Proof God Hates Al Gore: The Impending Ice Age

By way of Glenn Reynolds, a member of that elite group of lawyers whose guts I do not hate, we learn that Sol may be entering an extended minimum, which means a mini-Ice Age could be coming.

I almost hope it’s for real, except for the fact that I hate cold weather.


US Marines “Unwelcome Intruders” in Berkeley

If the Islamist terrorists ever successfully detonate a nuclear bomb in the US, I hope Berkeley is at the epicenter.

I can’t think of any other US city I’d rather sacrifice.


The “Short Bus” you mean.

Motorcycles V’s Cars – RANT

I was reading an article in an internal insurance publication today regarding an accident involving a car and a motorcycle.

The differences in the claim forms were amazing; a lot of omissions on both sides.  What astounded me however was the letter that was sent by the motorcyle rider to the insurance company.

As I can’t bring the document out of the office I can only summarise what it said for you, and here it is.

“People who drive cars need to take more notice of us motorcycle riders.  We dont have a cage around us to protect us in an accident.  We (motorcyclists) dont cause accidents but we always end up more injured than the drivers of the cars that hit us.”

I’m sorry, but it’s their decision to ride a motorcycle.  I made a decision to drive a car because I feel it’s safer.

Anyway the long and the short of it is that after a long investigation it was discovered that the guy on the bike was doing nearly 145kph  when the driver of the car put his indicator on to change lanes, checked his mirrors and moved over.

For crying out loud, you have a choice to ride a bike or drive a car (or both) but at the end of the day we all have to obey the road rules, not just car drivers.  We share the roads. Be aware and do the right thing and stop blaming everyone else.


The Simple Point of It

The Study that claims one million Iraqis have died in Iraq since the 2003 liberation is clearly false.

Let me show you why.

365 days per year x 5 years = 1825 days.

1,ooo,ooo alleged deaths / 1825 days = 547.9452 people dead per day.

547.9452 people alleged dead per day x 31 days this year = 16986.3 people dead this year.

So where are all the bodies and all the reports of deaths?

Surely 16,986.3 people can’t die without being reported, by the media who are desperate for solid figures with which to paint the war in the worst possible light?