Spinning Again

This article.

This man.

Both full of bullshit.

I heard no rumours whatsoever of a heart attack, it’s just another ploy to make everyone realise how hard Kev’s doing it for the good of the nation.

This is really tiresome.

2 Responses to “Spinning Again”

  1. thefrollickingmole Says:

    This is just Rudds “mates” in the union movement clearing the decks for Gillard to take over. Rudd was allways a trojan horse for the nasty side of the party to hide behind. Unfortunately their trojan durns out to be more of a dud than they would have liked.

  2. Ash Says:

    True Mole, but they made a bad choice with Rudd. He’s never, ever going to give up the Prime Ministership. Which means there will be many more backhanded deals to get him out.

Well, SAY something...