Happy 10th Anniversary to the VRWC!

Bruce Walker at the American Thinker notes that Sunday is the 10th anniversary of Hillary Clinton’s coinage of the infamous term we’ve come to wear with pride: “Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.”

Walker reminds us of the origin of the term VRWC:

“This is the great story here for anybody willing to find and write about it and explain it is this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president.”

–Hillary Clinton (then the First Lady) on the Today show with Matt Lauer, 27 January 1998

Walker continues:

“Thus was born the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. Hillary expected serious Americans to believe that the Whitewater convictions (which put a sitting Arkansas governor in prison), the suicide of the Deputy White House Chief Counsel under mysterious circumstances, the unconscionable firing of the White House travel staff, Hillary’s strange acumen in predicting the cattle futures market, an allegation of brutal rape against her husband, the perjury of Bill Clinton in a federal grand jury proceeding, his affair with a White House intern, and the countless other moral debauches of the Clintons were created by some cabal with power greater than the president, the Democratic Party and the huge phalanx of media flacks, fawning Hollywood starlets, militant activists and nihilistic academicians.

“The truth, of course, is different. The “vast right wing conspiracy” or VRWC lives on today, and is vast — it includes tens of millions of intelligent Americans who have been systematically marginalized, demonized and defamed in the public debate about America. It has voices because technology, tenacity and innovation gave it voices, in spite of those who hold most of the levers of power in America.”

“The blogs that disassembled the plan to smear President Bush with forged documents about his National Guard service were open, not secret, about their findings. It was the blindfolded Leftist established press with its nonexistent research departments that yawned while the National Guard hoax was foisted on America a few weeks before the 2004 elections. The patriots who exposed the dubious heroism of John Kerry were slimed, not thanked, by the bureaucracy of Leftism which is CBS, NBS, ABC, CNN and all the other acronyms for mendacity. So, the term “Swift Boated” had come to mean something different from telling the truth, although that is precisely what the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth did. ”

Walker closes with:

What is the VRWC? It is the heart, soul and minds of millions of muzzled Americans speaking freely after the muzzle has been removed. It is the communion of these millions across lines of religion, race, gender and age who are bound by a common notion of what the American dream really means. The VRWC, unlike the monolith of Leftism, does not march in lockstep but rather as free souls brought together by the values of truth and decency. Happy tenth birthday, fellow members of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy!”

Happy VRWC Day to all of our favourite fellow VRWC-ists as well, many of whom can be found on our Link Page and Blog Roll. Here’s to another 10 years of keeping the bastards honest!


buy your VRWC gear here!

(via M/M)

UPDATE: Poor John Kerry is still going on about the Vast, Right-Wing Conspiracy in the HuffPo:

“I hate the term “Swiftboating.” I hate how the name of the boats we honored when we were in uniform in Vietnam has become a verb for the twisted politics of Karl Rove.”

“But today we need to fight the right wing’s tactics not just to reclaim a word, but to reclaim our democracy.

“Bottom line, we can’t wait until we have a Democratic ticket to combat the right wing’s efforts to “frame” our candidates.”

“Yesterday, I sent out an email to Barack Obama’s email community urging people to fight against the vicious smears from the modern conservative movement (they began in a right wing magazine) that have been bouncing around the Internet for months. . . .

“The right-wing has nothing to offer but fear and smears, and they are gearing up to deliver plenty of it. . . . I think we all know enough about how the right-wing operates to know that this money won’t go to helping voters make informed choices. . . .

“And right now, the most egregious right-wing smears are being spread about Barack Obama. . . .

“We can’t let the right-wing steal another election with lies and distortions.”

As James Taranto adds, “Is Kerry aware of who has been smearing Barack Obama of late? Does he really think the Hillary Clinton campaign sits at the center of the vast right-wing conspiracy?”


Posted in Temp. 13 Comments »

13 Responses to “Happy 10th Anniversary to the VRWC!”

  1. tizona Says:

    Fuck yea…I’ll drink to that psssttt barkeep, put these on my friend Spot’s tab

  2. spot_the_dog Says:

    Where’s the BeerPal button, mate?

  3. tizona Says:

    In your wallet, mate.

  4. tizona Says:

    Spot…MY GOD! Get a hair cut. I’ll watch whilst drinkin’ the last…:)

  5. yojimbo Says:


    I’m the yojimbo and I’m reporting for duty

  6. Rebecca H Says:

    Not to throw a wet blanket over the proceedings at the bar, but have all of you renewed your VRWC paperwork? It has to be done every year, people! In triplicate! I don’t want to have to listen to wronwright whining about how the Dark Lord will make him polish helicopters if the minions haven’t kept their records up.

  7. yojimbo Says:

    Rebecca H

    I’m on automatic renewal, I even get Amex points for it….:)

  8. ximena Says:

    happy birthday to us, happy birthday to us!
    >blows out candles and pops open the champagne<

  9. Third Zionist Whore Says:

    Happy Aussie week! Ummm, isn’t a barbie a doll — I had one once. 🙂

  10. ZionistHore#2 Says:

    What is a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy? Is that like a Zionist one? slithers out…..

  11. Ash Says:

    He he he, ZH2, it’s got some similarities, but it’s not the same.

    Basically, it’s anyone who doesn’t suck Bill’s – I mean, it’s anyone who doesn’t support Bill Clinton (and Hillary, I assume).

  12. ZionistHore#2 Says:

    Bill Clinton, hmm, “I didn’t have sex with that woman”, ya mean that one?
    Every idjit loves and adores him and his old lady. They (lefties)taint smart enough to realize they were screwed in the pocketbook by said Clinton. Now the old lady wants to take his place….go figure…let the terrorist set up shop….vote for Hillary.

Well, SAY something...