The most evil key… ever

D Minor.

But of course.

BTW, what kind of name for a song is ‘Toccata & Fugue’?

Who the hell would use that for a name?

Why do I feel rude when pronouncing ‘fugue’?

Shamelessly link-whored from a Texan monk.


I don’t know what it is, maybe you musos can sort it out,  but that sounds eerily similar to this.

Posted in Temp. 1 Comment »

Greetings from The Alamo City

Well, I have 2 of 3 moving trips out of the way, I obviously have myself reconnected to the intertubes, got a new washer, dryer, and fridge/freezer… and life is pretty damned cool. It’ll be a couple of hours before the beer in the fridge is cool though, and a few hours more before I have ice to mix drinks (Is there anything else ice is good for?).

It’s 68 degrees and windy… in San Antonio Texas… and my back is killing me! LOL!