So which one?

Which Republican presidential nominee?

Having just spent an hour or so watching the New Hampshire GOP Republican debate, having gleaned various tidbits over the internet since a while back, I can honestly say I don’t know.


In comments at that link, Ron Paul’s supporters come across as a tad too fervent, as does Paul himself. He just comes across as a bit whiney. Quick to complain about a problem but a bit wishy washy with any solutions.

Romney arguably won, but he comes off as Obama-lite+religion. He’s big government but I will say he’s tending to own his opponents. He does look presidential and has the establishment’s backing… not necessarily a good thing when up against Obama who REALLY has the Establishment’s backing and REALLY (at least) talks presidential (except here where he sounds about as formidable as Julia Gillard). Read the rest of this entry »

Congrats to ‘Watts Up With That’ – 100,000,000 Page Views and Counting…

W00T to WUWT on their “small milestone”, reached sometime this morning (8am-ish January 7th US Pacific time; the wee hours of the 8th Aussie time).

So wander over, offer your congratulations and thanks to Anthony Watts for his tireless efforts to bring some sanity – and SCIENCE – back to the discussion of nature, weather, technology and global warming climate change, check out Christopher Monckton’s guest post Hurrah for 8 orders of magnitude! and make sure to have a browse through some of the WUWT classics reposted here.

As Tim Blair noted in his recent post PEAK LOVE, “Climate panic is in decline…”  And though the self-inflicted damage of the content of the Climategate emails and many of the stupid hyperbole-ridden ham-handed advertising and “awareness” campaigns by the Warmies themselves (and their Love Media enablers) are partly to credit for the loss of credibility of the Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming’s Gonna Kill Us All®  movement, much credit must really go to the big guns of the bloggy “Deniosphere” such as Anthony Watts, Andrew Bolt, James Delingpole and our own Blogfather Tim Blair.

“Ha ha Warmist losers. For you the war is over.”

Julia the Dullard.

Im sorry but our Prime minister is now embodying “stuck on stupid“.(:32 for the signature line)

The latest advertising junk is just an insult to anyone following the carbon DIOXIDE tax debacle.

Heres one set of lies, omissions and fudging all contained in just this 1:26 minutes of crap.

Lets concentrate on the biggest single cluster of lies and omission in the advertisement, its at around 32 seconds in when the countries “doing something” are listed on Juliars whiteboard.

China: Massively producing emissions, unlikely to change.

USA: Despite Obamas efforts at economic wrecking, is expecting a modest rise next year. If the economic misery continues then CO2 will stay stable or drop…oh…good….

India: You are kidding, heres one state in India’s efforts. “A single Indian state is to build a new fleet of coal-power stations that could make it one of the world’s top 20 emitters of carbon emissions – on a par with countries such as Spain or Poland.” The punchline to that joke?

Separately this week, international watchdog groups also complained that Indian coal companies were trying to earn hundreds of millions of carbon credits from the coal expansion. The Krishnapatnam plant has been registered with theUN clean development mechanism (CDM) and, if approved, could generate 3.5m carbon credits a year. Does Julia want to state shes sure none of our sinful carbon will be offset by credits from this plant?

Europe: May soon have to choose between its welfare state and the environment. They have dropped their levels of CO2 but lets face it, what have they gained?

The main reasons for the 2009 fall were a steep decrease in carbon emissions from public electricity and heat production, especially in Britain, Germany, Italy and Spain, it said.

“..Those four nations also suffered big falls in manufacturing industry while iron and steel industries receded in all major nations. “Emissions also fell in households and services — despite the colder winter — and in road transport,” it said…”

Oh good, cold people and less work…hooray?

So Juliar Dullards ad was factually right on exactly 1/4 of the countries it cited as leading the way.

Is Julia

a: Lying again

b: Mistaken

c: The greens made me do it..

Thug tactics or prudent behaviour?

I was struck by this article over on the ABC, at face value possibly prudent regulatory behaviour, given the Labour parties “whatever it takes” philosophy on politics possibly sinister.


ACCC flying squad to combat carbon rorts

Sounds ok, a specialist squad to catch those trading in fraudulent carbon allocations eh? Such as the EU has been plagued with..


Not quite…

The $12.8 million Australian Consumer and Competition Commission team will be tasked with dealing with false and misleading claims and price rises that businesses blame on the new tax.

More like a political weapon to keep companies from passing on the full cost of the carbon plan immediately.

The laws specify fines of up to $1.1 million per contravention, and the ACCC will use them to prosecute carbon price rorters.

The original penalties were in place to catch misleading or false advertising, they now encompass the possibility of fraudulent passing on of costs. This seems a massive expansion of the scope of the ACCCs’ powers.

Treasurer Wayne Swan says the consumer laws are the “toughest Australia has had for 100 years”.

“I believe the vast majority of business will do the right thing, but for those businesses that don’t do the right thing they will feel the full force of the law and heavy fines,” he told reporters.

Mr Swan says the ACCC “will be as active as possible” when the carbon price is introduced on July 1 next year.

“The ACCC will be the cop on the beat out there to ensure that those that meet these false claims are dealt with and dealt with  with the full force of the law.”

Competition Policy parliamentary secretary David Bradbury (another career lawyer/politician)urged consumers to dob in businesses that increase prices as a result of the carbon price.

“We’ve allocated $12.8 million over four years to the ACCC and will establish a dedicated team of more than 20 staff,” he said.

“Their activities will be directed towards enforcement and education of businesses and consumers.”

Mr Swan says the prices passed on as a result of the carbon price should be very small.

This is, to my mind, a thuggish way of pressuring businesses not to step out of line or face punishment.

Say hello to my liddle friend..

Mr Swan says the prices passed on as a result of the carbon price should be very small.

He says the carbon price will impact on the inflation rate by 0.7 per cent when the scheme is introduced.

“It is a price that applies to the 500 largest polluters,” Mr Swan said.

“It is not a tax on households as is claimed by many but it will have a small price impact in the supply chain and that is why we have put in place assistance for households to ensure they can meet those price impacts.”

Crap Swan, its a tax on energy production, pure and simple. The more energy you or the goods you obtain (as long as they are Australian made) “cost” to make the more money it will cost you.

Just because the Sunbeam factory doesnt produce its own power, doesnt mean it hasnt got increased costs for any of its Australian made products. But that’s ok, because we can import cheaper products from China, which doesnt raise a tariff wall against its own products.


Australia is effectively raising a tariff wall against Australian made products.

Townhall meeting coming to a venue near you

OK, so PM Gillard reckons The Debate We Never Had™ is over, but that doesn’t mean – oh no siree – that folks aren’t standing up to have their say.

A townhall meeting in Brisbane:

Mr Hockey said merchants at a Brisbane market this morning told him they would not be able to pass on the cost of an estimated 10 per cent rise in electricity without sacking staff.

“Time and time again, as we went past every store, all the workers were coming out and saying ‘you have to stop this tax’,” he said.

Read on.

Environmental activists “too polite and well behaved”; urged to “get tough”

You know what the Warmy activists’ problem is? They’ve just been too gosh darned polite & well-behaved so far. Really.

“Have we failed to slow global warming pollution in part because climate and environmental activists have been too polite and well behaved?”

Via climatenonconformist, Steve Goddard take a look at a Rolling Stone article which announces that “It’s time for climate activists to get tough.”   Because you can’t slow global warming pollution [global warming pollution??] without breaking a few eggs!

“Is it time to take to the streets, express some outrage, maybe engage in a little guerilla [sic] warfare against Big Oil and Big Coal?”

It’s not violent extremism if you’re on a mission from God Gaia.

Plus, bonus Crazy Eyes!

“In the letter by Bill McKibben, he is asking protestors “to do something hard,” which is to come to Washington ”in the hottest and stickiest weeks of the summer and engaging in civil disobedience that will quite possibly get you arrested.” ”

Yeees, Biiill.

Now here’s a thought:  What would the reaction be if those of us who don’t believe that there’s enough scientific evidence to claim that man’s CO2 emissions are heating the world to hell, and don’t believe that the government can control the world’s climate through “carbon tax” or “cap and trade” schemes, were to propose engaging in “a little guerrilla warfare” against the government and academic institutions which are threatening our economy, our jobs, our quality of life, and our childrens’ futures with their various expensive but futile plans to “stop catastrophic man-made global warming”?

We were already tagged as “extremists” (and worse) simply for holding a peaceful rally in opposition to the carbon tax.  What if we were to promise to stop being so polite and well behaved and engage instead in a little guerrilla warfare*?

Happily, that’s not our way.  But it’s evident that as their CAGW scam continues to fall apart before their very eyes, the Warmies are getting more and more frantic and more and more militant.  I just hope this doesn’t get real ugly before it’s all over.

*That was not a “death threat,” Warmies.  No need to evacuate to your secure bunkers.

Our Langolier government

Most of you probably remember the book and/or movie, The Langoliers. Those little creatures would gobble up, or destroy if you will, everything – matter, space, time – they came across.

In a sense, the Gillard (and previously, Rudd) government has many similarities. Everything her Langolier eyes set themselves upon, they destroy.

The list is unbelievable.

Read the rest of this entry

Green deceivers

The latest Green commercial states that “storms are more extreme and more frequent”.

This is flat out wrong. In fact, the opposite is true.

Yes. Storm frequency and intensity has actually gone down the past 30 years. Here’s data collected by Dr. Ryan Maue Ph.D at Florida State University.

Continue reading this entry

Labor and Green comment-bombing on the rise? You’re not imagining it. And yet…

The Greens had “Shock & Awe”

The Greens have launched another strike against the media, calling for volunteers for a rapid-response team to target “shock jock” and “hate campaigns” through talkback and letters to editors.

The call to action echoes Bob Brown’s attack on the “hate press” last week and Twitter jibes at individual journalists from his director of media, Marion Rae.

“The Australian Greens are looking to build a national network of individuals who want to take up the challenge of responding to the misinformation and hate campaigns being waged by radio shock jocks and other sections of the community and media,” says the party in an email.

The party calls the task “critical work”.

Labor has the “Wall of Noise” …

LABOR faithful are being urged to flood airwaves, news websites and letters to the editor sections with a “wall of noise” as part of a propaganda campaign against the Liberal-National Government.

The Sunday Times has obtained emails from Labor state secretary Simon Mead urging party members and supporters to become a “noisemaker” and join the “wall of noise team”.

“We need to be making phone calls to radio stations, posting items on news websites and writing letters to all our newspapers,” Mr Mead told Labor supporters and members in the email sent last month.

He said in another email: “By getting your voice heard you help change the media story from one supporting the government to one that says they are out of touch with the public.”

And yet despite all their smears, their sneers, their jamming and spamming, their outright deceit… their poll numbers say what?

Read the rest of this entry »

Agreed, Jill Singer: the nonsense has to stop

Jill Singer supports a carbon (dioxide!) tax. Unfortunately, she shows a complete ignorance of the real science behind the politics.

THE “debate” over a carbon tax in Australia has become high farce.

Indeed it has. The Left seem to think that taxing the bejesus out of a trace gas will somehow save a planet that doesn’t need saving. Jill and her ilk fail to realise CO2 is only a minor greenhouse gas at that. It makes up only 0.04% of our atmosphere. Most of it is natural. The sceptical side has man-made CO2 at 3% or about 0.001% of our atmosphere. The alarmist side puts man-made CO2 at ten times higher. But so what? That means man-made CO2 would occupy 0.01% of our atmosphere.

There’s no way Man’s small contribution to a minor greenhouse trace gas – yet an essential gas, most of it naturally occurring – can be the main driver of climate. That hypothesis is, to use Jill’s words, a “high farce”.

Read more of this post

Again: So why is Alan Jones so gung-ho for Gasland?


In return, tits!


A request

Currently watching Gasland on youtube. It’s all about how bad fracking is. Even Alan Jones doesn’t seem to like it.

Also watched a reply on youtube from the gas industry saying it’s basically OK.

Hmm. Watching people being able to light their tap water on fire looks pretty bad, to say the least…

A few readers and writers here are involved in the mining industry (right?). Is anyone able to give us a basic run down on whether fracking really is a total disaster the environment or whether it’s the best thing since bourbon whisky was invented… or somewhere in between?

In return, tits!

Thanks in advance.


A hot redhead explains in 6 minutes what an entire night of documentary and lecture watching does.

Angus Dei would be proud.


Extreme Keynesianism meets extreme green in Germany.

I read today of an extremely strange decision in Germany to shut down the largest single contributor to their power supply.

“Angela Merkel has committed to shutting down all of the country’s nuclear reactors by 2022, a task said by one minister to be as mammoth as the project to reunite East and West Germany in 1990.”

Nuclear energy in germany accounts for somewhere around 23% of their power supply, the single biggest component above even coal. Given that Gerbil worming is the “greatest threat to mankind”, evah!! how does it make sense to remove a non greenhouse gas producing asset?

 “It gives the country just over 10 years to find alternative sources for 23% of its energy.”

This has apparently been brought about by the Fukushima plants problems, which, to date havent killed anyone despite experiencing at least a partial meltdown. So the worst scenario possible, in a decades old plant, caused by a catastrophe well outside its design tolerances is reason to shut off 25% of a nations power?

It smells fishy, regardless of the power of the greens party in Germany (a major player there), so what could be driving this push into idiocy?

Greens mothership come to take them away??

The answer seems to be Keynesianism ratcheted up to 11..

The EU is currently experiencing a massive financial crisis, Germany, traditionally a modern bedrock of financial stability is lashed to the mast of the Euro, therefore exposed to the PIGS financial woes. At the moment they are bailing out the PIGS, but this seems top be staving off the crisis not preventing it from spreading.

Germany has done extremely well out of the Euro, in the past the Deutsche Mark would have appreciated hugely against the PIGS currency, severely hurting Germany’s export ability within the EU. As it stands they can “export” internally into the EU without worrying about currency fluctuations.

The PIGS get german goods, paid for by borrowing Euros from Germany, which then drives its own economy by selling products into its captive markets.

All nice an neat, until now…

Germany is preparing for 2 likely scenarios, both of which will potentially tip them into recession, the nuclear announcement is a call for stimulus spending on an unprecidented scale.

Scenario 1: The bailouts continue.

Germany continues to support the Euro, this requires austerity measures within Germany itself, and would be almost certain political suicide for Merkel, unless she can sell it as part of a “grand coalition” action supported by all parties.

Merkel presented the results to the center-left Social Democrats and Green Party on Sunday evening, in an uncharacteristic appeal for opposition support. But it remains unclear whether the opposition will back the new approach.

Scenario 2: The Euro is allowed to fail, national currencies re-emerge.

This would be the easy political fix, but the resulting strength of the new Deutsche Mark would effectively cripple the competitive advantage the Euro gave of a “captive market”, to Germany’s export sector.

Wheres Keynes come in?

“Energy firms warned that the decision – a total policy reversal – would require significant investment in energy infrastructure. Philipp Rösler, new head of the FDP party, which rules in coalition with the CDU, agreed, likening the task ahead to that which faced Germany in 1990 after reunification. A study in 2009 showed that €1.3 trillion (£1.1tn) had been transferred from the West to rebuild the East.”

Germany is considering bailing on the Euro, they have to find a way to prevent the mass layoffs which are sure to result. They have to find a way to soak up a few million people in their own internal economy.

The highly inefficient renewables sector is a way of employing a large number of people to generate the same amount of power as Nukes currently provide. In the meantime Germany will import power from France/Eastern bloc countries to meet any shortfall. This may actually be cheaper for Germany than the current arrangement, given the likely strength of a new Deutsche Mark.

All opinion and kite flying of course, but I can’t see any underlying logic behind this decision.

Save Australia — Close London’s Decommissioned Battersea Power Station! [Updates]

Oh no they didn’t…  Oh yes they did!

Check out the nasty filth-spewing power station featuring in this ad pushing for a tax on Australia’s carbon dioxide emissions:

That’s right… an English power station.  A closed English power station.  Battersea, as featured on the cover of the Pink Floyd album Animals:

And yes, that’s a flying pig:

Beyond parody™.

UPDATE Poll: Should the Warmies have let MARTIN write their “Say Yes” ad for them?

UPDATE 2:  Now that’s better…  Say YES, We Want An Election!  (h/t Catallaxy)

UPDATE 3:  Oh, please.

Australian Conservation Foundation climate and clean energy campaigner Phil Freeman last night denied the Battersea Power Station image was used, insisting it was a “representation of a power station taken from a stock image”.

Tim Blair:  “They take us for fools.

UPDATE 4: Adam has another Youtube video debunking the lies in the Yay-4-CarbonTax ad







Climate Commissar Tim Flannery: Prius Person & Panasonic Man

Does he wave that Panasonic flag out the window of his free Prius on his way to taxpayer-funded Climate Commissar gigs?

“A Climactic Immense Hogs-On”  indeed.

Tell me again how it’s the skeptics who are in all the Big Corporates’ pockets…?

N.B. Tim Flannery is NOT a dinosaur-bone expert.

Human Achievement Hour 2011 [Open Thread]

Enlightenment or endarkenment? Earth Hour or Hour of Power?  South Korea or North Korea (go ask James Board aka bingbing about how that’s working out)…?

Consider this an #EarthHour #HourOfPower #HumanAchievementHour open thread.  Feel free to add any links, pics or videos in comments, and other Tizona peeps with editing privileges should fee free to add them to this post.  Let’s recognise and celebrate the incredible accomplishments of the human race, and offer our cheers to those who keep the lights on and produce the energy that makes human achievement possible!

UPDATE 1:   Earth Hour enthusiast Ben Cubby asks:  Where will you be when lights go out? Your answers go here.

UPDATE 2:  West Australian folk-rock group The Waifs – Lighthouse

UPDATE 3:  Western Australia – Even Our Warmies Are Smarter… “The Chairman of Western Australia’s largest sustainability program says Earth Hour is tokenistic and a waste of time.”

UPDATE 4:  Nice essay by Julie Kirsten Novak at CatallaxyFiles on Human Achievement Hour & the Neo-Primitives (H/T Bolta)

UPDATE 5:  Ben-Peter Terpstra (@WKNDLibertarian):  Turn on your lights and celebrate ‘Human Achievement Hour’ [American Thinker]

UPDATE 6:   Tim Blair rounds up some Earth Hour winners & losers.

UPDATE 7:  More ideas on how to celebrate Human Achievement Hour

“No Carbon Tax” Rally — Some Twitter Highlights

"Alene Composta was unavailable for comment"

…but there is more “No Carbon Tax” Rally Twitter-snark below the fold, for your reading enjoyment! Read the rest of this entry »

A Return to the Dark Ages

It's lots more fun to play in good light!

In 1939 people knew the value of electricty


The headline : “Era of constant electricity at home is ending, says power chief”

Steve Holliday, chief executive of the National Grid, said “We are going to change our behaviour and consume it when it is available and available cheaply”

Another bright idea (I think it stinks)

Australia’s Carbon Tax: Brought To You By Julia’s Ratchet-Jawed Purveyors Of Monkey-Doodle And Baked Wind

In honour of The Labor-Green Carbon Tax They Promised We Wouldn’t Have, let’s revisit my favourite part of the lecture PJ O’Rourke delivered to the Centre for Independent Studies (@CISOZ) in Sydney a couple of years ago:

America has wound up with a charming leftist as a president. And this scares me. This scares me not because I hate leftists. I don’t. I have many charming leftist friends. They’re lovely people – as long as they keep their nose out of things they don’t understand. Such as making a living.

When charming leftists stick their nose into things they don’t understand they become ratchet-jawed purveyors of monkey-doodle and baked wind. They are piddlers upon merit, beggars at the door of accomplishment, thieves of livelihood, envy coddling tax lice applauding themselves for giving away other people’s money. They are the lap dogs of the poly sci-class, returning to the vomit of collectivism. They are pig herders tending that sow-who-eats-her-young, the welfare state. They are muck-dwelling bottom-feeders growing fat on the worries and disappointments of the electorate. They are the ditch carp of democracy.

And that’s what one of their friends says.

Although no one would ever accuse anyone in Australia’s current LaborGreen government (‘Seriously. Just look at them’) of being “charming”, the rest fits like a glove.



Update: We ask our Australian readers to ‘Just Say No to Monkey-Doodle and Baked Wind’ by signing this petition (5000+ signatures so far and counting) sponsored by Menzies House.  And if you’re on Twitter, please follow & support @MenziesHouse, @NoCarbonTax and Community Organiser par excellence @Tim_Andrews. Cheers.

Stop global warming. Who cares if Africa’s poor?

And stays poor.

Certainly not “concerned” ecotards.

The World Bank on Thursday approved a controversial $3 billion loan for the development of a coal-fired power plant by the South African state utility Eskom despite lack of support from major shareholder countries.

The U.S. Treasury said it abstained because of “concerns about the climate impact of the project and its incompatibility with the World Bank’s commitment to be a leader in climate change mitigation and adaptation.” …

Apart from banning DDT, isn’t it obvious that by, under the pretences of compassion, keeping third world countries poor, will literally kill millions of people?

Folks, despite what you may have heard, the planet doesn’t have an over-population problem.

If we get everyone rich, population growth will stabilize, anyway. It’s an historically demonstrated fact that “rich” people have one or two kids, and that “poor” people have many.

The Al Gores of this world are pimping man-made global warming. It’s a front for a very nasty agenda.

It’s got nothing to do with environmentalism and everything to do with power and control.


I’m not against a one-world government. Time will dictate its necessity. But an un-elected one-world communist government? Fuck no.

V2G: close but no cigar

OK, this isn’t exactly breaking news, but last night on Discovery HD World, after the main show, there was a little 10 minute clip on a mini program called e-nnovations (*groan*), or, apparently, Discovery Tech over in the US.

Anyway, the segment was about a new type of electric car that uses Vehicle-to-Grid or V2G technology. At first, perhaps, this sounds like a pretty neat concept. Charge your car off the grid in off-peak times then sell the electricity back to the grid during peak times.

But check out the nitty gritty, and it’s not such a sweet deal. And odd, too, that in 10 web pages I looked up (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10), all of them espouse the wonderful benefits, but none of them mentioned the cost.

Only the video did.

For starters, these V2G units cost about $70,000. So effectively, you will be paying four times more for your average car. Dr Willet Kempton, at the University of Delaware, who’s the bloke plugging this type of car, also acknowledges that if most of your electricity comes from coal (which it does), then the CO2 emissions end up being about the same as a regular car.

So far, we’re at four times the cost for pretty much no benefit.

Then he notes that if we use renewables like wind and solar energy, then, of course (?) the CO2 emissions will go down. But that means the cost will go up, not to mention that wind and solar baseload power is, at present, completely unreliable.

Maybe if we switched to nuclear power…

And how’s this? It seems to be that in the video, the doctor charges up his car at the university, then takes it home to power his house… and a few neighbours’ houses.

How convenient.

So overall, it seems like a neat idea on the surface, and may well work after quite a few more years of R&D, but at present it is at best a gimmick, and at worst a fraud.

PS They don’t exactly go for 500-odd kilometres, either.

*cross-posted at bing’s

Greenpeace to close the internet

Isnt it a bugger when fluffy envirotard ideas run up against reality. The ABC is carrying this story:

Internet giants powered by coal, Greenpeace says

The “cloud” of data that is becoming the heart of the internet is creating an all-too-real cloud of pollution as Facebook, Apple and others build data centres powered by coal, Greenpeace says in a new report.


Greenpeaces head of tech, yesterday.

Wonderful, Greenpeace have finally made the link between advanced technology and energy, lets see where that leads them.

The organisation argues that web companies should be more careful about where they build and should lobby more for clean energy.


Oh I see youd like them to increase their overheads by using more expensive power options, and do your propagandizing for you….good luck with that swampy.

Cheap and plentiful, coal is the top fuel for US power plants, and its low cost versus alternative fuels makes it attractive, even in highly energy-efficient data centres.

Apple, Facebook, Microsoft Corp, Yahoo Inc and Google Inc have at least some centres that rely heavily on coal power, Greenpeace said.


Hmmm huge, profitable and highly competitive,  why I bet they are just lining up to sign up to power which isnt even reliable to provide base load, after all Im sure customers wont mind hours of the “Blue screen of death” if its for Gaia….

Most of the companies declined to publish details of their data centres.

All said, however, they considered the environment in business decisions, and most said they were aggressively pursuing energy efficiency.


Gee I wonder why they wouldnt tell you where their most vulnerable points are crusties? Id encourage greenpeace to take this as far as then can, full page ads calling for the stopping of the internet, after all your committed donors will stick with you right??? right?

Heres the blurb from greenpeace itself.

The iPad, internet, climate change link in the spotlight


The report builds on previous industry research and shows that at current growth rates data centres and telecommunication networks will consume about 1,963 billion kilowatts hours of electricity in 2020. That is more than triple their current consumption and more than the current electricity consumption of France, Germany, Canada and Brazil combined. However, the report also shows how IT can avert climate chaos by becoming a transformative force advocating for solutions that increase the use of renewable energy


Stock tip: Go long on coal.

For example, Facebook recently announced the construction of its own data center in Prineville, Oregon, running primarily on coal.


Good, that is called maximizing your business returns by reducing you outlay…

Facebook members aren’t taking this sitting down. More than 365,00 have joined groups in the weeks since Facebook’s announcement, calling on the company to quit coal and become a climate leader.


Now if I were head of facebook Id be offering each of those 365,000 a chance to really show their commitment by only putting up their pages for 3 hours a day, at random, and broken into random sized sets of time. Oh and the platform would only support 100,000 of them on at any one time, or the music stops and the screen goes black and white…. As committed environmentalists Im sure theyd be prepared to take one for the team….

A crusty, yesterday.

These people are crazy, and its about time some of the big companies actively told them that. They arent happy with you, no sacrifice you make will appease them, so you may as well take them on.

In addition Greenpeace, you are going to pit your ideals against the combined testosterone of millions of teenage boys…good luck with that.

More Laser Awe: Laser Mosquito Zapper

Living in south central Texas as I do, my back yard needs one of these.


Iran to “punch” the West on Thursday

Tomorrow, Thursday, will be the 31st anniversary of Iran’s Islamic revolution (oxymoron, anyone?). And they reckon they will “punch” West “in a way that will leave [us] stunned“. What exactly this “punch” will entail, no one really knows, but it probably won’t amount to much, as is the norm when Iran bleats defiantly. Shaking in ma boots.

Now if only China would stop selling them weapons and whatever else, we could impose some more effective sanctions on them. China’s veto power at the UN currently prevents us from doing that. And, of course, the commies are thirsty for energy.

Cross-posted at bing’s cubby house.


Was this the punch??? Suspending gmail??


Photographic Evidence Demonstrating the Inefficiency of Wind Farms

This is teh awesome!

“Clouds stream in the wake of wind turbines arrayed at the Horns Rev offshore wind farm in this stunning photo. But David MacKay, a physicist at the University of Cambridge in the UK, sees the image as illustrating the common problem of back-row wind turbines losing power relative to the front row.
Downstream wind turbines may lose 20 percent or even 30 percent of their power compared to their fellows in front, according to a study on wake effects at Horns Rev that MacKay highlights on his blog.”