Hillary Caught Youthening

CAUGHT YOUTHENING: If John Edwards Fred Thompson did this, people would make fun of him.

Hillary Clinton’s videographer selects the Gaussian blur mode
Just for reference, Hillary sans Youthening

Hillary, sans Youthening Treatment

In a new campaign ad, the 60-year-old Hillary Clinton manages to lament the last seven years of the Bush Administration without looking as if she’s lived through it yet.

The wrinkles are gone, thanks to a blurry, soft-focus video technique patented by Barbara Walters (who hosts The View every day as if she is still alive).

Hillary may protest when she’s accused of playing the gender card, but would a male candidate get away with going to such extraordinary lengths to look young?

–via 23/6 News & Instapundit & cross-posted from spot_the_dog blog


Optical Illusionary

This is an interesting optical illusion designed to determine if you are right-brained or left-brained. I tried a little experiment of my own, trying to reverse the action by only viewing the top half. I couldn’t do it, although I can do it easily if I can see the whole figure.

Perfect Comfort

Here’s a bed everybody should have. (Also via the ever-prolific Instapundit).

I confess that a little over a year ago, Mr. H and I bought a bed from a place in North Carolina that makes custom-built mechanical beds. The years are stiffening the both of us up, so the bed was a logical choice. It has dual mattresses with controls to lift the torso or lift the legs or both, like a hospital bed. There’s also a vibration mechanism, just like the old Magic Fingers beds that you used to find in motels, only mine lasts 30 minutes instead of 15, and you don’t need quarters. The vibrations can be soft or more vigorous, and there’s even a wave function. It is indescribable how relaxing that is, and how addicted to it you can become. A push of the button, the soft purr of the motor, the vibration set to soft, harder, or wave, and I’m usually asleep in a couple of minutes.

To be sure, this bed cost only a tiny fraction of that super-duper 50K bed that does everything except sing lullabies to you (and maybe it does that, too). I fully admit, it’s a luxury, an indulgence, even perhaps a bit decadent. But frankly, my dear, for a good night’s sleep, I don’t care.

The Warrior Who Never Fought A War

Or, to put it more precisely, he fought every war because he studied them so diligently to discover what went right and what went wrong.  He boiled military strategy down to two concepts, The Sword, and the Swordsman, and probably saved more soldiers’ lives than we will ever know.

It’s a long read, but well worth the effort, as it explains in part why the American military is unsurpassed in the world. There’s a second part here, which examines the military surge in Iraq and explains why Iraq is not Vietnam.

Hat tip to Bill Whittle at Eject! Eject! Eject!, which I’ve been reading since just a while after 9/11.

The Tizona Group

As you will have noticed, after the past couple of days we’ve made some changes. We’ve changed the categories and tags, to make finding previous posts easier, we’ve changed the sidebars to make it easier to see the latest posts and comments, we’ve changed the link format to make finding the link you’re after easier, and we’ve changed the pages available to make it easy for you to know more about The Tizona Group.

Of all these changes, the two most substantial are where we’ve changed the pages and the links. We’ve created an entirely new “About” page, which explains our aims for this weblog and introduces some of the members of the Tizona team.

We’ve also altered the way we do links. Instead of an incredibly long blogroll with our favourite links, we’ve condensed them all onto the Link Page, which has our links displayed by category.