Quantum physics explained

In layman’s terms.

I linked to this site a while back in comments, but maybe it got lost in the woods.

Quite different to the regular rotten.com. Have read it, er, the library, for years. The rest of youse know about it?

Poor Swinish

He’s been having a really trough time of it lately.

Bloody non-pork-eating commies and islamofacists!

Bloody non-pork-eating commies and islamofacists!

Sit, sat, spit, shit, fit

Yep. I want them all changed, apart from sit and sat. My Way would sound so much better if only Sinatra had spat it out. It’s ridiculous using present tense as past tense there. Same goes with shit. And shitted makes it not sound like a swear word anymore. What’s the point? Has to be shat… unlike hurt. Hurted just sounds uncomfortable.

And especially, when it comes to fit, I really don’t think fitted cuts it. Example: once I was fat, now I’m fit.


Russian Scientist: UFO Self-Sacrificed to Save Earth at Tunguska

Courtesy of MINA (You’ve never heard of MINA? The Macedonian International News Agency?), comes the umpteenth story about the 1908 Tunguska Event and a possible UFO.

Get a load of this.

“Aliens downed Tunguska meteorite to protect our planet from devastation, stated Russian scientist Yuriy Lavbin about the 100 year old mystery surrounding the massive Siberian explosion. He showed 10 quartz crystals that he found at the place of the meteorite’s crash. Several of the crystals have holes in between, so they can be united in a chain.

– What could this chain serve for? Besides, some crystals have strange drawings on them. We don’t have any technologies that can print such kind of drawings on crystals. We also found ferrum silicate that can not be produced anywhere, except in space”, – the scientist stated.”

OoooooooooooKay. I’m sure aliens with technology so superior to ours that it’s indistinguishable from magic to us… wouldn’t have any higher tech material than quartz to make a control panel from.

Personally, I prefer this highly logical and scientific explanation.

Artist's Conception of 1908 Tunguska Blast

Artist's Conception of 1908 Tunguska Blast

CNN’s NK wrap

It’s actually pretty decent. With more resources and collective time than this blogger has, it’s worth a look.

Still, grain of salt. Air raid sirens still go off here every month or two (usually on the 15th or so) to remind people. Yawn. And we all know how the 24/7 media cycle works. They’ll flog it til something else comes up.

This shit always comes up. Real question is; how will Obama deal with it? This has all been to get Obama’s attention.

Obama’s actually done well getting SK to sign on to the Proliferation Security Initiative… and this has pissed the shit outta NK, hence the latest missile tests and a declaration of war. But as much as I disagree on Obama on most things, he cannot be blamed for this.

Anyway, how serious is this? Some schools and academies have been closed for swine flu (ha!) but all this is not enough to get me outta going to work tomorrow but, d’oh.

Remember, Kim Jong-il is about to cark it and NK still needs to be noticed by Obama and CNN.

Good night, folks.

Does Obama have a stutter?

He learned his lesson from the last bloke. Hence all the teleprompters.

Guys, we’ve gotta do better than pouncing on ‘stutterings’ or teleprompters. It worked fine for the Left pouncing on all Bush’s verbal mishaps, compiling them then putting them on youtube, Letterman and the like, then painting Bush as a moron. How pathetic. Is that how we’re gonna play, too? I thought the Right was better than that, better than the Lily Allen’s of this world.

Posted in Obama, Temp. 2 Comments »