Weird Beef of God Connections #1: A-Ha

Back in ’83 when I was a roadie/assistant tour manager/driver/gofer/object of abuse for Johnny Thunders on a tour of Europe, we spent the summer -“midsommarkransen” – in Stockholm, Sweden. I needed a place to stay until I found a sublet, and the company that was promoting Johnny introduced me to a Norwegian keyboard player named Magnus (Or Magne) who had a flat… and a girlfriend he could stay with.

I liked the kid, he was energetic, enthusiastic, and outgoing, and he basically packed a bag, lit out for his girlfriend’s place, and gave me his flat. Kind of amazing. Anyway, he told me he was with a Norwegian group called A-Ha, and I didn’t think anything more of it… until 1985, when I saw this.

After all these years, I still think it’s in the top three best all time music videos along with Sledge Hammer by Peter Gabriel…

…and something I must be forgetting. Anyone else know of a music video that can compare with these two?

Europeans demand “the right to vote”… A CALL TO ARMS. (UPDATE)

It’s like deja-vu all over againOnce again, the Euro-weenies seem to feel that they have some sort of a right to participate in U.S. elections. The Brussels Journal reports that a 3 January 2008 editorial in the Brussels newspaper De Standaard whines, “…the world should be given the right to vote. Because the current situation is a blatant case of taxation without representation, against which the Americans rebelled in 1776.”

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