Say “Yes,” Tim!

As a favor to an old Air Force friend, I’d like to ask any of y’all who have Facebook or Twitter accounts or your own blogs to give this a bit of oxygen.

Thank you and God bless!

♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦

Update: Gregory No. 6, James Board and El Campeador join the campaign. If you’ve re-blogged, Facebooked or Twittered it, let me know in comments below and we’ll give you a plug as well.

Why the desire to pull the troops out of Iraq in the first place?

*posted first on Friday Feb. 10, here*

In the Australian today:

NO sooner did President Barack Obama welcome home American troops from Iraq and laud that country’s stability and democracy than an unprecedented wave of violence across Baghdad and elsewhere revealed the severity of Iraq’s political crisis.

Unfortunate, yet hardly surprising, even to the most casual of observers.

And whilst I can understand (yet not agree with) the Left’s position not to send troops into Iraq in the first place – an argument, largely moot, for another day – what I don’t understand is their fervish desire to pull the troops out.

It always smacked of idealism, ideology, rather than hard-nosed practicality.

After all, what was so bad with having a US troop presence there to help maintain Iraq’s fragile democratic stability?

One could argue that I am biased because a) I am centre-right politically and b) because I live in South Korea, a nation that has had a US troop presence – some 37,000  28,000 or so currently – since the armistice between North and South Korea and have seen what a permanent US troop presence looks like.

I am happy to accept those labels and can gladly tell you that such a presence ain’t that bad.

By and large,  US bases in Korea – and Japan for that matter – haven’t been a problem.

Sure, issues pop up from time to time, but if one looks at the big picture, then a strong US presence here can only be seen as a good thing, a safe option, a pretty darn good insurance policy against North Korea trying anything major on.

Almost 60 years we’ve had US troops over here without any major problems. In fact, many major problems (a full-scale Nork attack comes to mind) have arguably been averted thanks to this presence.

So, why the rush to leave Iraq essentially free of any US military  before even a decade is up and before, as is clear now, the job is done?

OK, so perhaps it’s a bit like comparing apples and oranges. US troops in Korea, aside from those stationed at the DMZ, aren’t on active duty as they were in Iraq.

However, it’s not a completely dissimilar situation. Perhaps a good analogy would be to compare mandarins and oranges.

US troops not only provided safety and stability in the fledgling democracy that is Iraq – a country still steeped with sectarian and tribal rivalries – but surely they also provided a deterrence to anybody or any groups who want to destabilise the nation.

What takes years to build can take mere seconds to destroy, and I fear a lot of hard work is being undone on the whim of a flawed, feel-good, ideology.

So why?

The only practical reason that I can see for Obama pulling his troops out of Iraq is that with an Iranian confrontation looming which includes action needed in Syria, Iraq frankly isn’t important enough any more or at best, an impractical option for a potentially over-stretched military.

Of course, Obama – a man of the progressive Left – can’t actually come out and say that but it is reasonably well-known to those who don’t just get their news from the MSM that Obama is actually more of a war-time president than Bush was, having committed more troops to both Iraq and Afghanistan, and for a longer period of time.

So whilst the MSM might play along with the “bringing the troops home” narrative, the evidence indicates this simply isn’t the case.

Some 20,000 marines, seamen and air crews from half a dozen countries, a US nuclear aircraft carrier strike group and three US Marine gunship carriers are practicing an attack on a fictitious mechanized enemy division which has invaded its neighbor. It is the largest amphibian exercise seen in the West for a decade, staged to simulate a potential Iranian invasion of an allied Persian Gulf country and a marine landing on the Iranian coast. Based largely on US personnel and hardware, French, British, Italian, Dutch, Australian* and New Zealand military elements are integrated in the drill.
Bold Alligator went into its operational phase Monday, Feb. 6, the same day as a large-scale exercise began in southern Iran opposite the Strait of Hormuz. This simultaneity attests to the preparations for a US-Iranian showdown involving Israel behind the words on Feb. 5 of US President Barack Obama (“I don’t think Israel has decided whether to attack Iran”) and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Feb. 3 (“The war itself will be ten times as detrimental to the US.”).

(*BTW, I don’t recall Aussie PM Gillard highlighting that one.)

And this:

As the US and Israel carried on bickering over the right time to strike Iran’s nuclear sites, their war preparations continued apace. debkafile’s military sources report that flight after flight of US warplanes and transports were to be seen this week cutting eastward through the skies of Sinai on their way to Gulf destinations, presumably Saudi Arabia, at a frequency not seen in the Middle East for many years.

Add into this mix reports that China will reportedly help Saudi Arabia build a nuclear bomb, and that both China and India have started paying Iran for its oil in gold thus helping thwart current US/UN sanctions (more of which were recently thwarted by Russia and China), then we see a stage set for a showdown and we see the reality that rhetoric aside, Obama won’t be bringing many troops home at all.

To someone who doesn’t know any better, it’s as if Russia, India, and China – all wannabe first chickens to the trough – are ganging up on America.**

PS Who wouldn’t love to be a fly on the wall listening in to what the US is really saying about China? Their ever-expanding use of soft power is in many ways, stuffing it all up for America. China must surely be becoming an ever-increasing pain in the neck.

This leaves Australia in an interesting position. Our main export partner is China. Our main ally is the US. We send China our goodies to help them get rich and rival America. We practice shooting our guns with America to help keep America on top.

And yet China and America are also so deep in each other’s pockets. America buys China’s goods. China buys America’s debt.

Fun times.

** I highly recommend reading The Lucifer Principle by Howard Bloom. Part of the book talks about the pecking order of nations.

So which one?

Which Republican presidential nominee?

Having just spent an hour or so watching the New Hampshire GOP Republican debate, having gleaned various tidbits over the internet since a while back, I can honestly say I don’t know.


In comments at that link, Ron Paul’s supporters come across as a tad too fervent, as does Paul himself. He just comes across as a bit whiney. Quick to complain about a problem but a bit wishy washy with any solutions.

Romney arguably won, but he comes off as Obama-lite+religion. He’s big government but I will say he’s tending to own his opponents. He does look presidential and has the establishment’s backing… not necessarily a good thing when up against Obama who REALLY has the Establishment’s backing and REALLY (at least) talks presidential (except here where he sounds about as formidable as Julia Gillard). Read the rest of this entry »

The fix is in

During the 2008 presidential election cycle, I wrote over 60 posts — including extensive analysis of the primaries and conventions — at my personal blog, The Vulture Lurks (recommended by 4 out of 5 curmudgeons). So far this election cycle I’ve written a handful of minor posts. Why the drop-off? That’s easy. This isn’t an election we’re witnessing. It’s a coronation, at least on the Team Elephant side of the ledger.

Why would I call it a coronation? How could I call it a coronation when there is no clear front-runner and the first primary hasn’t even occurred yet? Follow along as I read the tea leaves.

Conservative media: Fox News (“fair” and “balanced”) is in the tank for Romney. Big time. Some of Fox’s so-called analysts are so far up Romney’s butt that they taste his lunch mere seconds after he does.

Fox has proclaimed Romney winner of nearly all of the debates. Yet after one of the debates, Michele Bachmann surged into the lead in the polls. After another, it was Herman Cain. After yet another, it was Newt Gingrich. You should be getting the idea by now. No matter Romney’s showing, he’s the winner.

Every time Fox gets on the subject of the “Primary front runners”, Romney’s name is first on their lips. No matter where he is in the latest polling, first, second, even FOURTH, he is always “a front runner”. Meanwhile, if he is first or second, NO ONE beyond second place gets a mention. Hell, when he was in fourth place in an Iowa poll recently, the candidate ahead of him, Ron Paul, was omitted from mention in the front runners discussion. But not Mitt.

Talk radio isn’t quite as blatant; in fact, many talk show hosts are reluctant to be seen as endorsing anyone, such is the general distaste for Romney among the listening public. But almost without fail, all talk show hosts assert that no matter who the Republican nominee is, no matter how much they might deviate from conservative principles, we HAVE TO vote for them – ANYONE but Obama. Never mind that a vote for Romney is a vote for “Obama-lite”. You gotta do it!

Columnists of various stripes have wandered hither and yon regarding Romney. But two powerhouse conservative pundits have lined up foursquare behind him: Ann Coulter and Charles Krauthammer. Both of these two alleged conservatives have shelved principle and gone with “electable” as be-all/end-all for their candidate. Never mind that it was said of Ronald Reagan in 1980 that he was unelectable. This is different.

Bang the war drums: Every candidate still in the race, with the exception of Ron Paul, is obsessed with proving their warrior bona fides. “I would go to war with Iran NOW!”, one after another will thunder. The audience (God help us!) eats that shit up. It would appear that so-called conservatives have bought into the propaganda that never-ending pre-emptive war is “defense”. Again, God help us!

One is left in amazement that a candidate can spew vitriol with regards to all of the wasteful spending in Washington, and yet opine that the military, estimated to hit around $1.4 TRILLION in spending in 2012, needs to be beefed up. We’re drowning in debt, but without war-without-end and the trillions of dollars it requires, we’re going to be overrun by cave-dwelling terrorists, and conquered.

The military-industrial complex lives and thrives.

The Team Elephant elite: They’ve made it clear for over a year – Romney is their guy. I suppose they’d settle for Gingrich in a pinch (much as they settled for McCommie last cycle, when Rudy Giuliani was their preference). But they’re adamant. It WILL be Romney or an equally conviction-free statist. Period.

Do you really think the attacks on Governor Perry Gardacil, Herman Cain, and Michele Bachmann happened because Big Media (the BM for short) hates “real” conservatives and wanted to destroy them? Those attacks were friendly fire. Those attacks were orchestrated. Don’t be surprised if Newt succumbs to something similar to what happened to Cain between now and mid-January.

“Okay, Vulture. You believe there’s a coronation afoot. What do you say we do about it, smart guy?”

What CAN we do? Truthfully, we in the West have gone so far down the slippery slope to ruin that I don’t think it matters any more who we elect.We might crash and burn and start to recover sooner with one candidate over another.

But crash and burn we shall.

Memo to US Forces, Korea

It’s probably not a good idea to 1. pick a fight with a civilian over essentially nothing 2. attempt to extract money from said civilian 3. have one of your group sucker punch said civilian from behind 4. not even own up to it 5. gang up on civilians in the middle of downtown and 6. run away like cowards when the cops come.

To be fair 99.9% of US military guys I meet are outstanding people, but over the last few years, there have been a growing number of young ones who appear to have no respect nor regard for anyone.

Even when confronted by a senior ex-military man, they show little but mockery and contempt.

I understand these guys are young and most likely have witnessed the unimaginable, but that does not give them the right to intimidate and assault the very people they are meant to be protecting.

The US military arguably – and I still personally believe, wrongly – has an image problem, and acting like thugs to civilians in a foreign country in front of hundreds of people certainly doesn’t help.

Why on Earth did the powers that be lift curfew a couple of years ago?


The report I sent to the USFK.

Read the rest of this entry »

The REAL reason the Islamic extremists hate us… (Part II)

Another reason why the Islamic extremists hate us:

[Daily Mail] –  It is easy to forget what’s going on in the world around you when busting a move on the dance floor.

But a U.S. Army soldier appears to remain completely oblivious as he dances on a tank – even when two missiles fire past close behind him.

In a YouTube video that has been watched nearly half a million times in four days, the soldier is shown dancing in full army gear on top of a M1068 mobile command centre.

As he gets into the rhythm of the Tom Jones hit ‘It’s Not Unusual’ – showing off his moves and swinging his hands from side to side – a rocket suddenly rushes through the sky.

But like a true dance professional the soldier does not flinch and carries on with his routine completely unfazed.

Even when a second rocket fires close to his roof-top position, he continues to boogie with flare and style.

Dressed in helmet, boots and full combat gear, the soldier seems completely unaware of what is going on behind him.

The dancing solider is seen dancing ‘The Carlton’ dance made famous by television show Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

The funky moves became popular and were called ‘the funniest dance in the world’ after being performed by the character Carlton played by actor Alfonso Ribeiro on the cult show.

Finally: The Obama SEAL Team 6 Action Figure


Obama SEAL Team 6 Action Figure

"Gutsy Call!"

Navy SEALs have become national heroes since news broke that they took down Osama bin Laden, so it’s fitting that the newest action figure from a Connecticut company is a fierce-looking President Barack Obama as a SEAL.

The minute Obama said late on the night of May 1 that the U.S. had found and killed bin Laden, Emil Vicale knew which his action figure company’s would make next — Rambama.

On Wednesday morning, Hero Builders released the Obama SEAL Team 6 action figure — a muscular President in fatigues armed with an M1-A4.

Wait, asks @JammieWearingFooldon’t those buff, toned, glistening biceps look familiar? 



UPDATE [Friday]:  The entire Google ‘Blogger’ platform  is currently pretty much munted. JammieWearingFool’s post at the link above, along with one presumes millions of other posts from the past 24-36 hours, is AWOL as I write this.  One hopes Blogger gets its chit together soon.  Or we’ll have to call in IT Support Superstar Blogbama. (Please, no more action figures – we beg you).

Taking credit

Amidst all of the happy talk following the death of Usama bin Laden, there is a telling tale of the true nature of our dear President, Il Duce.  In his press conference Sunday night, he made a big show of highlighting his decisiveness and his role in the military action.

Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad Pakistan.

Uh, yeah…about that

The operation was at this time effectively unknown to President Barack Obama or Valerie Jarrett and it remained that way until AFTER it had already been initiated. President Obama was literally pulled from a golf outing and escorted back to the White House to be informed of the mission. Upon his arrival there was a briefing held which included Bill Daley, John Brennan, and a high ranking member of the military. When Obama emerged from the briefing, he was described as looking “very confused and uncertain.” The president was then placed in the situation room where several of the players in this event had already been watching the operation unfold. Another interesting tidbit regarding this is that the Vice President was already “up to speed” on the operation. A source indicated they believe Hillary Clinton had personally made certain the Vice President was made aware of that day’s events before the president was. The now famous photo released shows the particulars of that of that room and its occupants. What that photo does not communicate directly is that the military personnel present in that room during the operation unfolding, deferred to either Hillary Clinton or Robert Gates. The president’s role was minimal, including their acknowledging of his presence in the room.

At my direction? Uh-huh.

One need only take a look at the photograph of the situation room to know what Il Duce’s role in the event was. It’s standard meeting protocol; the people who are directly involved in decision making have a seat at the table, and everyone else grabs a chair where they can. Vice President Hairplugs and Succubus of State Clinton have a seat at the table; they are in on the decision making. Obama’s seat indicates spectator status.

As if we should be surprised…

“We will not waver, we will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail”

“We will not waver, we will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail. Peace and freedom will prevail.”
George W. Bush, 2001

“Tonight America has sent an unmistakable message. No matter how long it takes, judgment will be done.”
George W. Bush, 2011


UPDATE:  The story of how Osama was killed is coming out, and it’s pretty awesome. “Osama Bin Laden Killed By Navy Seals in Firefight”

UPDATE II: My friend Garth Godsman with the lamest Tweet of the day, so far.

UPDATE III:  Andrew Bolt, Tim Blair

Thank God for the Patriot Guard Riders – Standing Between Westboro Nutters and Mourning Families at Military Funerals

These people are too awesome.  You’ll be glad you took the time to watch:

Erick Brockway explains:

A young wife says goodbye to her husband as he deploys overseas. In the back of her mind, like a nagging ghost she refuses to see, is the thought he may not return alive.

One day, a government vehicle pulls up in front of her home, and the uniformed servicemen and women come to the door with solemn expressions on their faces to deliver the news;

“The President and the Department of Defense regret to inform you…”

A life of worry becomes one of trepidation, angst, and then intense sorrow as one by one, family members hear the sad tidings.

Somehow they carry on, being visited by the Casualty Assistance Officers, visiting informational websites, and finally making funeral arrangements to say goodbye to their departed loved one/hero.

Then, the unthinkable. Some whacked-out supposedly “Christian” church is planning to protest at their loved one’s military funeral, with signs saying God supposedly killed their hero because “God hates fags“. When life seems to be at its lowest point for the survivors, a group of pseudo-Christians steps up to make bring more pain and make life worse.

In step the Patriot Guard Riders

Click over and read the rest.

The same US Constitution which gives the hateful Westboro mob the right to protest at military funerals also gives the Patriot Guard Riders the same rights to freedom of assembly and freedom of speech – to counter those who would dishonour the men and women who sacrifice all to protect it.

Good on them.

Finally, Obama addresses the nation about America’s Kinetic Military Action in Libya

And via the magic of Twitter, his entire 7-page single-spaced speech can be distilled down into fewer than 140 characters:

“I authorized this war that is not a war, which is narrowly focused but broad in scope, so we could lead. As helpers.”

And this critique:

“Eerily like a Bush speech, but without the conviction.”

Hey, here’s a word cloud!

If you’d like a little more detail, see PJTV‘s account of the speech.  If you’d like the time-limited, vermouth-limited overserved kinetic martini-action version, see VodkaPundit’s drunkblog account.

And if you’d like to see how this speech SHOULD have been done, see Reagan.

UPDATE: More on Obama’s War from James Board, and a great post at RedState which includes some of the top Twitter reactions.


via twitterers @MelissaTweets, @EWErickson, @KamaainaInOC, @GayPatriot, @instapundit, @CalebHowe & @VodkaPundit.

As Obama’s War Begins in Libya, Peace Activists Hold Rally at White House…

…Against the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars.


“You know it makes sense!”

h/t @WeaselZippers


BUT BUT BUT!!!!! HE’S NOT BUSH!!!!!! heh. #ChimpyMcObamaHitlerHalliburton

Channel 7’s Mark Riley Reacts Badly To Accusation That He Still Beats His Wife

Or, as Colonel Robert Neville says, “What’s good for the goose is good for the slander.”

No, really.

PFC Bradley Manning, heres the torture..

As has been reported on many news sites PFC Bradley Manning is apparently so mistreated the UN is going to investigate. ( Id sleep with my bum to the door if I were him, the UN has a certain…reputation)

From the link: “THE UN HAS CONFIRMED it is investigating complaints made by supporters of detained US army soldier Bradley Manning, suspected of supplying confidential US files and military information to WikilLeaks.”

Now Ive run across an interesting website run by an ex-military man now lawyer who specialises in court martial cases. Hes also currently defending Mr Manning. David E. Coombs is his name, and he has a blog of his own.

He has written a piece on his blog which clearly outlines how PFC Manning is treated, and how his day unfolds. Its matter of fact and fairly banal, Mannings biggest hassle will be boredom.

Heres a couple of sections, but please go across and have a look at the full thing.

His cell is approximately six feet wide and twelve feet in length.

The cell has a bed, a drinking fountain, and a toilet.

The guards at the confinement facility are professional. At no time have they tried to bully, harass, or embarrass PFC Manning. Given the nature of their job, however, they do not engage in conversation with PFC Manning.

He is allowed to watch television during the day. The television stations are limited to the basic local stations. His access to the television ranges from 1 to 3 hours on weekdays to 3 to 6 hours on weekends.

He is allowed to have any combination of up to 15 books or magazines. He must request the book or magazine by name. Once the book or magazine has been reviewed by the literary board at the confinement facility, and approved, he is allowed to have someone on his approved list send it to him. The person sending the book or magazine to him must do so through a publisher or an approved distributor such as Amazon. They are not allowed to mail the book or magazine directly to PFC Manning.

He is not allowed to have a pillow or sheets. However, he is given access to two blankets and has recently been given a new mattress that has a built-in pillow.

When PFC Manning goes to sleep, he is required to strip down to his boxer shorts and surrender his clothing to the guards. His clothing is returned to him the next morning


So as you can see his daily routine is banal, and boring, but torture??

The Lawyers blog has been infested by shrieking moonbats of the most fantastic varieties, the comments section is a hoot.  Some highlights under the fold…

Read the rest of this entry »

Downer calls for Taliban negotiations

At first glance, this is a particularly unpalatable notion, but perhaps the Realpolitik of the situation warrants such a change of strategy.

THE initial objective of the invasion of Afghanistan has been achieved and it’s time for a diplomatic settlement involving the Taliban and their Pakistani creators, says former foreign minister Alexander Downer.

In an article entitled “Our messy war” published in The Spectator ahead of the parliamentary debate on Afghanistan, Mr Downer said the initial military goal was to destroy al-Qaeda’s capacity to use Afghanistan as a base for attacks on the US and other western targets.

“That goal was achieved. Al-Qaeda was destroyed in Afghanistan. As time has passed there has been mission creep,” he said.

Mr Downer said the task now was apparently to improve the quality of democracy and security, but that was proving perilously difficult as Afghanistan had never been competently governed by an administration based in Kabul.

However, on the one hand we see reports of a decimated Taliban having endured a near decade-long “arse-kicking”. Their best commanders are either dead or captured and what’s left is literally a rag tag army.

Thus, why negotiate now? Rather, seizing the jugular (g’day, reader Carpe Jugulum ;-)!) would appear to be the more effective option in the long-run.

But then there are the reports of a wishy-washy US president who even after an Iraqi-style troop surge- which has arguably been a success, just like in Iraq – still appears to not really know what to do.

American Spectator’s Alfred S. Regnery:

Afghanistan is often called the “graveyard of empires.” It is also Barack Obama’s Achilles’ heel. He has nobody to blame but himself.

Afghanistan has little strategic value and the war is one of choice rather than necessity. Now, at the end of a wasteful and frustrating decade, our objective is to end the fighting and leave a measure of stability behind. But clarifying even this simple goal seems more than the Obama administration can handle.

That’s probably why Downer is calling for a deal. Regnery’s piece goes on to remind us that Afghanistan, hardly a nation, is but really a collection of tribes, rooted in the middle ages, and certainly not a prime candidate for nation-building.

Still, something doesn’t sit right. Even with Al-Qaeda taken care of over there, what’s to say they wouldn’t re-emerge – and quickly? A deal and/or pull-out would likely inspire Islamic terrorist forces around the globe. And just how much could you expect a “legitimised” Taliban to keep up their end of any bargain?

The Australian parliament is set to debate the Afghanistan War this Tuesday. Yet with the major government power-broker, Greens’ leader Bob Brown, not even having been there, it seems folly to have this debate just now even if both, generally speaking, the ALP and Liberals are committed to the war.

You’d think the best course of action would be to head the advice of the generals on the ground. Bob Brown flies in the face of this, however.

“We have to take what our army commanders are saying into account here but then I have letters from relatives of troops who are in Afghanistan or going to Afghanistan who do not want their loved ones sent to what they see as a hopeless war,” he told ABC Television.

A US debate over what step to take next is scheduled for December.

Faced with a White House war review due in December and decreasing public support for the war back home, the U.S. military is not in a position to hold back. The current phase of operations is geared to make a statement: drive the fight as aggressively as possible and rout the Taliban in their own backyard. Looking forward, commanders posit that improved civilian freedom of movement and a stronger government presence will be reliable gauges of progress. But it remains to be seen just what metrics will be enough to convince the Obama Administration that serious money and manpower should be poured into a conflict now entering its 10th year.

Whatever the powers-that-be decide, now is a good time for Western forces to strike hard while the iron is hot. One reason is purely military in nature: the Taliban is at its knees. The other reason is purely political in nature: Obama and other Western politicians appear to be at their knees.

A deal with the Taliban?

Picture source: Taliban feud over murder of Polish hostage


The latest terror round-up

Let’s start off with Tony Blair noting that the war on terror has left too many Muslims thinking we’re out to get them. Of course, that’s not the case, but is it really such a surprise the West is taking a closer look at Islam in an effort to understand why so many terrorists are Muslim?

We note that two Israeli soldiers have been convicted of using a Palestinian boy as a human shield. Does the same kind of scrutiny occur in the Palestinian territories when their folk do the same (and on a much larger scale)?

And speaking of pricks who use civilians as human shields, it’s good to hear the Taliban, thanks largely to the surge and all our fine soldiers, is “getting an absolute arse-kicking”. Indeed, they’ve been decimated.

Cheney. I knew it!

Don’t ask me how I know. Probably the same way you do. You can sense it, right? Feel it?

I knew that slimey Cheney SOB was involved in 9/11. How involved is anyone’s guess, but that’s not the point. He was involved.

The troof is out there… well at least if you’re mum turned activist Cindy Sheehan.

Seriously, would it be better to despise or pity her? Flogging her dead son’s memory around like that still, in order to keep pounding out the redundant, irrelevant dribble of far Left groups who so callously took advantage of a once pround but then grieving parent is, either way you look at it, not a good look.

Karl Winn, Uberdouche

Check out the form on this moral midget

A programme which attempts to place ex soldiers in work sent an enquiry to this company, Webeurope net design, received the following dismissal from the walking excrement that is its owner.

I prefer child molesters, or rapists...

Boss Karl Winn would rather hire paedophiles than former soldiers


Winn, a former social worker, replied: “Personally, I’d rather recruit ex-drug dealers, convicts and even child molesters rather than consider anybody who has been in the pay of the British Government

“Anybody who has been in the pay of such a military force, and by their silence and complicity has condoned such illegal and immoral actions while accepting a monthly blood-stained pay-packet, certainly will not be considered for employment by us!

“Please remove us from your email list. Regards, Karl.”

After the sentient turd saw how this might blow up he attempted to clarify the matter, by blaming it on someone else,

From the sun newspaper

Winn tried to deny he wrote the email when The Sun first challenged him. He blamed a “disgruntled” worker he sacked, who had managed to hack into his personal email.

But confronted by further emails between him and the FRS he caved in and admitted he had written them – but refused to apologise.
So he used the truth as the last resort, how….something of him.

Ex-pedophiles and drug addicts who have been charged and paid the price for their actions deserve a chance to get on with their lives. In my opinion, military personnel who have got away with murder do not,” he said.

“I will therefore continue with my blanket ban on employing ex-military personnel. I understand this will affect innocent as well as guilty people.”


Mind you hes not hiding it anymore, heres from his own business website.

Karl Winn, Webeurope’s founder and principal owner, has for many years supported numerous organisations (NGO’s), such organisations include: –

  • The International Human Rights Network – Supporting others in applying Human Rights Based Approaches to UN Agencies, countries, and organisations.
  • Film Makers Against War – FAW seeks to educate and raise awareness of UK and international war law
  • Art and Sacred Places – Encourages the interaction of art and religion by commissioning artists to make work in sacred places.
  • Relatives for Justice – A northern Ireland based organisation that supports and campaigns on behalf of the families of the 367 men, women, and children, who have been killed by members of the British Military and Police services. The campaign seeks to bring the perpetrators of such killings before the courts.


Now far from being vindictive Im merely going to post this fellows business details in an attempt to drum up more business for him. Let it not be said Im encouraging anyone to spam his inbox with pictures of white feathers, much like the ones under the fold….

Read the rest of this entry »

Airborne Laser Destroys Ballistic Missile in Test

This is freaking awesome:

This is a test tracking, yesterday the real deal shot down an actual ballistic missile in the boost phase. I’m guessing it looked similar to the above test, but with a big explosion at the end. Can’t wait to see that one.

More here.

“Futuristic airborne energy weapons have officially arrived, so mark your calendars. The U.S. Missile Defense Agency said that its airborne laser weapon successfully shot down a ballistic missile during a test late last night, according to Reuters.

The lethal intercept followed up on a demo last August that showed how the airborne laser could paint a target missile in-flight. We showcased the video of the earlier test that showed the laser from the modified 747 jumbo jet tracking the dummy rocket, which took place near San Nicolas Island off the California coast. Yesterday’s shoot-down occurred at Point Mugu’s Naval Air Warfare Center-Weapons Division Sea Range off Ventura in central California.”

No word yet on the photon torpedoes.

Then why bother?

President Barack Obama’s administration says a July 2011 target date to begin withdrawing US troops from Afghanistan is not set in stone.

Paying Unassimilated Muslim Immigrants to Leave

The tide has shifted. Even many liberal-left Democrats are beginning to tire of government enforced, “cultural diversity” when the subjects in question are Muslim immigrants who refuse to assimilate, and do nothing but breed on the dole and threaten their hosts with violence… and often enough, act out on those threats.

Sweden, a country I love – OK, I really love the women – and have lived in, is paying the return trip for asylum seekers who have been turned down. Note that the countries listed are all Muslim countries, that a higher percentage are now being refused, and that applications are also dropping as the people back home get word that the public teat is running dry.

Denmark is going that one better, as they are paying unassimilated Muslim residents about $20K US to… ahem… get the fuck out. The something that is rotten in Denmark is the unassimilated Muslims, and the natives want them gone.

Expect this to spread. Peace-loving citizens of western nations – who will readily self-identify as libertarians if the terms are properly defined for them – are fed up with this malignant ideology parading as a religion, and they bloody well want their countries back.

Here in the US, the solo terror attack by Nidal Hasan is being called a terror attack in newspapers that were formerly allergic to the word. Deniers are being shouted down, and even their hearts aren’t into their arguments anymore.

Not only that, but there are now calls for the abjectly ridiculous Clinton-era gun ban for military bases and posts to be rescinded. This is major big progress. I grew up a military brat on Air Force bases in the 60’s and 70’s: My dad carried a .357 revolver around with him whenever he was flying, and nobody ever gave it a second thought. It’s a military base for fuck’s sake! Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines are supposed to be fucking goddamned ARMED! Expect this to change, and soon. Even lilly-livered generals don’t like to be caught with their pants around their ankles while their unarmed soldiers are mowed down by lunatics.

There will also be an end to this kind of malfeasant shit. Hasan’s superiors wondered if he was a bleeding psychotic nut-case, but nobody wanted to take the heat for accusing a Muslim of being a danger. A hearty fuck that to that noise. That’s gone soon as well, and three cheers.

Westerners are long-suffering because we’re civilized, and we’d like more of the world to share in our prosperity and standard of living, but if you invite a dog into your house and he refuses to stop shitting on the carpet, well, you’ll rid yourself of the cur sooner or later, no matter how much you wish he’d shape up.

That’s what’s happening now: Muslims have been shitting on the carpets of western countries too long, and the owners of those carpets are tired of cleaning up after them. We’d like to walk on those carpets barefoot without worrying about stepping in a pile of Muslim shit.

Perhaps in another few centuries Muslims will be ready for civilization, but they aren’t now.

Send them back to their bat-shit filled caves and their flea-infested sand dunes. That’s where they belong.


Let the Muslims shit on their own carpets.

Will Israel attack Iran soon?

Well, not so much ‘attack’ as take out their nukes and some other military targets.

Lubos Motl’s post, here, suggests that it’s highly likely (probably shortly after the latest UN junket) and ‘kind of a good idea’…

Agreed. Especially after Ahmadinnerjacket’s disgusting rant at the UN.

H/T Breitbart and TT over at Blair’s.

Iranian Air Force: Epic Fail

I found this story about the crash of Iran’s only AWACS jet at a celebration of Iran’s military might thigh-slappingly funny.

“On Tuesday, I reported that a plane had crashed in Iran and seven people had been killed. Defense News is reporting that the plane that crashed was participating in Tuesday’s military parade in Tehran, and that it was Iran’s one and only AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control System)…

The Simorgh collided with one of the Air Force’s Northrop F-5E Tiger II fighters over the area of the Imam Khomeyni Shrine, southern Tehran. According to eyewitnesses, the crash occurred immediately after the parade. Apparently, no mayday call was issued.”

This is the funniest part.

“Eye witnesses reported that the flaming planes landed on the mausoleum burial site of the Islamic revolution’s founder Ruhollah Khomeini, a national shrine.”


Of course, this leaves Iran blind just as the moment of truth approaches for them vis-a-vis a potential attack on their nuclear facilities by Israel.

Let’s add this up: Iranian Air Force is embarrassed when two of their aircraft collide at a military parade, one of those aircraft was the only AWACS airplane that Iran has, and the flaming wreckage landed on the shrine-tomb of Khomeyni. Either Allah hates Ahmadinejad, or the God of Israel is more powerful than Iran’s moon deity. decide for yourselves, but I know where I come down among the various possibilities implied there.

Oh, by the way, Iran flies American-made F4’s – Vietnam era aircraft – which would be a laugh-out-loud joke in the face of current Israeli F-16’s.


The more I think about this, the funnier it gets.

Look Who’s Running For Congress.

In Chicago, no less!

Those who know me well know that I’m a supporter of the military, and also somewhat conservative.

Blackfive has entered the fray, so for our American readers, go check it out.

Even if you can’t run, you can still donate to his campaign.

Rest In Peace. Our Last WWI Digger.

Lest We Forget.

THE end came peacefully, before dawn’s sleepy arrival. A quiet finale to a harsher era. Our last man standing from the Great War had finally fallen.

At the mighty age of 110.

Rest In Peace, Jack Ross.

My granddad fought at Fromelle. So maybe this is a nice touch.

Thank you to all who have and do serve.