
“What is it?”, Bingbing asks?   Dude!


UPDATE: In comments below, thefrollickingmole reminds us of some Great Vibes in History:

Adolf:  “Ein Reich Ein Volk, Ein Vibe dude”

Winston:  “We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall vibe on the beaches, we shall vibe on the landing grounds, we shall vibe in the fields and in the streets, we shall vibe in the hills; we shall never surrender.”

Alexander the Great:  “How great are the dangers I face to win a good vibe in Athens.”

Neville Chamberlain:  “I believe it is vibe for our time… vibe with honour.”

Julius Caesar:   “I came, I saw, I vibed.” [ed:  would that be Veni, Vidi, Vibi?]

William Shakespeare :  “Some are born vibed, some achieve vibration, and some have vibing thrust upon them.”

Joseph Stalin:  “The Pope? How many vibes has he got?”

Barack Obama:  “Vibe will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the vibe that we seek.”

Actually that last one almost fits…..

Thought Of The Day

Man-Made Global Warming Causes … Earthquakes?

In a recent post, Tim Blair offers the following challenge:

UPDATE II. A warmy suggests:

There should be a prize for the denialist who “proves” global warming doesn’t exist by pointing to the lamest, most short-term, most localised cooler than normal weather event.

Let’s flip that around and offer a prize for someone pointing to a localised, short-term – and historically predictable – weather event as evidence of warming. Hurricane Katrina, for example.

This is not quite the “Today is hot in Humpty Doo – it’s  Global Warming and we’re all! gonna! die!!” observation he might have been looking for, but if nothing else it’s worthy of a Long Bow prize.  I offer the following AP article in today’s  The Australian in full  (emphasis mine): Read the rest of this entry »

I can’t sleep

I just keep laughing my guts out.

It’s the vibe.


UPDATE by spot_the_dog:   If you thought you couldn’t sleep last night, mate…

Posted in Temp. 8 Comments »

The debate of the century

Yep, that one.

H/T Rafe Champion.