Hate speech laws are bad.

First off a disclaimer, Most of what I know about Mr Toben comes from newspapers, and a look at some unsavoury websites that think hes great.


Hes the sort of bloke Id be inclined to spit on if he started his anti Semitic crap to my face, and didn’t stop when asked to. Hes lower than a snakes ballbag, so slimy slugs pour salt on him, a tosspot of the first order.

Hitler called, hed like his clown shoes back.

Hitler called, hed like his clown shoes back.

However this is wrong.


A Holocaust denier living in Adelaide has been sentenced to three months in jail after being found guilty of 24 charges of contempt.

More under the fold.

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This kinda sums it up

I’ve been watching Alex Jones again tonight. Some vaild points, not to be swallowed whole.

But either way, I despise moonbats.


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