Minnesotans for Global Warming: Our Kind of Warmingists!


Onya, Elmer and Daryl!

Please visit the website of Minnesotans for Global Warming and offer them your support today! Also check out their fantastic blog and the M4GW Gift Shop.

Have you done your part for Global Warming today?

Forward this post to your friends and help Save a Flamingo! (They’re neater than Polar Bears anyway…)

9 Responses to “Minnesotans for Global Warming: Our Kind of Warmingists!”

  1. tizona Says:


    I see alGor has been close. Like on this planet.

  2. spot_the_dog Says:

    Gotta love that line about the Polar Bears: One word — evolve. That video is one of the funniest things I have seen in this whole Global Warming Climate Change debate. LOL!

  3. tizona Says:

    Yep, evolve…Good word for Gore, as well.

    Unfortunately, Gore (as I may have said) has subscribed to the quote attributed to P.T. Barnum….”There’s a Sucker born every minute”.

    Al, is making a piss load of money, off “suckers”.

  4. spot_the_dog Says:

    Meanwhile, won’t anyone think of the flamingos? (and the poor frozen Minnesotans?)

  5. SandiM Says:

    I can honestly say I’ve done my bit today. I ran my aircon, washer and dryer all at the same time and achieved 35C degrees (90 degrees F) at 5:40PM. Whew! I’m pooped!

  6. spot_the_dog Says:

    Sandi, next time they issue Public Service Announcements about not running our air-con and taking public transport and turning off all of our appliances at the wall, I’m going to be brave, stand tall, and ignore them – for Minnesota! (and the flamingos)!

  7. Global warming could bring sharks to Antarctica « Tizona’s Weblog Says:

    […] Elmer and Daryl of Minnesota are still quite looking forward to Global Warming. As are their […]

  8. Imagine There’s No Global Warming « Tizona’s Weblog Says:

    […] (Previous Post on Minnesotan for Global Warming) […]

  9. Kasey Says:

    Great video, great song, hot guys. Their so funny and so cute. I have never heard of anyone who WANTED global warming before but you know what, it makes sense in a way.

    SET THE FLAMINGOS FREE hahahahaha.

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