“What did comment trolls do before the internet?”

In response to recent twitter queries from @BenFordham & @jonkudelka, plus a seeming holiday uptick in general trollery on a few sites I follow, just felt it was time to give this classic @Lileks tweet from 2010 a re-run:

Congrats to ‘Watts Up With That’ – 100,000,000 Page Views and Counting…

W00T to WUWT on their “small milestone”, reached sometime this morning (8am-ish January 7th US Pacific time; the wee hours of the 8th Aussie time).

So wander over, offer your congratulations and thanks to Anthony Watts for his tireless efforts to bring some sanity – and SCIENCE – back to the discussion of nature, weather, technology and global warming climate change, check out Christopher Monckton’s guest post Hurrah for 8 orders of magnitude! and make sure to have a browse through some of the WUWT classics reposted here.

As Tim Blair noted in his recent post PEAK LOVE, “Climate panic is in decline…”  And though the self-inflicted damage of the content of the Climategate emails and many of the stupid hyperbole-ridden ham-handed advertising and “awareness” campaigns by the Warmies themselves (and their Love Media enablers) are partly to credit for the loss of credibility of the Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming’s Gonna Kill Us All®  movement, much credit must really go to the big guns of the bloggy “Deniosphere” such as Anthony Watts, Andrew Bolt, James Delingpole and our own Blogfather Tim Blair.

“Ha ha Warmist losers. For you the war is over.”

Your Favourite Blogs – Now With More Carbon!

How often have you been reading a blog and thought to yourself, “Self, what that blog needs is MORE CARBON!”?

Tax this, Julia…

Click here to view full size

(click to embiggen)

Moar?    Read the rest of this entry »

Labor and Green comment-bombing on the rise? You’re not imagining it. And yet…

The Greens had “Shock & Awe”

The Greens have launched another strike against the media, calling for volunteers for a rapid-response team to target “shock jock” and “hate campaigns” through talkback and letters to editors.

The call to action echoes Bob Brown’s attack on the “hate press” last week and Twitter jibes at individual journalists from his director of media, Marion Rae.

“The Australian Greens are looking to build a national network of individuals who want to take up the challenge of responding to the misinformation and hate campaigns being waged by radio shock jocks and other sections of the community and media,” says the party in an email.

The party calls the task “critical work”.

Labor has the “Wall of Noise” …

LABOR faithful are being urged to flood airwaves, news websites and letters to the editor sections with a “wall of noise” as part of a propaganda campaign against the Liberal-National Government.

The Sunday Times has obtained emails from Labor state secretary Simon Mead urging party members and supporters to become a “noisemaker” and join the “wall of noise team”.

“We need to be making phone calls to radio stations, posting items on news websites and writing letters to all our newspapers,” Mr Mead told Labor supporters and members in the email sent last month.

He said in another email: “By getting your voice heard you help change the media story from one supporting the government to one that says they are out of touch with the public.”

And yet despite all their smears, their sneers, their jamming and spamming, their outright deceit… their poll numbers say what?

Read the rest of this entry »

On the Internet, Nobody Knows You’re a Dog (or a Make-Believe Lesbian)

Another one?  Are there NO real lesbians on the internet?

Click, click, clickity click.

(And be sure to read to the end of clickity… there’s a bonus twist at the end)

UPDATE: Andrea Harris aka @twistyspinster has a handy-dandy tool for finding your lesbian name, so you too can pretend to be a lesbian on the Internet!

UPDATE II: More lesbians!  Mark Steyn, Jonah Goldberg, Mark Krikorian, John Derbyshire and a host of Tim Blair readers out themselves, along with our own  Bingbing Amethyst Thunder.

UPDATE III:  At Reason.com, “Love in the Time of Sockpuppets”

It’s not news that the Internet is rife with role-playing. Take all the masquerades of real life, add anonymity, throw in some viral marketers and alternate reality games and lonelygirl15s for flavor, and you get a network that can’t go a month without grabbing your shirt, slapping your face, and screaming DOUBT IS YOUR FRIEND. I like to think the long-term social effect will be a general increase in skepticism. In the short term, I feel like I tuned in to ‘The L Word’ and got ‘Mission:Impossible’ instead.

In that vein, I’d like to take the opportunity to confess that my name is not spot, and I am not a dog.  It’s just that doris_the_quokka doesn’t have quite the same ring to it.

Anyone else have confessions?  Add them in comments.

h/t Stacy McCainBryan Preston & Tim Blair

Doubling Down on Stupid

This is an actual thing that is happening in comments to Tim Blair’s post on False Alarmists:

Read the rest of this entry »

Gavin Atkins and the Search for the 50 Million Missing ‘Climate Refugees’

In 2005, the United Nations Environment Programme predicted that climate change would create 50 million climate refugees by 2010. These people, it was said, would flee a range of disasters including sea level rise, increases in the numbers and severity of hurricanes, and disruption to food production.

Gavin Atkins has been doing a series over at Asian Correspondent trying to track down these 50 million missing climate refugees and I thought I’d keep a list of his articles on the subject here, for ease of reference.

What happened to the climate refugees? (April 11, 2011)

Cover up: UN tries to erase failed climate refugee prediction (April 16, 2011)

50m climate refugee claims: It’s all about money for the UN (April 19, 2011)

Reaction to the 50 million climate refugee prediction (April 22, 2011)

The origins of the 50 million climate refugees prediction (April 23, 2011)

50m climate refugees? New Scientist can’t find them either (May 5, 2011)

50 million climate refugees – the search continues (May 9, 2011)

The Alaskan climate refugees who never left (June 14, 2011)

Asian Correspondent makes it to the Beeb:  Gavin Atkins talks to Hannah Barnes from BBC radio 4 about the missing 50 million climate refugees story  (June 16, 2011)

I’ll try to keep this list updated as the hunt continues.

…as I told him after his May 9 article was published, “Mate, you’re gonna need a bigger milk carton” 🙂
Anyone with Photoshop skills out there want to step up..?

Bolt Blog Shenanigans – The Strange Case of the Disappearing Comments

The first rule of Bolt Blog seems to be “don’t mention the phenomenon of the disappearing blocks of comments at Bolt Blog”.

Seriously, this has been going on for some time, and though I understand that with the hungry venal eyes of the Victim-Industrial Complex™ on him he has to be very careful about what gets published on his blog, that does not explain why huge swaths of basically unremarkable and certainly non-actionable comments get put up, only to disappear with all their replies a number of hours later.

I first remarked upon it last month, when the comment count on a post I had submitted several comments to fell from over 330 to just 276 in one fell swoop (almost 60 comments being deleted without explanation or notice) – it was a post on Trump and the “birthers”, and and as I tend to keep an eye on comments threads I have contributed to, I will say that although there were a lot of comments I would call painfully stupid, there were none that could possibly have been legally actionable.

I rarely bother with comments there anymore, as the increased number of comments by the mindless Leftoid trolls tend to derail any attempts at reasonable discussion & debate, but on weekends I do usually have a look in and keep seeing this same pattern repeating itself – idiotic throw-away comments by trolls seem to go up right away, and comments and replies by others either don’t get put up at all or get put up and then memory-holed a number of hours later.

Bolt is definitely aware that this is happening, and he’s aware that a number of his long-time readers & commenters aren’t very impressed, but so far he hasn’t even acknowledged any of these concerns on his blog.  Instead, when sometimes a number of people get comments through asking about the problem, that whole block of comments and replies suddenly disappears without notice.

To my mind, he’s not just dissing the readers and commenters who helped get him to where he is today; but he’s feeding the delighted Bolt-hating conspiracy theorists on the Left.

So, I know he’s aware of what’s going on, and he’s aware that people aren’t happy, and that he chooses not to explain or even acknowledge these concerns is his business – obviously, the hits still keep rolling in – but after just having seen yet another block of comments and replies “disappear” from today’s Forum, I just felt like having a whinge. Read the rest of this entry »


The VultureWho is this Vulture?

Please allow me to introduce myself. I’m a man of we–

Okay, “Sympathy for the Vulture” is NOT a good start. Let’s try again.

I discovered Tizona shortly after I discovered Andrew Bolt. I liked it. A lot. I considered it a ‘must read’ for my daily intake of blogs and news sources. While I don’t always agree with everything the individual contributors write, I certainly consider their viewpoints to be well-reasoned…unlike those expressed by Global Warming True Believers, Il Duce (Obama) sycophants, faux conservatives, and other douche bags.

Some time back bingbing asked me if I would be interested in being a contributor to The Tizona Group. I thought about it for about .3 seconds before responding that, yes, I would LOVE to. For various reasons it took a while to get me set up as a contributor. But now it’s on.

Those of you who have read my blog, The Vulture Lurks, know that I am a libertarian (small ‘l’), a Global Warming unbeliever, a hater of police and prosecutorial misconduct, and no fan of Il Duce (so named because, contrary to what others say about him being a Marxist, he governs as a Corporatist, in the style of the original Il Duce, Benito Mussolini).

I hail from Frederick, MD, a bedroom suburb equidistant from Washington DC and Baltimore. I have a lovely wife, Deadeye (so named because of her proficiency with firearms); two sons, ages 24 and 22; and I work as a computer programmer (official title, for what it’s worth: Principal Consultant).

I claim to be a “Health food” expert and a “Pain Management” expert, though a quick glance at those two posts will reveal that I’m nothing of the kind – just a coffee addict with a potty mouth.

I probably won’t post often. That day job thingy cramps my style. But I’ll contribute when I can and I’ll do so happy to have the opportunity to be part of this little community.

“I had to.”

Of course you did.

h/t our spam filter

Confirmed: The Bolt Report

Bolt Derangement Syndrome sufferers, start your engineswhiiiiine!

Ten has confirmed it will launch a new Sunday morning program, The Bolt Report, hosted by Herald Sun journalist Andrew Bolt on 8 May.

The Bolt Report will air at 10am, before Meet the Press, Ten’s existing political program which will move to 10.30am.

I hope Andrew Bolt remembers to thank his biggest fans, including Jeremy Sear.  Heh.

UPDATE:  Twitterati react

UPDATE 2:  A boycott?  Really? So much for the Left’s much-vaunted “tolerance”.  Anyway – you want to bet these people will be some of the show’s most avid (read: obsessed) viewers?

UPDATE 3:  I blame Sarah Palin’s Climate of Hate™ – “I have $30,000 in the bank if anyone out there is a professional assassin and can kill Andrew Bolt

UPDATE 4:  Panic stations![W]e are heading into worrying times for the network and the state of news in this country … are diverse opinions welcome at Ten anymore? … are Sunday mornings now the home of Coalition talking points and fringe climate change deniers?”  Oh, this is going to be fun.   Remember your popcorn!


Tim Blair: One of my favourite leftist correspondents – he’s the frequent author of what Tony Windsor would describe as death threats – now finds himself under Liberal rule, probably for the first time in his life.

Suck it, Ricky.

Lies and Calumny! Or, ‘No, I Am Not J.F. Beck’

Hi Alene,

I’m Jeremy Sear’s Fiancee’. I noticed that the usual suspects like J F Beck and Tim Blair have been attacking you (no doubt partly because you showed public support for Jeremy). I just wanted to let you know that I thought the post you wrote in response was very brave, and the only reason I’m not posting this on your blog is because I’m conscious that would make things worse.

Also, I’m fairly sure that “Spot the Dog”, one of your followers, is J F Beck. I’d suggest you block him if you can. I know you can’t stop him from reading, but if he knows that you’re on to him, it might give him pause. I can’t prove that it’s him, but we’re fairly sure it is.



No! I am not Prince Hamlet, nor was meant to be;
Am an attendant lord, one that will do
To swell a progress, start a scene or two,
Advise the prince; no doubt, an easy tool,
Deferential, glad to be of use,
Politic, cautious, and meticulous;
Full of high sentence, but a bit obtuse;
At times, indeed, almost ridiculous—
Almost, at times, the Fool.

…And no, I am not J.F. Beck.
They’re lying to you, Alene – I was your Number One fan!  If you block me, Alene, I don’t know what I shall do.

I don’t know that I’ll be accountable for my actions.

Not sayin’.  Just sayin’.

spot xx



UPDATE:  Because too many conspiracy theories are never enough!  Transcendental vegetation practitioner and qualified past-life regression therapist @DerekSapphire: Could it be that poor Ms Composta was murdered by right-wingers, who have now resurrected her identity online with the intention of using her as a tool to mock progressives?”

#WINNING: Paco for President!

Ode to Alene (apols. White Stripes) [Update: ABC moosed] [More Updates: #POPCORN!]

Alene Alene Alene Ale-eeene

I’m begging of you, please don’t leave your fans
Alene Alene Alene Ale-eeene
please don’t leave us just because you can
your snarkage is beyond compare
with flaming gobs of overshare
with shell-thin skin
and eyes of bilious green
your blog is such a poisonous thing
of your moose knuckles we do sing
Tim Blair cannot compete with you Alene
Bolt talks about you in his sleep
and there is nothing they can do to keep
from crying when we call your name, Alene
Alene Alene Alene Ale-eeene
I’m begging of you please don’t leave your fans
Alene Alene Alene Ale-eeene
please don’t leave us even though you can
well we can’t easily understand
how you can easily leave your fans
you do not know what you mean to us Alene
well you could have your choice of friends
but we could never laugh again
you’re the only one for us Alene
and I had to had to have this talk with you
my happiness depends on you
and whatever you decide to do Alene
Alene Alene Alene Ale-eeene
We’re begging of you please don’t leave your fans
please don’t leave us
even though you can
~dissolves into anguished sobs~

Show your support for Alene – vote here:


UPDATE:   Has Our ABC been moose’d ?  See comment below, then updates at Bolt’s, and this by Beck.

UPDATE 2:   So, whodunnit?  Your guesses here.

UPDATE 3:   MOOSE TRAP [Tim Blair]

UPDATE 4:  Bolt – “This is unbelievable. Insane anti-Liberal hatred is now so mainstream that not only is the most florid facsimile of it by a parodist published, no questions asked, by the ABC, but the Sydney Morning Herald still treats it as genuine even after the ABC very belatedly smells a rat.” CLICK

UPDATE 5:  Tim Blair responds to ABC online editor Jonathan “It was plausible!” Green – “I know this, son: if someone came to me with a story about moose and genitals and a female Labor premier, it’d have to pass some serious tests prior to publication.”  Click for more.

UPDATE 6:  She’s baaaaack! #WINNING

UPDATE 7:   Unjustly accused! Oh, c’mon guys.  Lies and calumny!

UPDATE 8:  Alene Composta {hearts} Jonathan Holmes! And Bolt has a look at Alene’s email to Jonathan Green.

UPDATE 9:  Oh, my.  Andrew Bolt’s column pinging Jonathan Green and “our” ABC; Tim Blair has the Compleat Composta Timeline; and yes: it is just like a “Car Crash In Slow Motion”.

UPDATE 10:  For any newcomers, I suggest you start with Tim Blair’s timeline of L’Affaire Composta which takes you from the beginning to today (19 March) and work your way back.


Tim Blair PWND!!

On Friday, March 4th, so-called “journalist” Tim Blair made fun of a man for having the wisdom and foresight to grow his tomatoes in his basement, behind barred windows.

The very next day, we read of this.

I know. It’s AdelaideAnd if something freaky is gonna happen it’s gonna happen in freaking Adelaide.

But still.

I call PWND.

What were you looking for?

What are you looking for?

Recent search terms which have led people to this blog

gemma arterton, australian flag, goatse, ann coulter, australia map, mankini, australia, iga, danica patrick, michelle obama, puffin, army, apollo 11, brazilian wandering spider, steve urkel, sandwich, kristanna loken, peugeot 907, australian spider, mieke buchan, obama countdown clock, koala, dogs, funny dogs, harpy eagle.

All someone needs to do now is compose a post which includes all of those terms, with maybe a “sarah palin nude” &/or “palin bikini” (two close runners-up) thrown in for added sparkle, and we’ll have the dream post everyone’s looking for.

Anyone game?

Great blog found

In the process of shooshing some shouty (try saying that one quickly) ecotard moonbats over at Blair’s, I stumbled upon the soon-to-be latest addition to the Tizona blogroll.

It’s called Not PC. As a teaser, I’ll post a vid he linked to regarding where all the money ($2 billion)* the Fed has blown recently has gone. Answer: no one seems to know!

Check it out. I’ll give you a money-back guarantee that if you’re a Righty, you’ll love it, and in turn, if you’re a Lefty, you, er, probably won’t (more commas please, Mr Quartermaster!).


Oops, that’s $9 trillion that’s gone walkabout, not a measley $2 billion. There’s a $1 trillion number in there and a $2 trillion number in there also. As they say on the other side of the fence; crikey!

Michelle Obama. Style Icon.

What can I say? She’s even got a blog devoted to her sense of remarkable style.

The above picture is from Getty Images and shows Mrs. and Mr. Messiah (sorry, Kev). If you look carefully, you will note that the eyes truly are the window to the soul, and you can see the brimstone simmering away under the surface.

This woman ought to be arrested for crimes against fashion, rather than being lifted up as a fashion plate to aspire to.

Sure, I get around in daggy clothes most of the time, but I’ve got an excuse. I don’t have much of a social life, and I am not one of the pre-eminent women on the planet courtesy of being married to a handbag who happens to have lucked into the Presidency of the USA.

If we check out this lovely (*snicker*) ensemble from different angles, we can see the wonders of photography and why it is rightly considered to be a Fine Art.

On the left, with the soft backlighting softening the lines of her figure, it looks almost decent.

On the right, we change angles just a touch, and the skirt and cardy combo look oh, so bogan.

In the interests of full disclosure, please note that I am not a cardigan fan. I loathe them with a passion and can’t remember the last time I owned one. I would rather my arms froze off.

Of course, I’m a bit inflexible that way. Same with shoes. Michelle appears to prefer flats, which is understandable because she’s rather tall, and with decent heels, she’d tower over Barry.

For my shoes, I’ve got Redback workboots, trainers, a pair of flat sandals, or a pair of these for going out in:

Okay, I can’t help it – I love shoes. I also love decent shoes, and I’d rather go barefoot than wear crap. Michelle’s shoes just don’t do it for me.

Mind you, if someone could scrounge up a photo of her in either New Rocks (think the boots in the Matrix) or something from Shoecraft, I’d have a whole lot more time for her sense of “style” as it stands.

The twin sets are boring, and suggest a bit of time spent at Egglestone Hall instead of summer camp.

The way she walks, like she’s spent the last 8 years playing basketball, suggest she didn’t pass deportment with flying colours.

I just can’t believe she is being touted as some sort of model material.

No, she’s not. She’s a woman in the public eye, and while I suspect she’s the head of the household, she’s still only human and not the vision of grace and loveliness that so many are bleating on about. I’m looking at you, Oprah.

I’ll leave the final word to the Godmother, who took one look at this and said, “Oh my God, she dresses like a primary school teacher from the 80s!”

Well, I guess that’s one way to impress the leaders of the Free* World and their spouses.

*And the Not So Free World.

The Richard Ryan Files #6

NOTE TO RICHARD RYAN: You have been warned many, many times in the past 12 months that if you keep up your harassment of people on this blog, we reserve the right to print selected comments of yours in full, including your various email addresses and IP addresses, and also to contact your ISP(s) and/or other relevant authorities.  The fact that you have continued even after that warning would seem to imply that you consent to these comments being made public.

§ § § § §

Part #1

Because of a huge recent influx of vile comments from the same deranged idiot (Richard Ryan, who usually  uses IPs in the Telstra/Dodo 58.163.13x.xxx and 149.135.11x.xxx ranges but has since expanded his IP ranges), I thought it prudent to continue documenting the worst of them in one place.  To keep the pages from taking ages to load, I’ve divided them into sections.

So, here are a few select highlights of the hundreds received thus far.  Not reprinted are those pre-July ’08, before we realized what a persistent, obsessive madman he would turn out to be, or the many that Tim Blair, Andrew Bolt and others continually have to delete from their blogs (both are aware of the stalking that’s been going on for almost a year now and the games Ryan plays, including impersonating a “normal” commenter (often myself) and complaining about “that awful Richard Ryan” among other weird things in an attempt to get published – who knows how the insane mind works…).

I would ask that if any of my fellow editors see any more like these in our comment/spam queue, either send me a screencap (press “Ctrl” and “PrtSc” simultaneously to put it on your clipboard, paste it into a graphics program and save as a .jpg)  – I’m collecting them in case things get even more out of hand, i.e. especially if he succeeds in finding me “in real life,”  as it appears attempts have already been made in that direction.  Thanks.

Just FYI, the comments referring to cancer are aimed at the fact that he knows that yes, I have been ill, and no, I am not interested in blogging on it just now, preferring in my case to keep the Internet a CFZ (cancer-free zone).   The comments referring to “Ash” refer to our main blog administrator, who tragically died in a car accident in January ’09.

Oh, and you can click on the .jpg clips to see them full-size in a new window.  Behold the Leftard maniac in all his vileness.

Richard Ryan comments - Tizona - spot_the_dog - GordonRichard Ryan comments - Tizona - spot_the_dog - Gordonrichard ryan comments - Tizona - spot_the_dog - Gordon

The Richard Ryan Files #4

NOTE TO RICHARD RYAN: You have been warned many, many times in the past 12 months that if you keep up your harassment of people on this blog, we reserve the right to print selected comments of yours in full, including your various email addresses and IP addresses, and also to contact your ISP(s) and/or other relevant authorities.  The fact that you have continued even after that warning would seem to imply that you consent to these comments being made public.

§ § § § §

Because of a huge recent influx of vile comments from the same deranged idiot (Richard Ryan, who usually  uses IPs in the Telstra/Dodo 58.163.13x.xxx and 149.135.11x.xxx ranges but has since expanded his IP ranges), I thought it prudent to continue documenting the worst of them in one place.  To keep the pages from taking ages to load, I’ve divided them into sections.

So, here are a few select highlights of the hundreds received thus far.  Not reprinted are those pre-July ’08, before we realized what a persistent, obsessive madman he would turn out to be, or the many that Tim Blair, Andrew Bolt and others continually have to delete from their blogs (both are aware of the stalking that’s been going on for almost a year now and the games Ryan plays, including impersonating a “normal” commenter (often myself) and complaining about “that awful Richard Ryan” among other weird things in an attempt to get published – who knows how the insane mind works…).

I would ask that if any of my fellow editors see any more like these in our comment/spam queue, either send me a screencap (press “Ctrl” and “PrtSc” simultaneously to put it on your clipboard, paste it into a graphics program and save as a .jpg)  – I’m collecting them in case things get even more out of hand, i.e. especially if he succeeds in finding me “in real life,”  as it appears attempts have already been made in that direction.  Thanks.

Just FYI, the comments referring to cancer are aimed at the fact that he knows that yes, I have been ill, and no, I am not interested in blogging on it just now, preferring in my case to keep the Internet a CFZ (cancer-free zone).   The comments referring to “Ash” refer to our main blog administrator, who tragically died in a car accident in January ’09.

Oh, and you can click on the .jpg clips to see them full-size in a new window.  Behold the Leftard maniac in all his vileness.

Richard Ryan comments - Tizona - spot_the_dog - Gordon

Richard Ryan comments - Tizona - spot_the_dog - Gordon

Richard Ryan comments - Tizona - spot_the_dog - Gordon

The Richard Ryan Files #3

NOTE TO RICHARD RYAN: You have been warned many, many times in the past 12 months that if you keep up your harassment of people on this blog, we reserve the right to print selected comments of yours in full, including your various email addresses and IP addresses, and also to contact your ISP(s) and/or other relevant authorities.  The fact that you have continued even after that warning would seem to imply that you consent to these comments being made public.

§ § § § §

Because of a huge recent influx of vile comments from the same deranged idiot (Richard Ryan, who usually  uses IPs in the Telstra/Dodo 58.163.13x.xxx and 149.135.11x.xxx ranges but has since expanded his IP ranges), I thought it prudent to continue documenting the worst of them in one place.  To keep the pages from taking ages to load, I’ve divided them into sections.

So, here are a few select highlights of the hundreds received thus far.  Not reprinted are those pre-July ’08, before we realized what a persistent, obsessive madman he would turn out to be, or the many that Tim Blair, Andrew Bolt and others continually have to delete from their blogs (both are aware of the stalking that’s been going on for almost a year now and the games Ryan plays, including impersonating a “normal” commenter (often myself) and complaining about “that awful Richard Ryan” among other weird things in an attempt to get published – who knows how the insane mind works…).

I would ask that if any of my fellow editors see any more like these in our comment/spam queue, either send me a screencap (press “Ctrl” and “PrtSc” simultaneously to put it on your clipboard, paste it into a graphics program and save as a .jpg)  – I’m collecting them in case things get even more out of hand, i.e. especially if he succeeds in finding me “in real life,”  as it appears attempts have already been made in that direction.  Thanks.

Just FYI, the comments referring to cancer are aimed at the fact that he knows that yes, I have been ill, and no, I am not interested in blogging on it just now, preferring in my case to keep the Internet a CFZ (cancer-free zone).   The comments referring to “Ash” refer to our main blog administrator, who tragically died in a car accident in January ’09.

Oh, and you can click on the .jpg clips to see them full-size in a new window.  Behold the Leftard maniac in all his vileness.

Richard Ryan comments on Tizona - spot_the_dog and TGordonrichard ryan comments - tizona - spot_the_dog - gordonrichard ryan coments - tizona - spot_the_dog - gordon

typical Richard Ryan comments on Tim Blair - spot_the_dog

richard ryan tizona comments - spot_the_dog, tgordon

The Richard Ryan Files #2

NOTE TO RICHARD RYAN: You have been warned many, many times in the past 12 months that if you keep up your harassment of people on this blog, we reserve the right to print selected comments of yours in full, including your various email addresses and IP addresses, and also to contact your ISP(s) and/or other relevant authorities.  The fact that you have continued even after that warning would seem to imply that you consent to these comments being made public.

§ § § § §

(…more below the fold) Read the rest of this entry »

The Richard Ryan Files #1

NOTE TO RICHARD RYAN: You have been warned many, many times in the past 12 months that if you keep up your harassment of people on this blog, we reserve the right to print selected comments of yours in full, including your various email addresses and IP addresses, and also to contact your ISP(s) and/or other relevant authorities.  The fact that you have continued even after that warning would seem to imply that you consent to these comments being made public.

§ § § § §

(…more below the fold)

Because of a huge recent influx of vile comments from the same deranged idiot (Richard Ryan, who usually  uses IPs in the Telstra/Dodo 58.163.13x.xxx and 149.135.11x.xxx ranges but has since expanded his IP ranges), I thought it prudent to continue documenting the worst of them in one place.  To keep the pages from taking ages to load, I’ve divided them into sections.

So, here are a few select highlights of the hundreds received thus far.  Not reprinted are those pre-July ’08, before we realized what a persistent, obsessive madman he would turn out to be, or the many that Tim Blair, Andrew Bolt and others continually have to delete from their blogs (both are aware of the stalking that’s been going on for almost a year now and the games Ryan plays, including impersonating a “normal” commenter (often myself) and complaining about “that awful Richard Ryan” among other weird things in an attempt to get published – who knows how the insane mind works…).

I would ask that if any of my fellow editors see any more like these in our comment/spam queue, either send me a screencap (press “Ctrl” and “PrtSc” simultaneously to put it on your clipboard, paste it into a graphics program and save as a .jpg)  – I’m collecting them in case things get even more out of hand, i.e. especially if he succeeds in finding me “in real life,”  as it appears attempts have already been made in that direction.  Thanks.

Just FYI, the comments referring to cancer are aimed at the fact that he knows that yes, I have been ill, and no, I am not interested in blogging on it just now, preferring in my case to keep the Internet a CFZ (cancer-free zone).   The comments referring to “Ash” refer to our main blog administrator, who tragically died in a car accident in January ’09.

Oh, and you can click on the .jpg clips to see them full-size in a new window.  Behold the Leftard maniac in all his vileness.

Richard Ryan comment to spot_the_dog/Tgordon at Tizona

Richard Ryan comments to Tizona/spot_the_dog/Gordon

Richard Ryan comments to Tizona/spot_the_dog/GordonRichard Ryan comments to Tizona/spot_the_dog/GordonRichard Ryan comments to Tizona/spot_the_dog/GordonRichard Ryan comments on Tizona re. spot_the_dog/TGordon

Recommended Reading

Just a note for those of us who are readers of Rafe Champion that he has recently completely revised his “Full Index” page on his blog The Rathouse in order “to make the bits and pieces on the site easier to find.”  (He adds, “I hope!”)

It looks great to me, makes it easy to find articles by topic, and includes among other things a comprehensive list of his articles on the Rathouse site as well as on others such as as Club Troppo and Catallaxy.

If for some reason any of y’all aren’t readers of Rafe’s work, I highly recommend going over and having a look.   For me, it looks like I’m going to have a bit of down-time with only sporadic internet access this week so I’m busy downloading some of his “back catalog” for when I feel the need for some brain-food.

And, oh well, as long as I’m plugging blogs here, although I only recently “discovered” it (hey, make allowances for me; I’m still a relative newbie), I really recommend the skepticlawyer blog, if you’re not already a reader of it.  I only found it via a link during the recent “blog wars,” but I’ve been clicking over now when I get a chance lately and have found some interesting posts there.  From what I’ve read so far, the two bloggers, SkepticLawyer and Legal Eagle, don’t seem to have much interest in snarking or point-scoring and I’ve found it (again, only from my limited reading so far) to be a pleasant oasis of intelligent and civil discussion and analysis.

Two recent posts I think might interest some of our regulars here:  yesterday’s “Something Rotten in the State of WA” (as the Sandgropers among us ask “…and this is news?”) and one from earlier this month, “Right to a child versus rights of a child.”

Anyway, you’ll find both Rafe’s blog and the Skepticlawyer blog over on our blogroll.  Have a poke around and see what you think.


[EDIT 17 March 5:45am – AUGH!  I just realised that I spelled “Skeptic” in SkepticLawyer wrong  (the Aussie c, not Yank k way).  And not once, not twice, but a beautifully consistent three times above.  Sorry, guys.  Fixed.]