Five Minutes With Joe Biden.

Via Michelle Malkin.

Check this out:

I wish we had more of this reporting all the way through. Needless to say, some people feel like poor ole Joe Biden was ambushed, but I would have thought that the purpose of interviewing someone is to, like, you know…. ask questions?

And if you’re in the market for audience numbers, then the more interesting/challenging questions you ask then the more attention you’ll get.

Apparently, though, you’re not allowed to ask the potential next Veep anything tooooo thought provoking, or else he’ll take his bat and ball and go home.

Good to see some mature behaviour from someone who wants to sit a heartbeat away from the presidency and his team.

UPDATE (ANGUS): LULZ!!1! Obama campaign cuts off interview of Jill Biden by same news channel.

“Biden so disliked West’s line of questioning that the Obama campaign canceled a WFTV interview with Jill Biden, the candidate’s wife.

“This cancellation is non-negotiable, and further opportunities for your station to interview with this campaign are unlikely, at best for the duration of the remaining days until the election,” wrote Laura K. McGinnis, Central Florida communications director for the Obama campaign.

McGinnis said the Biden cancellation was “a result of her husband’s experience yesterday during the satellite interview with Barbara West.””

Biden is a pussy, Biden is a pussy, Biden is a pussy, nya, nya, nya! What a bunch of cowardly immature stink-wads the Obamanauts are. Fuck… all.

10 Responses to “Five Minutes With Joe Biden.”

  1. Angus Dei Says:

    Good find, Nilk. I had heard about that interview, but I didn’t know there was video. If ALL of the press was asking the Obama campaign real questions like that, Obama would be 10 or more points behind in the polls by now.

    Biden is such a shameless liar, isn’t he? Just like most lawyers the overwhelming majority of lawyer-politicians. I mean, in the primaries, Plugs campaigned against Obama on the grounds that Obama wasn’t ready for the job (As did Hillary), and now the lying sack of shit says he thinks Obama is better prepared than McCain! How fucking preposterous of a lie can you possibly get?

    Biden is a scumbag, and that reported ought to get The Congressional Medal of Freedom.

  2. nilk Says:

    Absolutely, Angus. I’m expecting Barbara West to get the Joe the Plumber treatement. At least her station appears to be standing by her.

    For now.

  3. Dave B Says:

    If you look up Narcissistic Personality Disorder I believe that it will answer why Biden is constantly making gaffes and getting upset when he’s questioned about it. The world revolves around him, words are just tools and have no meaning, and we are just props to him and nothing more. His statements have to be bigger and better than anyone elses. He’s the type of guy that would be leaking top secret information when he’s in the white house and we should be afraid of that. We’ve all seen that he just can’t keep his mouth shut because after all… he is the center of the universe.

  4. Gramfan Says:

    Thanks for that Nilk. It’s all over the place too.
    Let’s hope more and more people see this ridiculous bias, and don’t do what the Aussie voters did last year.

  5. dbrigham Says:

    That was a great interview. Joe Biden’s answers were spot-on. I think the controversy comes because the questions were loaded, quite subjective and even at times uninformed, much like the vitriol coming from the GOP (like a vote for Obama = a new holocaust email sent to Jews in Penn.). And honestly, her questions showed no sense of objective journalism, which does nothing to bring our country together.

    As a game in comparative objectives, I would love to see questions from Barbara West to the Bush Admin. regarding 1) the lies that led us to the Iraq War, 2) what the admin. knew about 9/11 threat prior to the attacks, 3) Rove and Cheney’s role in the Joe Wilson smear campaign, 4) the ridiculous rate of spending from this admin. during the last 8 years, 5) the Katherine Harris fiasco in Florida, 6) the voter-fraud issues with rigged voting machines in Ohio in 2004, 7) the “phantom” explosions and subsequent fires in the largest US armory in Iraq that went unaddressed by our military, 8) the suppression of the media to have footage of the Iraq war shown in the US as well as the “ban” on filming of flag-draped caskets returning home from the Middle East, 9) the cover-up of Pat Tillman’s murder, 10)the soft treatment and courting of Saudi officials over the last 8 years, 11)the Scooter Libby pardon, 12)the direct link of the Bush admin. to the specific leaders of the religious right, including Haggard and his cronies, 13) the vanishing act of Bush and Cheney over the last 6 months, 14) the inaccuracies and ommisions of the 9/11 Commisions official report, 15) the glaring inacurracies of the “scientific” explanations of the collapse of WTT 1, 2, & 7, 16)the bungling of the admin. in addressing the needs of the people after Hurricane Katrina, 17) why Cheney still refuses to follow the law with a financial disclosure that is required of all elected officials, 18) what happened to Laura Bush’s “fight” for literacy that has apparently been derailed, 19) the profits made by those in this admin. since the passing of NCLB legislation, and 20) why we deverted our military attention from Bin Laden and Afghanistan to Hussein and Iraq.

    There are literally dozens more issues over the last 8 years that could use some hard hitting questions, and I would like to see how she would have approached these issues in an interview. Since Ms. West is a journalist, I would assume her approach would be just as pointed and there should be a record of her approach toward such issues over the last 8 years since she is a member of the MSM–so dig into the archives, wonks and see if this angle of questioning has ever been employed against the Bush administration over the last 8 years!!!

  6. spot_the_dog Says:

    Uj-oh, I hope all that spilt Kool-Aid don’t gum up my keyboard…

    LOL. dbrigham’s comment reads like a “Greatest Hits” compilation of the past several years of Kos, HufPo & Salon talking points.

  7. Angus Dei Says:

    Spot, would you like spam, spam, spam, or… spam for dinner tonight?

  8. spot_the_dog Says:

    They keep this up, we’ll have enough astroturf for our own sportsfield!

  9. Ash Says:

    And certainly enough bullshit to fertilise it.

Well, SAY something...