“Official” DemoKKKrat History Whitewashed

Why have the DemoKKKrats whitewashed their “official party history” as presented on their own web site?

Here is the Official History of the Democratic Party as per their web site — so what’s missing?  Jeffery Lord in the WSJ finds a few convenient omissions:

  • There is no reference to the number of Democratic Party platforms supporting slavery. There were six from 1840 through 1860.
  • There is no reference to the number of Democratic presidents who owned slaves. There were seven from 1800 through 1861
  • There is no reference to the number of Democratic Party platforms that either supported segregation outright or were silent on the subject. There were 20, from 1868 through 1948.
  • There is no reference to “Jim Crow” as in “Jim Crow laws,” nor is there reference to the role Democrats played in creating them. These were the post-Civil War laws passed enthusiastically by Democrats in that pesky 52-year part of the DNC’s missing years. These laws segregated public schools, public transportation, restaurants, rest rooms and public places in general (everything from water coolers to beaches). The reason Rosa Parks became famous is that she sat in the “whites only” front section of a bus, the “whites only” designation the direct result of Democrats.
  • There is no reference to the formation of the Ku Klux Klan, which, according to Columbia University historian Eric Foner, became “a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party.” Nor is there reference to University of North Carolina historian Allen Trelease’s description of the Klan as the “terrorist arm of the Democratic Party.”
  • There is no reference to the fact Democrats opposed the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments to the Constitution. The 13th banned slavery. The 14th effectively overturned the infamous 1857 Dred Scott decision (made by Democratic pro-slavery Supreme Court justices) by guaranteeing due process and equal protection to former slaves. The 15th gave black Americans the right to vote.
  • There is no reference to the fact that Democrats opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1866. It was passed by the Republican Congress over the veto of President Andrew Johnson, who had been a Democrat before joining Lincoln’s ticket in 1864. The law was designed to provide blacks with the right to own private property, sign contracts, sue and serve as witnesses in a legal proceeding.
  • There is no reference to the Democrats’ opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1875. It was passed by a Republican Congress and signed into law by President Ulysses Grant. The law prohibited racial discrimination in public places and public accommodations.
  • There is no reference to the Democrats’ 1904 platform, which devotes a section to “Sectional and Racial Agitation,” claiming the GOP’s protests against segregation and the denial of voting rights to blacks sought to “revive the dead and hateful race and sectional animosities in any part of our common country,” which in turn “means confusion, distraction of business, and the reopening of wounds now happily healed.”
  • There is no reference to four Democratic platforms, 1908-20, that are silent on blacks, segregation, lynching and voting rights as racial problems in the country mount. By contrast the GOP platforms of those years specifically address “Rights of the Negro” (1908), oppose lynching (in 1912, 1920, 1924, 1928) and, as the New Deal kicks in, speak out about the dangers of making blacks “wards of the state.”
  • There is no reference to the Democratic Convention of 1924, known to history as the “Klanbake.” The 103-ballot convention was held in Madison Square Garden. Hundreds of delegates were members of the Ku Klux Klan, the Klan so powerful that a plank condemning Klan violence was defeated outright. To celebrate, the Klan staged a rally with 10,000 hooded Klansmen in a field in New Jersey directly across the Hudson from the site of the convention. Attended by hundreds of cheering convention delegates, the rally featured burning crosses and calls for violence against African-Americans and Catholics.
  • There is no reference to the fact that it was Democrats who segregated the federal government, at the direction of President Woodrow Wilson upon taking office in 1913. There \is a reference to the fact that President Harry Truman integrated the military after World War II.
  • There is reference to the fact that Democrats created the Federal Reserve Board, passed labor and child welfare laws, and created Social Security with Wilson’s New Freedom and FDR’s New Deal. There is no mention that these programs were created as the result of an agreement to ignore segregation and the lynching of blacks. Neither is there a reference to the thousands of local officials, state legislators, state governors, U.S. congressmen and U.S. senators who were elected as supporters of slavery and then segregation between 1800 and 1965. Nor is there reference to the deal with the devil that left segregation and lynching as a way of life in return for election support for three post-Civil War Democratic presidents, Grover Cleveland, Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt.
  • There is no reference that three-fourths of the opposition to the 1964 Civil Rights Bill in the U.S. House came from Democrats, or that 80% of the “nay” vote in the Senate came from Democrats. Certainly there is no reference to the fact that the opposition included future Democratic Senate leader Robert Byrd of West Virginia (a former Klan member) and Tennessee Senator Albert Gore Sr., father of Vice President Al Gore.
  • Last but certainly not least, there is no reference to the fact that Birmingham, Ala., Public Safety Commissioner Bull Connor, who infamously unleashed dogs and fire hoses on civil rights protestors, was in fact–yes indeed–a member of both the Democratic National Committee and the Ku Klux Klan.

Thus far, as lawyer, retired Army Lieutenant Colonel and NBRA chairman Frances Rice notes, the Democrats have refused to formally apologize for the active, frequently violent and decidedly official support of the Democratic Party for slavery, segregation, lynching, the Ku Klux Klan and all the rest.   Maybe the first step for the Democratic Party is Dr. Phil Law #4:  Acknowledge the problem.

Starting with the “Official” DNC Party History.


-via WSJ and NBRA

ALSO: Please see earlier post, “Those Racist Democrats – In Their Own Words which also includes some myth-debunking updates


38 Responses to ““Official” DemoKKKrat History Whitewashed”

  1. JD Says:

    FINALLY he gets around to it!

    Just kidding – thanks for getting this up on your internets in one place where I can link to it easy, this and your other one are going straight into my favorites folder.

    I am v busy these days with the job, the wife and the kids but will email you some old pics I found of when Bull Connor the DEMOCRAT (may he roast in h_ll) ordered the fire hoses put on all those so called dirty n____rs in Birmingham 1963.

    Will stop by again tomorrow or so when Ive got more time – later!

  2. ScrewU Says:

    Who cares.

    Check out the Department of Justice document “Criminal Victimization in the United States, 2005.” In the United States in 2005, 37,460 white females were sexually assaulted or raped by a black man, while between zero and ten black females were sexually assaulted or raped by a white man.

    This means is that every day in the United States, over one hundred white women are raped or sexually assaulted by a black man.

    If lynching prevented this – we should bring it back.

  3. spot_the_dog Says:

    If lynching prevented this – we should bring it back.

    You mean, if lynching prevented men (of all races) from raping women (of all races), “we should bring it back”? That would seem to be a capital punishment question, not a race question. Or do you propose executing only black rapists, not white ones? If you’re pro-capital punishment, why not lynch all rapists? Unless you’re a good old fashioned Democrat at heart and just believe black folks should be lynched early and often, just to remind them who’s boss!

    I’m also genuinely curious as to why you felt it necessary to bring the race of the victim into your comment. Plenty of women – white, hispanic, black, asian – are raped every day (though you do not see fit to include the total number of rapes per day, and I can’t be stuffed looking it up right now)

    What’s up with that – do you somehow believe that it is less traumatising for a white woman to be brutally raped by someone of her own race, and more traumatising for her to be raped by someone of a different race? The more melanin a woman’s rapist has in his skin, the more awful the experience is for the victim?

    Oh, and by the way: Got any comment to make on the actual substance of my post above? Or were you just trolling?

  4. spot_the_dog Says:

    Oh, and by the way – thanks JD! Stop by again soon, buddy.

  5. bingbing Says:

    ScrewU, if you think being a Right-winger has anything to do with racism, you can seriously get educated and go fuck yourself.

  6. Ash Says:

    ScrewU, there are so many things wrong with your argument that I don’t know where to start, but i’m going to go along with Spot’s comment.

    Now, my arguments will not be perfect, but I don’t have time to do your homework for you. But I’ll do a little bit for you, the rest you have to do on your own.

    Here is the report you mentioned. The relevant Tables to your argument are Table 40 and Table 42, neither of which can be construed to say what you seem to think they mean. Neither of them say that Black=Bad, White=Good, they simply say numbers which have been projected. Read the fine print on the bottom of the table. It says:

    “*Estimate is based on about 10 or fewer sample cases.”

    Are you really so thick as to base your entire belief about both blacks and whites in one country based on approximately 10 or fewer sample cases?!

    You’re seriously willing to take 10 cases and project them so far as to include the entire. population. of. the. United. States. of. America?!

    If it was less serious, I’d be laughing my ass off.

  7. Ash Says:

    BTW, does anyone else see the irony in a person making false claims about rape statistics calling themselves “ScrewU”?

  8. spot_the_dog Says:

    I find it interesting that they’ve managed to completely ignore the subject & facts of this post.
    A “Look! A Unicorn!” moby?

    “Don’t mention the war KKK”

  9. Ash Says:

    I find their unicorn tactics so completely boring. Deflection is no way to prove their point.

  10. ScrewU Says:

    As a product of our dumbed-down education system, it’s easy to see why you can’t connect “the actual substance of my post” and my “racial” comments.

    Of course, it’s more traumatizing when a woman is raped in an Eldridge Cleaver sort of way. It is not only a sexual and violent act, it’s a political act. So, tiny brain, the act is traumatizing beyond the individual woman. It is culturally traumatizing; it is meant to be, moron – I mean brother.

    And to bingbing and bobo: of course being a right-winger has to do with racism, it always has – pull your head out of your posterior. You think that racism is bad. I think it means preserving your race/culture/society/way-of-life, or is that only OK for dark cultures. Pandering to Negroes has only begat a more violent, ignorant, uncivil society – for whites AND blacks. Check those stats Dumbdumb.

    But don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate black people, I resent them – mainly because they have been manipulated by the Frankfurt School folks; just like many women.

    Republicrats or Democans, it doesn’t matter. I have a much larger problem with the Democratic party of today, than with their predecessors. All Bull Connor warned was that forced integration would bring higher crime and ruined public schools – was he wrong?

    Wake up goofballs, before you lose your culture. Where is the Shakespeare of the Zulus?

  11. spot_the_dog Says:

    So, what would your solution be, SU? You can’t “send them all back” to Africa you know, so how do you go about enshrining both the rights and the responsibilities of citizenship of a great country like America for all races?

    P.S. “Culture” is not necessarily or inevitably tied to “race.” The African “culture” may not have produced a Shakespeare, but the American “culture” has produced hundreds of success stories, black and white.

  12. ScrewU Says:

    No spot-me-pet, culture is tied intimately to race. Are you blind, or ignorant of history. BTW, modern declarations of “success” have yet to be proven by the test of time. At any rate, I do not believe that any person cannot learn and excel.

    I don’t so much see “blacks,” as you call them, as inferior – just different. Not different in the sense of human beings, but different as their own culture, biology and genetics determine. As a result any “black” culture, or “mixed” will be “different,” and I don’t feel compelled to need to adjust.

    That being said, if integration had been handled as multiculturalism will be in the future, there may have been some hope for success. But here we are, generations later and “black” (12% of the population BTW) is still front and center.

    Multiculturalism is only successful under an authoritarian system/regime/dictatorship. Read the Balkans, or Russia or even China, who by the way consider themselves as 43 different ethnic groups. I didn’t read this; I’ve lived in Russia and China.

    I personally don’t care about democracy, one man – one vote, or any form of government. I only care about liberty. Individual, personal, the culmination of western European thought, type liberty. Just because for 400 some odd years, this was not extended to what has become 12% of the population, concerns me little. If we can now extend this liberty to that 12%, fine and good, but NOT at the sacrifice of our culture/society.

    The Frankfurt School folks have used this “white guilt” tripe to demoralize western society for the purpose of destabilization. We must shed this and regard “blacks” as 12% of the population. If the proverbial Martian landed here, they would think “blacks” comprised 50% of the population, for all the attention this society lavishes upon them.

    So here is what I would do spot-me-pet. No affirmative action or its whore, “diversity.” No suspension of “freedom of association” (Civil Rights Acts). No tolerance for crime, in fact extreme intolerance for crime, especially black violent crime. Shockingly unfair you say! Hear me out brother.

    Political crimes are always a danger to society. The rape of “black” women by their masters was a political crime. It was meant to “show them their place,” it was devastating to the Negro society and it helped keep them oppressed.

    Probably the only true political prisoner executed in the past twenty years was Timothy McVeigh, and look how fast it happened! No one else goes to the “gallows” that quick. Our government knows a real threat. Take the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, the cop killer, or if you prefer the “political prisoner,” who for over 25 years has been the poster child (worldwide) for “black” oppression. Compare his treatment to that of Timothy McVeigh, and the bad part is there was much more information to get out of McVeigh, if he’d been tortured properly.

  13. Ash Says:

    ScrewU, you have got to be joking.

    Culture and race are linked, certainly, but they can also exist apart from each other. An Asian person can grow up in a predominantly white area and come away acting as they would in that white culture, as can anyone of any race going into an area with a different racial mix. You’re completely off base on this one.

    If we can now extend this liberty to that 12%, fine and good, but NOT at the sacrifice of our culture/society.

    That is precisely what Republicans have been doing for years, except we don’t make a huge fanfare and production out of having done so. The Republicans have been extending that liberty to blacks since the party was first conceived, and if you want further proof of this, just think for a second which party selected both Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice to be Secretary of State. Did you hear any Republicans saying “Hey! We have some black people here! Black people promoted!”? No, you didn’t, because they weren’t selected through affirmative action, they were selected because they were good people for their jobs.

    Interestingly enough, when the Democrats selected Barack Obama to run for the Presidency, his very own Vice President said “I mean, you got the first mainstream African American [Barack Obama] who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking guy.” Is that really the way a person high up in power should think of the black people in the nation he’s supposed to help run? No.

    Your view strongly reeks of “Assimilate or die”. It’s appalling. No, no one should have to make significant adjustments for a minority view, but nor should minorities have to remove every part of the culture they have or have left. There has to be give and take on both sides.

    As for your McVeigh statements, I disagree.

    McVeigh was no political prisoner for racial reasons, he was sought after and caught quickly after because he was a terrorist and a murderer, nothing more. Yes, the Government of Oklahoma was right to have a keen interest in finding him and prosecuting him quickly, but that was because he murdered people. It was McVeigh himself who injected the political motives into his capture and sentence, because he chose to murder innocent people for his ideology. He’s no better than Muslim terrorists.

  14. thefrollickingmole Says:

    I might just put in my 2 bobs worth on McVeigh. He could have dragged out the execution process for a number more years, but refused a large chunk of the appeals process and allowed himself to b “fast tracked” to execution.
    Nothing racist about that.

    Culture is the biggest factor in how people behave, race is just a distraction. Imagine Africa with the rule of law. After a couple of generations the culture would change hugely. Race doesnt affect that.

  15. bingbing Says:

    On one side you have figures like Colin Powell, James Earl Jones, and Condoleza Rice. On the other you have Eminem, The Beastie Boys and Vanilla Ice.

    So race and culture can be the same but certainly don’t necessarily have to be so.

    I like diversity in a culture but take the Andrew Bolt line of reasoning that progress towards assimilation achieves better results than a multicultural approach.

    However, it’s where you draw the line. I’ll give you my doner kebab when you take it out of my cold dead hands.

  16. ScrewU Says:

    Yeah bingbing, you found my weakness – FOOD!

    It might surprise you that I have lived closely and long-term with Vietnamese and have a “black” uncle (not Tom) that I consider one of my mentors in the 60s. I think you folks are missing my point. This has nothing to do with individuals. Of course, we all know, respect and in my case, love persons of other races. I think bingbing got closer to my point with the statement, “assimilation achieves better results than a multicultural approach.” This has not been managed in European or American culture very well at all; mainly, due to “white guilt’ and the compulsion to pander to the least common denominator. The level of crime and down-right incivility that we tolerate in our cultures is deplorable – and our kids are picking it up as acceptable, or the norm.

    OK, enough – lest you start thinking I’m even a slight bit acceptable. Back to the original post. The KKK had its place in its time, and initially was a response to Northern Carpetbaggers, not Negroes. For you to sit in judgment on them is anachronistic ignorance. Forrest was one of the first to advocate freeing the slaves – and then drafting them! Now there’s a man interested in preserving his culture. So Ash, it’s not about individuals or sending “them” back anywhere. It’s about being committed to your culture and the direction of its evolution.

    Louis Farrakhan, not to mention J. Wright, can be friends with the President and speak anywhere they please. But their corollary, David Duke, cannot. “Blacks” understand this and won’t have White people censoring their most despicable demagogues or their lowest cretins. I live in a US state that has the highest rate of armed robbery and is tied for “first place” in murder. The main bills proposed by the legislative “black” caucus are to give felons the vote and end the death penalty. What a joke. The “white caucus” of both Democans and Republicrats should rise up and shut them down, if only on this issue.

  17. good ol non racist boy Says:

    I live in a US state that has the highest rate of armed robbery and is tied for “first place” in murder.

    Lemme guess. One a them “liberal progressive” states which has big-time restrictions on the right to bear arms?

  18. Ash Says:

    One a them “liberal progressive” states which has big-time restrictions on the right to bear arms?


  19. ScrewU Says:

    bingbing, remember the James Earl Jones commercial where he states his favorite hero and favorite villain. He names Martin Luther King and Darth Vader! I thought, what a racist – can’t think of anyone but “blacks!” James Earl Jones isn’t even a person, he’s just a voice.

    Throughout Powell’s career, he has been a highly-political, affirmative action case. Rice is extremely intelligent, but would never have been considered for the job if she was a white male; she’s a flop as a statesman. As individuals – decent folks, but they represent an affliction present at all levels of the US federal government, now. It is one reason government doesn’t work; always true to a certain extent, but for the last 20 years, creeping into “mission critical” areas, big time. Skin color and gender are now right up there with competence, and many times trump it, as a qualifying factor. Perhaps one day, looking back at the “late, great, United States” the Jim Crow laws will be seen as no-more, no less a self-inflicted wound than silly, late twentieth century obsessions –such as diversity.

  20. bingbing Says:

    Well of course JEJ’s gonna love Vader. He’s the bloody voice behind the character. Yet, I’ve heard quite a few folks out there mark Vader as their favourite villain, too. Sorry, no link. Anyway, the character himself is an evil whitey.

    Anyway, I don’t think it’s racist for a black man, or even a modern white or purple man, to mark MLK as a hero.

    …”never have been considered for the job”? Hillary’s a white male.

    Are you beginning to see how ridiculous this white/black/male/female stuff is?

    Sitting in an apartment in Korea, it’s all rather amusing.

    PS And as for Condi. Nup, that one was on merit mate (i.e her smarts, her ambition, her record and her scheming). Any short failings she has is because of her and her alone.

  21. bingbing Says:

    Look, it’s six of one, half a dozen of the other – perhaps. Pollies are damned if they do, damned if they don’t. Have a ‘non-white’ person in the administration, that stops the racism. Don’t have one? Well.

    But really man, people should grow up. I’m more inclined to think those playing hard ball up there are going on merit, mate.

    But since we ain’t there, we’ll never really know.

  22. bingbing Says:

    BTW Sounds like you live in Illinois or maybe California. I’d say Illinios.

  23. bingbing Says:

    But don’t just blame blacks for how fucked up Illinois is. Blame Bill Ayers, the UAW, Al Capone and New York State for that one.

  24. bingbing Says:

    My apologies, SU. So do you blame the fuckedupness of your District on blacks or Bush?

  25. ScrewU Says:

    Bingbing, neither California or Illinois – I am “there,” in the heart of the beast. My knowledge of Condi is from shouting distance. I wish to reveal no more, you can believe me or not; here, my opinion is the same as yours – everyone has got one.

    Remember, MLK was a Republican; for the reasons expressed in the original post. I blame Bush and the Republicrats for over-spending, failing to deal with illegal immigration and trying to act like Democrats. I don’t particularly suffer from BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome).
    I happen to agree with Vladimir Putin that Bush is basically a decent man, but surrounds himself with the wrong people – and not just Cheney. BTW, almost everyone that meets Dick Cheney, comes away liking him, from diplomats to the little, old, black lady elevator operators at State, who love him.

  26. bingbing Says:

    Was I too cryptic writing ‘District’ with a capital ‘D’?

  27. ScrewU Says:

    I was up late.

  28. spot_the_dog Says:

    SU, I’m just curious. How was it you found this post, and what actually are you trying to say in relation to it?

    That yes, the Democrats have whitewashed all their former racist policies out of their “official history,” but that to your mind, those racist policies weren’t such a bad thing anyway?

    Sorry, it’s just that I’m not sure I’m actually understanding what your point is here.

    And,my condolences for having to live in DC. As a (dual citizen) Tarheel/Sandgroper (North Carolinan/Western Australian), I wouldn’t trade places with you for quids 😉

  29. ScrewU Says:

    Ok Spot, here’s my point(s).

    First, any Democrat that looks at this post of past Democratic Party travesties will simply say,”Yeah…, but all of those people are Republicans, now.”

    Second, there is a vast left-wing conspiracy initiated by the Internationalists, funded by the Soviets, and inculcated by the idealist utopians, who BTW, were the inheritance of the New England Republicans in the last century and the main opposition to the Democrats being maligned in this post. Please Google KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov and watch his video to get an idea of what I am trying to convey concerning “demoralization.” It’s difficult to find his full 81 minute interview, but easy to find the 17 minute portion that is germane to my contention.

    Third – “Blacks” are 12% of the US population. My God, is white guilt so strong that we must treat this minority as if they were 50%? Look, 7 to 10 trillion dollars was spent on Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) in the 70’s. That program pretty much destroyed the “black” family, and probably funded the Central and South American drug cartels. Then came the Community Reinvestment Act during the Carter administration and with the subsequent “improvements” by Clinton, Frank, Dodd, Raines, Gorelick and others, we have the financial crisis of today. Anyone who thinks that reparations for slavery have not been paid – is just sleeping.

    Fourth, culture and race are inextricably linked. There are westerners who have gone to China and have become, “Chinese like,” culturally, and we readily recognize them as caricatures. We cannot, however, recognize that while others can “become” like us, “en masse” they would not create our culture, or for that matter, be able to maintain it. What the “tipping point” is, I’m not sure, but remember that by the time Rome fell, there were very few Romans left.

  30. ScrewU Says:

    Oh, BTW Spot, I love DC. I grew up here and only work in the city. I live in a beautiful, historic city on the water a few miles east. I actually live in the woods, but close to all. I have lived all over, but my family settled the area and has lived here for almost 400 years.

  31. Mack Honey Says:

    Bing Bing or anyone on this post don’t fall in the trap of this so called “white guilt” and “white preservation” bullshit. This is the type of rhetoric that I am hearing from David Duke (listen to his webcasts on http://www.stormfront.org). For some quick knowledge on Dr. David Duke, do a quick wikipedia search.

    To go through all the stuff from ScrewU’s last post:
    -“First, any Democrat that looks at this post of past Democratic Party travesties will simply say,”Yeah…, but all of those people are Republicans, now.”

    – Yeah, any liberal knucklehead will say that shit. They love to categorize different groups that have conflicting agendas. That does not change the fact there some bigots in the Rep. party. Does the party accept it on the platform? Hell no, they absolutely reject the shit. On the other hand, the entire south and most of the midwest (USA) sent a strong message about voting for McCain. I studied psychology and looked into voting behavior. Southern voting behavior is quite bizarre, it is obvious they will vote Republican in most national elections, but vote for Democrats in local elections. They like their states rights but also like their handouts as well. The South has some of the poorest areas in the USA and it’s not just black people, they are poor whites. And some of them fall victim to the “affirmative action” is keeping from getting a job bullshit. Some would align themselves with bigot politicians posing as Republicans (and to a more traditional Southern-bred Democrat).
    Also, enrollment in white power groups have increased recently since the election of Obama.
    Check out these articles:

    and feel free to listen to the http://www.stormfront.com webcasts.

    To move on to his third point:
    “Third – “Blacks” are 12% of the US population. My God, is white guilt so strong that we must treat this minority as if they were 50%? Look, 7 to 10 trillion dollars was spent on Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) in the 70’s. That program pretty much destroyed the “black” family, and probably funded the Central and South American drug cartels. Then came the Community Reinvestment Act during the Carter administration and with the subsequent “improvements” by Clinton, Frank, Dodd, Raines, Gorelick and others, we have the financial crisis of today. Anyone who thinks that reparations for slavery have not been paid – is just sleeping.”

    -When you look at poverty in America, you will get the biased media’s stereotype of an urban African-American single family living in a crime ridden city with a substandard education. You don’t get to see the rural Caucasian family who live in a trailer or a rugged house with substandard education. Yes, I do fucking agree that the New Deal and Great Society programs of the FDR and LBJ administrations were complete failures, because it threw a lot of money at the impoverished instead of finding ways to make their quality of life better. That’s why community groups and local governments work better for this situation. They can better assess the situation. Did it ruin the Black family? Of course. Did it ruin white family? Hell yes it did. It created generations of dependents on daddy government. When welfare reform came in the 1990s, many groups were crying with glazed lips trying to maintain a blow job of a handout.
    The Community Reinvest Act was a huge failure period and it was a major contributor (or is it?) to the economic mess we have now. We are beginning to see the other contributors in the automobile, banking, investing, oil (etc) industries. Soon I would like to see investigations. Now, corporations are on bended knee for a handout. (Damn, can I get a handout too, I working too hard to fuck up the economy too!). Do I support reparations for past atrocities to African-Americans? No, because none of the current generation has been directly victimized by the government. That was the past. Now, if I was fucked with because I am a certain race, I will use my right to bear arms to defend myself from any bullshit.

    And the fourth point he brought:
    “Fourth, culture and race are inextricably linked. There are westerners who have gone to China and have become, “Chinese like,” culturally, and we readily recognize them as caricatures. We cannot, however, recognize that while others can “become” like us, “en masse” they would not create our culture, or for that matter, be able to maintain it. What the “tipping point” is, I’m not sure, but remember that by the time Rome fell, there were very few Romans left.”

    -What is this our culture shit? So do you need white people to maintain western culture. I thought it encompassed philosophy, art, science, etc. I thought being born in a country and being educated in the system helps maintain the culture. Western culture is what it is, derived from Europe and made better in America. Not to be biased or arrogant about my country, how did America become what it is? And aren’t minorities part of this culture, because they had a part in creating America too. As one might see, I am a minority who is very conservative and sarcastic too. I come from the USA and have many experiences that made me the person I’ve become. So am I almost western now? Please let me know.

    P.S. I don’t know any culture or anything from the country of the majority of my ancestors (although I have some white and other ancestry as well).

  32. bingbing Says:

    The Community Reinvest Act was a huge failure period and it was a major contributor (or is it?) to the economic mess we have now.

    Hmm, I dunno.

    So do you wanna be an editor here or what?

  33. bingbing Says:

    PS You’ll have to ask the other editors, too, but. This is the Tizona Group, not a one man band…

  34. Getting desparate « James Board Says:

    […] Getting desparate April 6, 2010 bingbing Leave a comment Go to comments Lately, the TEA Party movement has been compared to Bill Ayers’ old terrorist organisation, Weather Underground – by the New York Times, no less – and they’ve even been compared to the KKK by, surprise, surprise, a Democrat Rep.. However, let’s not forget the long associations the Democrat Party have had with the KKK. […]

  35. Getting desperate « James Board Says:

    […] Getting desperate April 6, 2010 bingbing Leave a comment Go to comments Lately, the TEA Party movement has been compared to Bill Ayers’ old terrorist organisation, Weather Underground – by the New York Times, no less – and they’ve even been compared to the KKK by, surprise, surprise, a Democrat Rep.. However, let’s not forget the long associations the Democrat Party has had with the KKK. […]

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