Messiah Worshipped

As I was purchasing the new Metallica album today, something caught my eye, and I had to pick it up and examine it further.

It was this DVD:

His Story

Barack Obama: His Story

For $18, I figured I may as well. $14.20 later (apparently it was discounted further. Bargain basement Messiah! Messiah for all!) and I now have a new DVD to watch. It was the blurb that made me did it.

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What is it?

It’s da viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiibe.

Gettin’ hip and down wit da vibe.

It’s gotta be da vibe.



UPDATE by spot_the_dog:   “What is it?”, Bingbing asks?  DUDE!

Stupidest News Story I’ve Read Today

Posted in WTF. 8 Comments »

Just how dumb is KRUDD?? UPDATED


Well hes quick to give his answer isnt he, fucking dumb….,25197,24863942-601,00.html

Yes Australias biggest clown wants you to live near a “protected” POS whos own country thinks they are too radical for them. I hope they arent going to have their identities hidden when they inevitably revert to form.


The smarmy waxgobbler is said to be considering allowing some of the scum from Guantanamo bay  to settle in Australia. I cant see Kevvie passing by the chance to polish his “man of action” credentials at the cost of Australian citizens.

Ps: that site is a thinly disguised Islamic front as I will show below.
“Australia, along with a number of other countries, has been approached to consider resettling detainees from Guantánamo Bay,” a spokesman for Prime Minister Kevin Rudd told the newspaper, The Weekend Australian. Read the rest of this entry »

Launching My New Conspiracy Theory

I don’t usually engage in conspiracy theories (Troofers, anyone?) but this one is different. My Conspiracy, hereby known as The Drinks Scam Conspiracy, is so ridiculous that if anyone believes it, I will laugh my ass off and mock them for as long as I live.

The Drinks Scam Conspiracy is based on a simple premise: some people will buy absolutely anything. So allow me to now detail the Conspiracy for you.

We all know that Global Warming/Climate Change is real and must be fought immediately, and therefore, for a reason that makes absolutely no sense, we have to get rid of the carbon.

Many alcohols are filtered through carbon to remove impurities and unwanted flavours and other assorted things, so it naturally follows that we need to remove the carbon from the alcohol brewing process. Our superiors (ie, Those Who Believe) therefore believe that in order to fight Global Warming, we need to have either beer that tastes like piss, or go without a wide range of drinks, because from memory, beer, wine, vodka, bourbon and Southern Comfort are all carbon-filtered.

This got me thinking about Dear Leader Kevin’s alcopops tax. Since Dear Leader’s alcopops tax was introduced to “curb teenage binge drinking”, we can safely assume that this tax is for the good of the children, and that alcohol is always bad. So it naturally follows that since alcohol is bad, alcohol that is carbon filtered is extra bad. So we’re taught about the evils of carbon, starting as early as the age of five.

We’re through the looking glass here people…

Global Warming was invented to curb drinking!