Greenpeace to close the internet

Isnt it a bugger when fluffy envirotard ideas run up against reality. The ABC is carrying this story:

Internet giants powered by coal, Greenpeace says

The “cloud” of data that is becoming the heart of the internet is creating an all-too-real cloud of pollution as Facebook, Apple and others build data centres powered by coal, Greenpeace says in a new report.


Greenpeaces head of tech, yesterday.

Wonderful, Greenpeace have finally made the link between advanced technology and energy, lets see where that leads them.

The organisation argues that web companies should be more careful about where they build and should lobby more for clean energy.


Oh I see youd like them to increase their overheads by using more expensive power options, and do your propagandizing for you….good luck with that swampy.

Cheap and plentiful, coal is the top fuel for US power plants, and its low cost versus alternative fuels makes it attractive, even in highly energy-efficient data centres.

Apple, Facebook, Microsoft Corp, Yahoo Inc and Google Inc have at least some centres that rely heavily on coal power, Greenpeace said.


Hmmm huge, profitable and highly competitive,  why I bet they are just lining up to sign up to power which isnt even reliable to provide base load, after all Im sure customers wont mind hours of the “Blue screen of death” if its for Gaia….

Most of the companies declined to publish details of their data centres.

All said, however, they considered the environment in business decisions, and most said they were aggressively pursuing energy efficiency.


Gee I wonder why they wouldnt tell you where their most vulnerable points are crusties? Id encourage greenpeace to take this as far as then can, full page ads calling for the stopping of the internet, after all your committed donors will stick with you right??? right?

Heres the blurb from greenpeace itself.

The iPad, internet, climate change link in the spotlight


The report builds on previous industry research and shows that at current growth rates data centres and telecommunication networks will consume about 1,963 billion kilowatts hours of electricity in 2020. That is more than triple their current consumption and more than the current electricity consumption of France, Germany, Canada and Brazil combined. However, the report also shows how IT can avert climate chaos by becoming a transformative force advocating for solutions that increase the use of renewable energy


Stock tip: Go long on coal.

For example, Facebook recently announced the construction of its own data center in Prineville, Oregon, running primarily on coal.


Good, that is called maximizing your business returns by reducing you outlay…

Facebook members aren’t taking this sitting down. More than 365,00 have joined groups in the weeks since Facebook’s announcement, calling on the company to quit coal and become a climate leader.


Now if I were head of facebook Id be offering each of those 365,000 a chance to really show their commitment by only putting up their pages for 3 hours a day, at random, and broken into random sized sets of time. Oh and the platform would only support 100,000 of them on at any one time, or the music stops and the screen goes black and white…. As committed environmentalists Im sure theyd be prepared to take one for the team….

A crusty, yesterday.

These people are crazy, and its about time some of the big companies actively told them that. They arent happy with you, no sacrifice you make will appease them, so you may as well take them on.

In addition Greenpeace, you are going to pit your ideals against the combined testosterone of millions of teenage boys…good luck with that.


Ask someone who you know is a left-winger if they think they are left wing.

Roger writes a story.

Well at leasrt we can be pretty sure this reporters editor has a sense of humour.

Ht: Obnoxio

Check the reporters name, just made for the story....

Posted in Funny, WIN!. 6 Comments »

Unintended consequences?

A lot of complaints from the “guardian” class of people seems to centre on the terrible exploitation of others by property owners who rent out houses. Theres also the same level of wailing about how expensive property has become due to investors buying up/renting out most of the cheaper housing stock.

I have a theory on this, and would invite anyone to pick it apart.

Most property investors are the “mum&dad” type, not educated enough or comfortable with either stocks, money managers or “exotic” schemes.

At the same time inflation, over 10 years,  of around 2.5% per year sees them loosing around 35% of that “saved” money if they were to stick it under a mattress, or slightly (very slightly) less if they banked the money.

Heres the Wiki figures, tell me why (in the absence of a crash) you wouldnt invest in real estate in Australia?

Between 1998 and 2008 inflation was about 36%[30] yet property prices inflated by more than 300% in all capital cities except Melbourne (up 280%) and Sydney (up 180%)

So given cash goes backwards, most investments have an element of risk, lack of control or both where is an average person to invest their money? Housing in Australia is a rather large bubble waiting to burst, but the government isnt willing to risk deflating it anytime soon. A reflection of how much is tied up in housing can be seen by the devastation in America, where it was largely residential homes that triggered the financial crisis.


Australia treats property investment much different to nearly any other type. Live for a few years in a house and when you sell it, the profit is taxed at a massively lower rate than any similar item sold.

I blame the taxation system for the massive overinvestment and price bubble in Australia. The desire was good, more properties available for renters, more small investors, but it has become a monster.

Im not calling for a swathe of new taxes on housing though, but a realisation that the investment market is massively distorted  by the taxes levied on every other type of “ordinary” investment. If, for example the government was to cease taxing bank deposits the “average” investor might begin to see that as an attractive and less risky proposition to investment housing. Again this might begin to distort the flow of money, but I think its time the housing bubble was deflated softly in Oz, rather than allowing the upwards spiral to continue.

The problem isnt “greedy investors” its the inevitable result of the government taxing most other “unsophisticated” investment options. If they were to lessen taxes on other investment options it might take a lot of the heat (and the huge risk building) out of the housing market.

Challenge issued

Re a current debate: (see comments)

:I am sad vs et. al. to comment about the good in each other and each other’s cultures:

et. al. has to write something positive about Muslims and specifically Arabs.

“I am sad” (and/or co.) has to write something good about the West and about Israel.

– and, preferably, keep the dialogue flowing.

Posted in Temp. 12 Comments »

Tizona healthcare announcement

It’s been a big day.

Yet in the midst of this, Tizona management has been unable to comment.

Despite Democrat reassurances, Angus Dei’s sex change operation is still hanging in the balance.

Initial surgery went well. But until the Senate vote… well, we just don’t know.

He’s been trying to recuperate in Vegas.

We thought conditions compared to Texas would be the same. Hot. Dry.
We await CSI Texas.

Posted in Temp. 5 Comments »

Men are sometimes a touch odd

The other half alerted me to this touching story of the triumph of love over the brutal constraints of society….I wish she hadn’t. 

I have sex with my car! 

The man himself...


Like many men, Jordan Witham is obsessed with his car. But while most boy racers would draw the line at a wax and polish, his obsession has gone into overdrive.

The 20 year old is in love with his Volkswagen Beetle – and has been having sex with it for four years.



Jordan is one of just a handful of extreme car lovers in the world known as mechaphiles, and says his obsession was fuelled as a child. 


“I could feel myself falling in love while I worked on Ingo,” he says. “I once became so aroused, I started rubbing her bodywork and masturbating. It didn’t feel strange, just really exciting.

“After a few minutes, I felt a desire to connect with her further, so I had penetrative sex with the exhaust pipe.”
“I don’t always have sex with the car,” he explains. “Sometimes I stroke and kiss her bodywork, or rub myself up against her. If I’ve just been driving her, I have to wait for the exhaust pipe to cool down before I have sex. And I always use a condom because of all the dirt and dust inside.”


Pope Benedict disapproves or your tomfoolery!!


Now he has spent a further £200 on a “boy” car, a Trans Am he calls Todd, and is experimenting with a “gay” relationship.

Wrongness+wrongness is still wrong.


I have no words


I really, really wouldnt get this car alarm if  Mr Witham is in the area… 

National appeal for the dead.

Just an oldie but a goodie from “the kentucky fried movie”.. for some reason I couldnt find “Catholic high school girls in trouble”…

Posted in Funny, Temp. 4 Comments »

Karl Winn, Uberdouche

Check out the form on this moral midget

A programme which attempts to place ex soldiers in work sent an enquiry to this company, Webeurope net design, received the following dismissal from the walking excrement that is its owner.

I prefer child molesters, or rapists...

Boss Karl Winn would rather hire paedophiles than former soldiers


Winn, a former social worker, replied: “Personally, I’d rather recruit ex-drug dealers, convicts and even child molesters rather than consider anybody who has been in the pay of the British Government

“Anybody who has been in the pay of such a military force, and by their silence and complicity has condoned such illegal and immoral actions while accepting a monthly blood-stained pay-packet, certainly will not be considered for employment by us!

“Please remove us from your email list. Regards, Karl.”

After the sentient turd saw how this might blow up he attempted to clarify the matter, by blaming it on someone else,

From the sun newspaper

Winn tried to deny he wrote the email when The Sun first challenged him. He blamed a “disgruntled” worker he sacked, who had managed to hack into his personal email.

But confronted by further emails between him and the FRS he caved in and admitted he had written them – but refused to apologise.
So he used the truth as the last resort, how….something of him.

Ex-pedophiles and drug addicts who have been charged and paid the price for their actions deserve a chance to get on with their lives. In my opinion, military personnel who have got away with murder do not,” he said.

“I will therefore continue with my blanket ban on employing ex-military personnel. I understand this will affect innocent as well as guilty people.”


Mind you hes not hiding it anymore, heres from his own business website.

Karl Winn, Webeurope’s founder and principal owner, has for many years supported numerous organisations (NGO’s), such organisations include: –

  • The International Human Rights Network – Supporting others in applying Human Rights Based Approaches to UN Agencies, countries, and organisations.
  • Film Makers Against War – FAW seeks to educate and raise awareness of UK and international war law
  • Art and Sacred Places – Encourages the interaction of art and religion by commissioning artists to make work in sacred places.
  • Relatives for Justice – A northern Ireland based organisation that supports and campaigns on behalf of the families of the 367 men, women, and children, who have been killed by members of the British Military and Police services. The campaign seeks to bring the perpetrators of such killings before the courts.


Now far from being vindictive Im merely going to post this fellows business details in an attempt to drum up more business for him. Let it not be said Im encouraging anyone to spam his inbox with pictures of white feathers, much like the ones under the fold….

Read the rest of this entry »

The Only Thing Black at the Coffee Parties is… the Coffee

You know how the leftards are always harping on the TEA Parties being nothing but angry racist whites? Well…

Take a look at the Coffee Party Flickr photos. Note the profound lack of diversity: Virtually nothing but middle aged whites. Why, they must be racists!

Meanwhile, Alfonzo Rachael was a keynote speaker at a TEA Party rally recently.


ACORN by any other name would smell as foul

One suspects this will be the case even if their buddies desperately re-brand themselves in an attempt (vain?) to clean up what is a very tainted image.

Affiliates of the once mighty liberal activist group ACORN are remaking themselves in a desperate bid to ditch the tarnished name of their parent organization and restore federal grants and other revenue streams that ran dry in the wake of a video scandal.

The letters A, C, O, R and N are coming off office doors from New York to California. Business cards are being reprinted. New signs with new names are popping up in front of offices.

The breakaways are trying to shed the scandal that emerged six months ago when videos showed some ACORN workers giving tax tips to conservative activists posing as a pimp and prostitute. But while their names are different, most groups have kept the same offices and staff.

Nice try.

H/T Drudge

*cross-posted at James Board

Athiest stupidity, addition to Mr Bolts thread.

Andrew Bolt has a post up looking at an unusually crass attack on Christianity by a bunch of the usual suspects.

Wow, how cutting edge, Phillip “Mao hat” Adams, Peter “root your dog” Singer, Richard “I dont belive anything, except Christians are evil” Dawkins, Robyn “I believe 100 metres” Williams and a bunch of others. Not to mention Bolts favourite Catherine Devney.

I had a little look for another example of the secularists hostility towards Christianity and came across this little gem.

A Texas college campus is locked in a fierce debate after a group of students launched the “smut for smut” campaign, trading bibles and other religious texts for porn

One small kudo to them though, they do show the Koran as a religious text as one of the religious books they will trade.

Heres a link to the fox news report on the group, theres an ad at the beginning, sorry about that. Report

Now Im not a God botherer, devil dodger or anything of the sort, but I cant work out the implacable hostility many non believers have against established religion. Yup lots of bad things have been done in its name, but a shitload more has happened with nothing to do with it.

The only explanation I can see is a wish to be free from “norms”, may of which were established in god fearing times. Rather silly I think.

PETArds strike again

Following on from the unrivalled success of their “sea kittens“, and “milk gone wild” debacles PETA proudly presents the latest in its series of interactive games designed to brainwash stimulate young minds.

Its Based on the popular cooking mama games kids play.

The original

Bur t being PETArds they couldnt let the opportunity go by without their trademark “traumatized a kid to save a mollusk” gore to go with it.

So heres the PETA game Cooking Mama, mama kills animals.

PETArds version

Heres a second game only notable for 2 things. Pamela Anderson being used as a role model and the rather unfortunate double entendre in one of the cut scenes. One of the Mario Brothers hops into a car with the personalised number plates “moustache ride”.

Yes it means what you think it does...

Pams had a few of those…

So heres the second game, an anti-McDonalds platformer. The cut scene in question is just after the first level of the game… I loled

A missed opportunity…

Now this is either the bravest or stupidest man in the world, I angling for stupid myself.

Still it took a lot of balls…

Streaker stuns Crufts judges by running into arena

..As competitors watched the judging of the Gundog group on the fourth day of the canine showcase, the man ran into the arena at the National Exhibition Centre (NEC) in Birmingham…

Now I dont know about you but I wouldnt pick a dog show as the perfect place to run around unclothed.

Look out its a FURRY!!!!Look out doggies its a furry!!! (link NSFW)

Mind you if someone had a laser pointer in the crowd it could have been quite amusing..

Nurse, a hand here!

This story might have something to do with why I dont want to be a paramedic anymore…

Sex is not healthcare, union says

Hmmm, like I needed an excuse to go looking for this picture...

A Dutch healthcare union has kicked off a campaign to brace nurses and other caretakers against sexual requests made by patients. Its motto: “I draw the line here”.

..a recent incident between a 42-year old man and his new 24-year-old home caretaker. A muscle disorder has left the man unable to move anything but his mouth and eyes. The man asked his new caretaker, a student, to relief him of his natural urges, saying that his other seven caretakers did the same for him. The young women saw two of her colleagues do so indeed. When she refused, her patient called her unfit for healthcare…


Be careful what you wish for... (one flew over the cuckoos nest)

Now without wanting to be disrespectful to the chap whos obviously doing it hard with his disability, but there are people who will look after that for you, they are called prostitutes. Nurses are there to provide heath care, not hand jobs.

Ive also heard that Nancy Pelosi is willing to slip into a nurses uniform if she thinks it will get Obamacare passed.

Posted in Health, WIN!, WTF. 1 Comment »

Climategate hits NASA

According to Chris Horner of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, three out of the four main temperature data sets in the world are irrevocably corrupted or even fabricated. And NASA’s data set can’t really be used because they took their data from CRU (East Anglia), where this whole Climategate mess began. Not only that, there has been significant collusion between climate scientists and reporters to keep the alarmist message on track.

Heck, it’s being argued that NASA themselves knew their data was poor, but did they tell us that?

Pajamas has a few good articles on this. We also see Lord Monckton having a go at the Nature editorial staff, too.

The once-respected science journal Nature recently published a whining editorial to the effect that climate scientists are not criminals, really; that attacks on them by increasingly-skeptical news media are soooo unfair; and that the fundamental science showing that the planet is doomed unless the economies of the West are shut down at once is unchallengeable.

No doubt most climate scientists are not criminals. However, some are. Many of the two dozen Climategate emailers, who have for years driven the IPCC process, tampered with peer review in the learned journals, and fabricated, altered, concealed, or destroyed scientific data are criminals. Whether they or Nature like it or not, they will eventually stand trial, and deservedly so.

Here’s a neat video, too.

Even some who bought the man-made global warming line must surely be having doubts as to whether to rush in gigantic climate taxes.

*cross-posted at James Board

Potemkin lives.

First a little background, the term “Potemkin village”, refers to Catherine the Greats tour of her lands, when her royal favourite Field Marshal Potemkin constructed fake thriving towns along her route of travel. Heres a Wiki.

The UK, yesterday.

Fast forward a few hundred years and it appears parts of the UK think it was a great idea.

Fake businesses are to be used to lessen the impact of the recession on high streets in North Tyneside.

According to the story the council has a large number of shop fronts empty due to lack of businesses to run them. Now call me old fashioned but I would have thought the priority for the council would have been attempting to provide a pro-business environment, maybe something as radical as offering a 5 year holiday on council rates, free advertising, rents paid for you for 6 months, or a number of other forms of assistance for real businesses.

But no, whats better than that? Fake shopfronts.

Fake bloody shopfronts, Jesus wept, the best a group of councilors could come up with in response to an economic crisis is the North Korean solution. Where was the councillor who stood up and said “You know, now I think about it, this really is an incredibly stupid idea”.

The government-funded project involves colourful graphic designs featuring a range of different shop types, which are either taped inside the windows or screwed to the fascia so they can be removed and reused as required.

Karen Goldfinch, chair of Whitley Bay Chamber of Trade, said: “It’s an excellent way of promoting how a unit can be used, perhaps inspiring new businesses to come into the town.”

Fake shops for fake people? Well if pedestrian traffic drops a bit more in those areas perhaps they should use the same wonderous logic and place mannequins in the street to simulate people? Or off er fake money to spend at the fake shops?

Seriously, just when you think youve seen the stupidest ideas possible something like this comes along and lowers the bar even further.

HT to: Anna Raccoon

Socialism’s “logical” conclusion

It’s perfectly demonstrated in the latest actions of North Korea’s Kim Jong-il (who must surely be on death’s door by now).

Considering what the North needs most urgently at the moment is fertilizer, it would have been natural for Kim to visit the nearby Hungnam fertilizer plant. But instead he went to the vinalon plant, a symbol of the failed socialist planned economy. Vinalon, a synthetic fiber North Korea has developed using carbide extracted from anthracite, is a poor-quality and no longer economically viable. At the same cost, more, better-quality fabric can be imported from China, so no other country in the world produces vinalon for clothing. North Korean founder Kim Il-sung spent no less than US$10 billion on a vinalon plant in Pyongyan Province, which turned in the end into scrap metal. That was a decisive incident that led to the economy’s collapse. The February 8 Vinalon Complex was shut down a long time ago.

With the mass rally for its reopening, Kim evidently intended to demonstrate his pathetic determination that nothing will change in North Korea, ever. There will be no reform nor market opening, even if its economy collapses or it is driven into chaos, and although the prime minister apologized for the failed currency reform. It is a clear signal that Kim will go his own way against the current of history and regardless of what outsiders think. Under these circumstances, how likely is it that Kim will make a forward-looking choice in the nuclear issue?

*cross-posted at James Board

Sound extreme yet, eerily, a tad familiar? Socialism is dehumanising, heartbreaking stuff.

Now this is lateral thinking…

I dont quite know whether to be appalled at the stupidity or impressed by the lateral thinking shown by the driver of this car.

The worst thing is, it worked well enough for them to get to the local shops.

Can you see it yet?

Another long shot.

Yes, its a garden hose.for.a.tire..

Now just how much work has gone into this dodgy brothers effort??

So there you have it, Leonardo Da Bogan, inventor exroadinare!!

MSM begins catching on to Rudd’s BER fiasco

This is good stuff. To the best of my knowledge, the gargantuan sums of Aussie taxpayer dollars being frittered away by Rudd’s Building the Education Revolution (BER) was first revealed publically right here back on February 4th. Finally, after a couple of emails, Andrew Bolt made mention of it almost a month later on March 3rd. And now, it looks like the floodgates are opening.

After Bolt’s March 3rd mention, it came up again last Sunday, and again today in one of Bolt’s columns. This is important since it’s his columns, and not his blog posts, which are reprinted in various newspapers around the country, noteably in Australia’s largest city, Sydney.

And right under that column is another post covering the massive cost blow-outs schools are experiencing. Yet, I’ll argue again that this was inevitable thanks largely to Rudd’s pathetic scope of works coupled with massive government incompetence in other areas such as delayed decision making, and massively overwhelmed government-appointed project managers who’ve been having to handle up to ten times the workload a project manager would normally be entrusted with.

Even better, if one clicks the links on Bolt’s March 7th post, they go to not another Murdoch newspaper, but to rival paper the Sydney Morning Herald. Those links can be found here.

Not to be out-done, Sydney’s Daily Telegrapgh is onto it today also, as is The Australian.

So yes. A full five weeks after it was first (to the best of my knowledge) brought to any public attention here, this – dare we call it BERgate? – story is finally gaining the traction it deserves.

PS In case you missed them, there are four other posts here highlighting various aspects of what this blog has coined Rudd’s Education Devolution. They can be found here, here, here, and here.

Of course, ultimate thanks has to go to the mole who first contacted me about this, who first delivered the facts about this, and who patiently answered many a dumb question. Cheers. You know who you are.

Cross-posted at James Board.

Renewable energy sources don’t work… yet

And here’s why.

The PA Pundit link offers a decent collation of what we know. Wind and solar power might be noble ideas, but nobility alone doesn’t keep my steaks frozen.

Interestingly, there’s a reasonable argument out there as to why some folks, whilst ignoring real dangers such as Islamofacism (not to be confused with the average Muslim going about his or her daily life [I hope!]), prefer instead to project their fears onto something far more intangible, say, global warming aka climate change.

It’s called Freudian displacement.

Now the Left may well argue the opposite, but so far climate change hasn’t blown anyone up or called for changes in Western constitutions.

The US’ political merry-go-round

Fun times.

Here’s a round-up. It includes naked Dems arguing in the shower and Glenn Beck apologising.

Call Chavez a dictator and Sean Penn will have you thrown in jail

It’s the tolerance of the Left I most admire.

Finally, a Hybrid Automobile I Wouldn’t Be Embarrassed to Drive

Read it and smile.

“Porsche lifted the sheet on the 918 Spyder on the eve of the Geneva Motor Show and made some huge claims. A few things got our attention right off the bat — 500 horsepower, mid-engine V-8 and two electric motors. Oh … and 78.4 mpg.

Lots more pretty pictures at the source.

I’ll continue to be scarce until sometime in April. Weird stuff; some good, some not.

More global warming deaths

Get a look at this story and realise Al Gore and co have blood on their hands. Not mythical “it will happen in the future” blood, but real, here and now blood.

Baby girl survives after being shot in the chest in parents’ ‘global warming suicide pact’

From the news report

“A seven-month-old baby girl survived three days alone with a bullet in her chest beside the bodies of her parents and toddler brother.

Argentines Francisco Lotero, 56, and Miriam Coletti, 23, shot their children before killing themselves after making an apparent suicide pact over fears about global warming.”

See terrifying people has consequences, it is likely the couple were mentally ill in some way or otherwise vulnerable, but your AGW scam was the catalyst that saw them commit this act. Or is this ok because they are just collateral damage for the greater good?

“Her parents said they feared the effects of global warming in a suicide note discovered by police.”


Its even worse when you see the type of prick presenting the info they killed themselves over.

Head of ‘Climategate’ research unit admits he hid data – because it was ‘standard practice’

He admitted withholding data about global temperatures but said the information was publicly available from American websites.

And he claimed it was not ‘standard practice’ to release data and computer models so other scientists could check and challenge research.

‘I don’t think there is anything in those emails that really supports any view that I, or the CRU, have been trying to pervert the peer review process in any way,’ he said.

