais and lots of fisticuffs over a day and a half. Right on the corner of my clients house. She moved everything of value she could into her bedroom as she expected her house to be smashed as well.

I had a chat to her for a while and she informed me Homeswest (public housing) had refused to put on security screens as she wasnt in a “high crime” area.

I gave our local MP a ring and it appears homeswest might be changing their mind on this one…

Yesterday, go to a clients place to pick up a washing machine for repair, spot police forensics at the end of the street taking photos. Pull up in the driveway and noticed I was parking on a heap of blood splatter.

A 15 year old girl had stabbed 3 people there the night before, off her tits on speed, my customers have decamped, I think its his sister who did the stabbing.

Today, bumped into a customer, he described some of the trials hes been in for the last few weeks. Brought a foil of dope from a dealer and had left the dealers house when he was bashed unconscious and had his dope and money stolen. Hes a Willuna bloke so hes got a few of his boys out looking for the assailants, says he will “cripple them” when they are found. Hes about 55.

His daughter had all her possessions stolen when she was about 2 weeks away from giving birth. In addition some blokes shot her in the head with ball bearing from a shanghai, split her head open but didnt drop her. Spoke quite proudly of how the doctors said “if your skull wasnt so thick it might have killed you”.

I might buy this soon...

Speaking to another older lady customer of mine and she blames a lot of it on facebook. Apparently the young ones are flat out baiting each other into fights and whole families are joining in.. plus the written word lasts longer than a spoken insult.

Im pretty sure my town will see a few murders soon, there have been a number of people bashed unconscious, and it just seems to be escalating. My mate the copper reckons its most likely to end with some house fires as people try to drive others out of town…

Nearly every bit of this dysfunction is people on welfare, black and white….

Mohammed cartoons… again

A French magazine called Charlie Hebdo was set to publish an issue with a cartoon Mohammed on the cover and their offices were firebombed.

Mohammed says "100 lashes, if you don't die with laughter!"

Mahomet has buttocks on his head

Time magazine’s Paris bureau chief Bruce Crumley then wrote a disappointing piece full of vitriol aimed not at whoever the firebomber might be but at the publisher.

Although the current title is “Firebombed French Paper Is No Free Speech Martyr” judging from the URL the original title was “Firebombed French Paper A Victim Of Islamists Or Its Own Obnoxious Islamophobia” He opens with :

Okay, so can we finally stop with the idiotic, divisive, and destructive efforts by “majority sections” of Western nations to bait Muslim members with petulant, futile demonstrations that “they” aren’t going to tell “us” what can and can’t be done in free societies?

Read the rest of this entry »

Remember the live cattle trade ban?

With all the hoohah over the past few days over PM Gillard’s carbon (dioxide!) tax, it’s perhaps easy to forget some of the other current stuff-ups Labor is actively involved with.

Ten weeks on and there’s still no deal with Malaysia over a refugee swap.

There’s the mining super profits tax – not just the carbon tax – that our biggest industry with have to put up with.

There’s the $36 billion NBN that still somehow has to be paid for. Meanwhile, a bloke who just bought a new house can’t get a copper phone line connected – Telstra have stopped doing that – and has to wait three-odd years for his fibre cable.

And there’s the ongoing damage from the government’s naive decision to stop the live cattle trade (since resumed but so much damage is yet to be undone).

The suspension, prompted by cruelty concerns, was lifted last week and Indonesia plans to issue fresh import permits to get things moving over the next three months.

But Gulf Savannah Development says trade is still dependent on permits flowing through quickly.

The group’s chairman, Carpentaria Shire mayor Fred Pascoe, said it could take years to recover the costs from missing an important trading period with Indonesia.

“To be honest, I think we’d rather front a category 5 cyclone than the high pressure storm created by the government,” he said.

Mr Pascoe said it could take months to re-establish supply chain protocols.

Meanwhile, the Queensland manager of Australia’s largest livestock transport company doubts business will ever be the same.

Why isnt this man a greens candidate?

I was perusing the ABC site when I came across this news item on the cattle trade being reopened, and how some in the Labour party were unhappy with that.

Kelvin Thomson is one of the nine backbenchers who have expressed concern about the announcement, demanding a “no stun, no deal” policy.

He says the main problem is that the international guidelines do not ensure cattle are stunned before they are killed.


I thought Id have a look at Mr Thomson and his background.

My conclusion… the mans a loon.

From his own Bio:


Kelvin Thomson is a tireless campaigner for population stabilisation, for action on climate change, and for the protection of Australia’s beautiful and fragile environment.

Hmm, population stabilisation… what could that mean?

Well it appears Mr Thomson was author of  “Kelvin Thomsons 14 point plan for population reform” a rather creepy document.

Much more under the fold


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Governor Moonbeam strikes again

Governor Jerry Brown of Kahleefornia must have felt that he hadn’t left enough wreckage his first stint as Governer (1975-1983), during which he earned the moniker “Governor Moonbeam” as a result of his wacky libtard ways. Apparently he learned absolutely nothing in the ensuing 28 years, because he’s still finding new and inventive ways to ruin the Golden State. Ladies and gentlemen: how NOT to generate tax revenues. today said it will sever ties with some 10,000 affiliates in California to protest the Internet sales-tax law signed by Gov. Jerry Brown Wednesday.

The big online retailer has been threatening to cut those ties since February. In emails today to its California affiliates, Amazon called the bill “unconstitutional and counterproductive. ” The bill is part of the budget package passed by the Legislature.

The affiliates are businesses and nonprofits that have Amazon links on their websites. When someone clicks through that link and buys something from Amazon, the affiliate gets a fee.

Under the bill, Amazon will have to collect sales tax on all sales to Californians.

People like Governor Moonbeam are not called libtards for nothing. Brown knew that Amazon was going to do this because…wait for it…they’ve been telling him so since February. And yet he STILL signed the bill into law! I wonder how many jobs (and the tax revenues they provide) will be lost as a result of this ass-headed attempt to put a gun to Amazon’s head and extort tribute from them.


Road trip!

Let’s do it!

How about the cattle farmers stick it back to that Gillard?

Click for full size.

Yes. We’re talking loading 100-odd trucks – or more – with now unsaleable cattle and sending them down to the lawns of Parliament House. There’s lush green grass there for them to feed on and even a water fountain for them to drink from (not to mention the sprinklers could be utilised).

Bugger all else they can do with that season’s worth of cattle now, is there?

It would send a clear message.

Spot has even included a handy directions guide (where the map comes from).

Is this the radio interview that cost Julia government?

UPDATE at the bottom 29/6/11

Caught part of this interview driving around work today.

Its devastating.

Nice place, shame if anything were to happen to it.... Guv'ner

Heres the only bit of transcript up now.

The live cattle export ban to Indonesia is the last straw for one of the Territory’s well known cattle families.Bullo River Station, located 800 kilometres south west of Darwin, has been put on the market.The 160,000-hectare property is well known as the home of the late author and cattle queen Sara Henderson.But her daughter Marlee Ranacher says with no income since late last year, the business is no longer viable.”It was a progression of things that led to it.”Last year there was a weight and class restriction set by the Indonesia Government… following a very very long record Wet season.”Then just as we were about to send some cattle off, with 24 hours notice, the entire industry was shut down.”I mean, most people get more notice when they lose a job, don’t they?”How exactly are we going to buy the diesel fuel that pumps water for the cattle?”Where do they go? Who feeds them? It’s really really hard.”

Heres a link to the interview.

She pins the blame squarely on Julia Gillard, and makes a couple of extremely interesting points.

1: The ban is hitting at the critical time of the year for northern producers. Unless stock leave for feedlots now they will be trapped by the wet season. So even if Julia announces a “solution” in a months time there will be no way of shipping them off.

2: The ABC has colluded with animal rights groups to time this quite deliberately. She makes the claim the ABC has been sitting on the footage since January. I will send a query to 4 corners on this but dont expect an answer.

3: The land will be overstocked massively soon. There will be 2 seasons worth of cattle on the same land.

4: The excess cattle are unsaleable due to the 350kg weight limit on cattle. What will happen?

5: A whole seasons cattle will have to be shot.

I can’t emphasise enough listen to this interview, if you are strapped for time just listen to the last 1/2.

Its heartbreaking, Gillard and her green/4 corners mates should be pilloried for this, the deliberate destruction of a whole industry. Thousands out of work directly, and many, many more businesses ruined, truckies, helicopter musterers, feed lot owners. All ruined. Once that infrastructure is gone it will take decades to get back…. or Julia could declare it a national park… Just for Bob.

If you dont choke up hearing her say “we have to shoot them”… well you must be a greenie.


UPDATE: Bob Brown has announced his paries plans to completely stop ALL live exports.

From His speech to the national press club:

  • Rachel Siewert’s Live Animal Export (Slaughter) Prohibition Bill would stop the export of live animals for slaughter now – not in three years as in the Xenophon-Wilkie bill. Export of live animals too often ends up in cruelty and it also ships Australian jobs and profits off-shore;

Slavery, war booty, all good in Kuwait..

She applies makeup with a trowel, but her inner ugliness shines through..

This article caught my attention today, a Kuwaiti female politician calling for slavery to be allowed in order to curb mens sexual frustrations.


Given the lady in question has a face like a busted arsehole maybe her husband has put her up to this?


Men should be allowed sex slaves and female prisoners could do the job – and all this from a WOMAN politician from Kuwait


Now reverse the religions to “Christian politician calls for Islamic slaves to be kept in forced concubinage”  and you wouldnt be able to see the sun for the smoke from the flags of said country burning.


A Kuwaiti woman who once ran for parliament has called for sex slavery to be legalised – and suggested that non-Muslim prisoners from war-torn countries would make suitable concubines.

Salwa al Mutairi argued buying a sex-slave would protect decent, devout and ‘virile‘ Kuwaiti men from adultery because buying an imported sex partner would be tantamount to marriage.
Heres an idea for you mole woman, how about discouraging polygamy by wealthy men? You know, unless you are planning on finding a war or 2 to mop up the surplus frustrated blokes left over?

She suggested shopping for prisoners of war so as to protect Kuwaiti men from being tempted to commit adultery or being seduced by other women’s beauty.

‘For example, in the Chechnyan war, surely there are female Russian captives,’ she said.

Putin doesnt think so...

‘So go and buy those and sell them here in Kuwait. Better than to have our men engage in forbidden sexual relations.’ 
So in bizzaro world prostitution is bad, and those doing it are worthy of the death penalty, but slavery and forced intercourse are just spiffing?? The mind boggles.

Mutairi said that during a recent visit to Mecca, she asked Saudi muftis – Muslim religious scholars – what the Islamic ruling was on owning sex slaves. They are said to have told her that it is not haram.

The ruling was confirmed by ‘specialized people of the faith’ in Kuwait, she claimed.

‘They said, that’s right, the only solution for a decent man who has the means, who is overpowered by desire and who does not want to commit fornication, is to acquire jawari.’ Jawari is the plural of the Arabic term jariya, meaning ‘concubine’ or ‘sex slave’.

One Saudi mufti supposedly told Mutairi: ‘The context must be that of a Muslim nation conquering a non-Muslim nation, so these jawari have to be prisoners of war.’ 

Concubines, she argued, would suit Muslim men who fear being ‘seduced or tempted into immoral behaviour by the beauty of their female servants’.

Islam is a mental illness..

Congressman(‘s) Weiner

Weiner awardSome guys just never learn. Sean Salisbury. Brett Favre. And now aptly-named Congress-critter Anthony “wanna see my” Weiner.

Our debt ceiling is yet to be raised as the healthcare debate looms large, yet the most important political news of the moment revolves around a Brooklyn representative’s penis.

As Weiner himself noted, “The jokes write themselves.”

I thought Weiner was a little stiff at his news converence.

What’s the difference between a Democrat and a Republican? About 6 inches.

An inch more he’d be a king; an inch less he’d be a queen.

The police investigated whether a penis picture was displayed. The case was thrown out due to lack of evidence.

(Insert the “wiener” joke of your choice here)

Save Australia — Close London’s Decommissioned Battersea Power Station! [Updates]

Oh no they didn’t…  Oh yes they did!

Check out the nasty filth-spewing power station featuring in this ad pushing for a tax on Australia’s carbon dioxide emissions:

That’s right… an English power station.  A closed English power station.  Battersea, as featured on the cover of the Pink Floyd album Animals:

And yes, that’s a flying pig:

Beyond parody™.

UPDATE Poll: Should the Warmies have let MARTIN write their “Say Yes” ad for them?

UPDATE 2:  Now that’s better…  Say YES, We Want An Election!  (h/t Catallaxy)

UPDATE 3:  Oh, please.

Australian Conservation Foundation climate and clean energy campaigner Phil Freeman last night denied the Battersea Power Station image was used, insisting it was a “representation of a power station taken from a stock image”.

Tim Blair:  “They take us for fools.

UPDATE 4: Adam has another Youtube video debunking the lies in the Yay-4-CarbonTax ad







Australian squalor, welcome to the underclass.

As I posted a couple of times before, I work mainly with the underclass in my town.

Recently a long term customer took off leaving behind most of my stuff locked into her house, apparently she’s run up a lot of bills around town and is skipping to “start afresh”. Her sister was left with a load of lies (I’m back tomorrow/next day/next week etc) and the house keys.

She called up and allowed me access to retrieve my stuff. While we were there my other half took a load of “happy snaps”. The sister gave permission, she was as disgusted as us, she is currently on a waiting list for a Homeswest property but may be waiting months yet.

This is how a portion of the Australian underclass chooses to live.

Some of the pics are disgusting and might upset a few people, but this is reality.

The lady in question has 4 children under 10, there were 3 dogs (oldest one left behind) 4 cats as a rough estimate her income is around 1300 per fortnight of pension payments.

The house is public housing (Homeswest), who apparently carry out inspections of their properties. So this is a Western Australian government owned asset.

Captions under each photo.

Read the rest of this entry »

Oh dear me Sarah..

Poor misguided soul Sarah Hanson-Young has ventured another opinion piece for the SMH.

Photo pinched from Col. Neville

Its just as vapid and fisk worthy as her first one, and as much as Ive tried to resist the temptation I have to go through this one as well.

Read the rest of this entry »

Fisking Sarah Hanson-Young

Oh goody, shes written another piece full of “facts” for the age

Were you to arrive in Australia and read the front pages of our newspapers you would be forgiven for thinking that we are living in some type of black hole, devoid of information, news and expert opinion from the rest the world.

I dont know if shes noticed, but the thing shes writing on is called a “newspaper”, what shes being fisked on is a new fangled “computer”.

What other possible explanation could there be for the ignorance of those who warn of the end of civilisation were a carbon tax to established than by claiming Australia would be out on a limb, leading the world.

The explanation that they see a scam, and your best efforts at convincing them are crap? Have a look at your side, they are the ones claiming 50,000,000 climate refugees would be created by…last year…

Leading the world? You’ve got to be joking. Many other countries have already put a price on carbon and introduced realistic pollution reduction targets.  And while they are spending significant public and private dollars firming up investment in the technologies and energy sources for the future, Australia is still locked in a debate over whether big polluters should even pay for their pollution.

Baby steps first Sarah, you havent convinced 51% of the Australian population that carbon dioxide is going to cause global catastrophe yet. Get that out of the way and you’ll find it much easier.

Ill Type this slowly so you can comprehend it. China is now the worlds highest overall emitter of carbon. This chart is from the “union of concerned scientists” they are on your side.



Total Emissions
(Million Metric Tons of CO2)

Per Capita Emissions (Tons/Capita)

1. China



2. United States



What does that tell you Sarah? China is going to expand its energy consumption roughly fourfold to western standards over the next few decades. Even if you assume 75% of that growth will be “renewables” the absolute growth in emissions would double.

Unfortunately this isn’t just leaving us with a reputation of being environmentally blind, it is also costing us real jobs right here in our own backyard.

No its not costing us jobs, point out a job lost, right now,  which isnt relying on a subsidy generated by taxing someone?

Let’s just take Europe for example, where many countries have already had a carbon tax for 10 years or more.

Let look at France then eh? One of the biggest movers and shakers in the EU.

I’ve just returned from an official parliamentary delegation to Denmark, Sweden and Greece, meeting with various governments, MPs, businesses and industry leaders. Meeting after meeting the message was clear –  Australia is far behind in tackling greenhouse gas emissions and absent in using smart investment choices to drive the use of renewable energy.

Hmm lets look at Greece then. Heres George Papandreou, the Greek prime minister….

“We need a mechanism which can be funded through different forms and different ways,” he said. “My proposal is that taxes such as a financial tax or carbon dioxide taxes could be important revenues and resources for funding such a mechanism.”

Im sure Swedens much better eh?

• Sweden gets all its electricity either from hydroelectric power or nuclear plants

Business leaders wanting to invest in Australia would say “Australia has great wind, solar opportunities but until there’s a carbon price we can’t afford to start-up there”.

Otherwise know as “we can’t operate at an economically competitive price, please cripple the competition and give us subsidies”…

The delegation would have to explain that Australia is lagging because we still don’t have an agreement from some parties that polluters should pay for their pollution and that the market should be given the signals to drive reform.

“The market” will be artificially created by legislation, will rely on legislation to sustain it, and will cripple the non-services based sectors of our economy. Your “Market” is much like saying the Taliban have established a “Market” in beards. Its not a market if it is forced on people.

Admittedly, many European countries had to change their ways some 30 years ago as a result of the oil crisis in the Middle East, forcing them to find more self-sufficient ways to power their homes and industry. Development in wind-power, hydro-electricity and bio-fuel among others ensured that there has been a multi-source mix of power for decades.

No nukes still?  Hmm what else was happening here in Oz about that long ago?? (cough/Franklin river dam/cough) If only we’d had politicians enlightened enough to build hydro power eh? Still we are smarter now eh?

Now, in the face of climate change, the EU members have signed up to the 20-20-20 platform (20 per cent emission reductions with at least 20 per cent of renewable power and energy efficiency increase all by 2020).  And as a result there is now a race between the countries as to who can be more ambitious in order to secure the industry investment on their soil.

You need to adjust a policy or 2 of your own first Sarah

“President Barroso began by stressing how today’s unprecedented global financialcrisis has made the EU all the more determined to “move ahead with its climatechange package” and fulfil its 20-20-20 targets and. He then delivered his coremessage, namely that all low-carbon energy sources, including nuclear energyand renewables, must be exploited if the goals of the package are to be achievedand Europe’s low-carbon future is to be secured.”

While countries like Sweden have had a carbon tax for 20 years, the debate in parliaments throughout Europe is how they can become carbon neutral by 2050. The idea that those who pollute should pay for the cost of that pollution is simply understood as commonsense. Political parties from the far-right to the far-left agree with a carbon tax and the need to reduce pollution. 

You can spout Sweden has had a form of the tax for 20 years, yet you missed this little tit-bit

Sweden currently has three operational nuclear power plants, with ten operational nuclear reactors, which produce about 45% of the country’s electricity. The nation’s largest power station, Ringhals Nuclear Power Plant, has four reactors and generates about a fifth of Sweden’s annual electricity consumption. The power plants in Forsmark and Oskarshamn each have three reactors.

You might also note they are a huge consumer of their own populations monies through taxes. Funnily enough politicians of all stripes like lots of money.

“Those who pollute” are THoSE WHO CONSUME, ford doesnt make cars and force them on people, coke doesnt make drinks that force you to drink them. Can you explain, in small simple words, how a tax on energy isnt a consumption tax of the most basic variety?

With no exemptions for bread/water/heating etc.

They all agree with the polluter pays system and that taking action on climate change can also be good for business.

How is taxing industry a good thing? Are you seriously trying to lower the living standards of whole populations for the first time since the industrial revolution?

The message to take home from our European cousins is that we are falling embarrassingly behind in facing the realities of climate change. From a business perspective our lacklustre someone-else-will-wash-the-dishes attitude is costing investment opportunities and real jobs in manufacturing, construction and service delivery.

You are really stupid enough to write this?

“.. investment opportunities and real jobs in manufacturing, construction and service delivery.”

While Australian industry at the moment complains of constraints caused by labour shortages due to massive investment in real, existing, producing things economy now?

And to Barnaby Joyce, who doesn’t want Australia to lead the way – well, it’s okay, no need to worry, we’re not.

Id take a one Barnaby over a dozen of your sort any day sweetheart.
Ps: When will you be taking a “hard hat” tour of the mining regions of the pillbara like Mr Abbot just did? You know go out among the great unwashed and prolesterise to the non-converted?Read more:

Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste: Earthquake? Tsunami? Global Warming!!!

We all knew this was going to happen – it was just a matter of “when”.  As it turns out, it didn’t take very long at all.

Hours after a massive earthquake rattled Japan, environmental advocates connected the natural disaster to global warming.  The president of the European Economic and Social Committee, Staffan Nilsson, issued a statement calling for solidarity in tackling the global warming problem.

“Some islands affected by climate change have been hit,” said Nilsson. “Has not the time come to demonstrate on solidarity – not least solidarity in combating and adapting to climate change and global warming?”

“Mother Nature has again given us a sign that that is what we need to do,” he added.

Lee Doren of the Competitive Enterprise Institute has been collecting some of the highlights – er, lowlights – via Twitter.  See them here at The Daily Caller.

UPDATE:  “Global warming alarmists are to natural disasters what the Westboro Baptist Church is to military funerals.” Just so.

UPDATE 2:  Tim Blair on Anthropogenic Tectonic Warming®.  You know it makes sense!

h/t @LDoren, @JTlol, @DailyCaller

Ive “Bee”n busy


A bag of Julias carbon credits to anyone who can Identify what Ive been up to by looking at that piccie.

Moreunder the fold.

Read the rest of this entry »

Australia’s Carbon Tax: Brought To You By Julia’s Ratchet-Jawed Purveyors Of Monkey-Doodle And Baked Wind

In honour of The Labor-Green Carbon Tax They Promised We Wouldn’t Have, let’s revisit my favourite part of the lecture PJ O’Rourke delivered to the Centre for Independent Studies (@CISOZ) in Sydney a couple of years ago:

America has wound up with a charming leftist as a president. And this scares me. This scares me not because I hate leftists. I don’t. I have many charming leftist friends. They’re lovely people – as long as they keep their nose out of things they don’t understand. Such as making a living.

When charming leftists stick their nose into things they don’t understand they become ratchet-jawed purveyors of monkey-doodle and baked wind. They are piddlers upon merit, beggars at the door of accomplishment, thieves of livelihood, envy coddling tax lice applauding themselves for giving away other people’s money. They are the lap dogs of the poly sci-class, returning to the vomit of collectivism. They are pig herders tending that sow-who-eats-her-young, the welfare state. They are muck-dwelling bottom-feeders growing fat on the worries and disappointments of the electorate. They are the ditch carp of democracy.

And that’s what one of their friends says.

Although no one would ever accuse anyone in Australia’s current LaborGreen government (‘Seriously. Just look at them’) of being “charming”, the rest fits like a glove.



Update: We ask our Australian readers to ‘Just Say No to Monkey-Doodle and Baked Wind’ by signing this petition (5000+ signatures so far and counting) sponsored by Menzies House.  And if you’re on Twitter, please follow & support @MenziesHouse, @NoCarbonTax and Community Organiser par excellence @Tim_Andrews. Cheers.