Asshat of the year award…

Just how hysterical is the pro-gerbil worming side getting nowdays??

Put oil firm chiefs on trial, says leading climate change scientist

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Sex and the Sandy: Complaints Skyrocket Over Orgies on Cape Cod Beaches

Hey! I’m all for both.

Breitbart TV

And here, we thought all those up that way to be elitist, smug Obama voters. WAIT, doesn’t the Kennedy Clan live up there? Then this takes place all the time, all ya’ have to do is recognize, ASSES.

Woman seen beating child on video then attacked by a mob…Paybacks are a bitch, right bitch?

History will say that we misunderestimated George W Bush. Courtesy, J.M.

As he leaves the White House at the end of his second term, the President has a poll rating of only 23 per cent, and is widely disliked and even despised. His foreign policy has been judged a failure, especially in view of the long, painful, costly war that he declared, which is still not over.

He doesn’t get on with his own party’s presidential candidate, who is clearly distancing himself, and had lost many of his closest friends and staff to scandals and forced resignations. The New Republic, a hugely influential political magazine, writes that his historical reputation will be as bad as that of President Harding, the disastrous president of the Great Depression.

I am writing, of course, about Harry S Truman, generally regarded today as one of the greatest of all the 43 presidents, and the man who set the United States on the course that ended decades later in the defeat of Communism.

the rest at Telegraph UK

Redneck Bumper Stickers….Courtesy, J.M.

Amazing striped icebergs AND Antarctica Frozen Waves…These snaps are in no way a competition to our 1.618 and her gallery. These are beautiful and simply stunning. Via a friend..

New Dad Thinks Baby Might Be Gay

SCOTTSDALE, AZ—Citing “something vaguely effeminate” about his eight-month-old son Michael, first-time father Joe Oebrick, 32, reported Tuesday that he suspects the infant may be a homosexual.

“I love my son,” Oebrick said. “But, you understand, I’m worried, too.”

Among the many “small signs” that suggest that his son may be gay, Oebrick cited a home video in which the toddler crawls across the living-room carpet of the family’s suburban Scottsdale home, wiggling his hips from side to side.

“I don’t think it’s normal for a baby to move like that,” said Oebrick, wincing as the infant paused and flapped an arm in the air. “Don’t you think that’s a little strange?”

According to Oebrick, Michael has an excessive fondness for bright colors and “things that sparkle.”

“Sequins, glitter, feathers,” said the recent father, listing some of the things that Michael likes. “And he really likes flowers.”

According to Oebrick, Michael is fussy during meals and picky about his clothes. When he hurts himself, he “cries like a baby.” Additionally, the toddler has a “very strong attraction” to a stuffed lion with a rainbow-striped mane, an apparent preference for bottle-feeding over breastfeeding, and an evident love for bouncing up and down in his jumper device “like some guy at a club.”

New to parenting, Oebrick said he is “plagued” by demanding responsibilities, unexpected expenses, and “a million tiny things” that indicate that his infant son might be a homosexual.

Oebrick said he doubts that strangers can even tell that Michael is a boy when they first meet him, but he acknowledged that this is not his biggest concern. According to the recent father, his most urgent concern is the confused baby’s constant need to suck on a pacifier.

“That can’t be right. Can it?” Oebrick said.

Oebrick said he first began to worry about Michael’s sexual orientation when the boy was two months old.

“He would giggle constantly,” Oebrick said. “And he had a very weak handshake.”

Oebrick recalled the first time he saw his newborn child smile.

“Obviously, I was thrilled,” Oebrick said. “But the thing is, he kept on smiling. He’d smile through breakfast, he’d smile in his car seat, he’d smile at strangers. It was excessive. It was around then I started to think, ‘What if Michael can’t help himself?'”

According to Oebrick, there were several months during which the infant’s head would wobble if it wasn’t supported by an adult.

“He was always swinging his head around,” Oebrick said. “Our pediatrician told me it was normal, but it seemed pretty… well, gay.”

Oebrick’s worries were renewed last month during a Memorial Day cookout, when Michael “seemed too interested in my buddies,” staring at them for long intervals.

“My friend Ben was bouncing Michael on his knee, and he was giggling and drooling like crazy,” Oebrick said. “That didn’t bother me so much, but when Ben put him down, Michael started crawling after every other guy at the party, giggling and grabbing at their pants legs like crazy.”

“It was like he was the belle of the ball,” Oebrick said. “When Rob played peek-a-boo with him, he got so excited he actually wet his pants.”

Oebrick repeatedly said that, no matter what his son’s sexual orientation, he refuses to be a “distant father.”

“My dad was rarely around,” Oebrick said. “He was always either working or drinking with his buddies, and that left my mom to raise me and my sisters. It won’t be like that for Michael. He’ll have a strong male role model. It looks like he’s really gonna need it.”

The Onion

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The Scary Part Of Cardinia Reservoir

I drove down to South-East Melbourne’s Cardinia Reservoir today, and I noticed something purely terrifying. I do hope something is done about this situation before someone is stupid enough to jump the fence dividing the carparks from the water…

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Steve Vai is God… Not THE God, but A God.

Wicked insomnia tonight, so I went to YouTube to entertain myself… and found that SteveVaiHimself is posting his own videos now. We’re the same age and both went to Berklee around the same time. Zappa snagged him the semester before I got there, in fact. I think Vai is, without doubt, the greatest contemporary rock guitar stylist out there. You may remember him as the Devil’s guitarist in that impossibly stupid Ralph Machio film, Crossroads.

This just freaks me out. He puts so much humor in his performances, like how he brushes his hair with one hand while playing with the other, and that goofy ending is side-splitting. Just uncannily cool.

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Obama Loses His Teflon Sheen. A two part story of a candidate with “Chicago Style” politics, in his blood.


Barack Obama is endangering his status as the media darling of the 2008 presidential campaign. In fact, he has been the villain in the campaign story over the last few days. Two decisions — one small and one large — showed the dangers he faces. And a third showed that the post-racial candidate is no longer in evidence. It is no secret that the media has been openly rooting for Obama for months. His gaffes would have felled other candidates, his relationship with hate-mongering preachers would have disqualified mere mortal candidates and, of course, his lack of any national record of accomplishment might have prevented all much the most ego-inflated from even mounting a White House run. But it was hanging together fairly well until last week.

The trigger for the downward slide was his decision to abandon public financing. The decision made cold political sense given his likely enormous advantage over the McCain camp but there were two complicating factors: he had shaped his career as a “reformer” and he specifically promised that he would take public financing and the rules that go along with it.

To make matters worse he concocted a false and misleading, indeed an “operatic” explanation that those mean Republicans forced him to take private money.

Not unexpectedly, the McCain camp went nuclear, accusing Obama of all manner of dishonesty and making the connection between this reversal flip-flops on other substantive issues.

Moreover, many of his good government, liberal allies were distressed. What’s more, they went public with their distress.

And for once, the media joined in  the Obama-bashing and perhaps was even harsher. It was the “low point” according to a usually sympathetic David Brooks. Clearly, the press, which had sheltered Obama from virtually every dicey incident to date, had had enough. The criticism was sharp and virtually uniform. When added to his decision to duck town hall meetings with McCain –which Obama had also said he would do, before he thought better of it — the dean of the mainstream media, David Broder was forced to admit that Obama’s “motives” might be open to question.

Part two, Pajamas Media

This will not matter to the ‘progressive’ media. They will forgive the favorite son. The same goes for the Leftist elites. The masses of dullards in this nation, as I think the article points to, just follow, like lemmings.

All of these people wanted “change”. Unfortunately, lies, other deceitful items, gaffes, or listening to sermons for 20 years, on “whitey” and how dreadful it is to live in Dred Scott America, will matter not. People want change and they will probably get it. It will be for the worse, the change that is, but honestly, they could give a damn.


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Nice try Frenchie.

We tire of your being a rounder, leaving your tracks wherever.

Now I’m Sad.

George Carlin has died. 😦

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Question for Aussies: Mieke Buchan?

I’ve seen this girl with an Australian accent announcing segments on the Encore Channel here in the US for years, but I never found anything about her on Google because I never saw the spelling of her name before tonight – I never would have guessed Mieke Buchan from the way the announcer pronounces her name (Meekah Buckin). There still isn’t much about her, so who is this gorgeous woman with the sexy voice and 1,000 watt smile? What did she do in Australia?

I like.