Courtesy of our dear friend, MentalFloss. Everyone smile and wave to Floss. God Damnit Swinish, you have spinach between your teeth…LOL.

Tim Blair

Click on the links MentalFloss has put in…Thank you.

Imad Muganiyah:

Mughniyah has been implicated in many of terrorist attacks in the 1980s and 1990s, primarily American and Israeli  targets. These include the April 18, 1983 bombing of the United States embassy in Beirut, Lebanon, which killed 63 people including 17 Americans. He was later blamed for the October 23, 1983 simultaneous truck bombings; against French paratroopers and the U.S. Marine barracks. The attacks killed 58 French soldiers and 241 Marines. On September 20, 1984, he attacked the US embassy annex building. The United States indicted him (and his collaborator, Hassan Izz al-Din) for the June 14, 1985 hijacking of TWA Flight 847, which resulted in the death of US Navy diver Robert Stethem.[7]

He was also linked to numerous kidnappings of Westerners in Beirut through the 1980s, most notably that of Terry Anderson. Some of these individuals were later killed, such as U.S. Army Colonel William Francis Buckley. The remainder were released at various times until the last one, Terry Anderson was released in 1991.

Posted in Temp. 18 Comments »

18 Responses to “Courtesy of our dear friend, MentalFloss. Everyone smile and wave to Floss. God Damnit Swinish, you have spinach between your teeth…LOL.”

  1. Angus Dei Says:

    In a lot of ways, this guy made Bin Laden look like a lightweight. He was a hands-on terrorist mastermind with an incredibly vile track record. I’ve been reading up on him much of the day.

    I’m glad he’s fucking dead, I don’t give a rat’s ass who killed him.


  2. tizona Says:

    This filthy rat bastard is dead…D-E-A-D…dead!

  3. Rebecca H Says:

    If I were Mossad, I’d be saying, “Hell, yeah, we killed the bastard. Who wants to be next?”

  4. MentalFloss Says:

    Thanks, Don Cesar. I’ve been following this asshole’s work for too long not to see his death trumpeted from the high places and signal fires lit to our allies everywhere. The dead call out and now go to their rest. Thank you.

  5. ZionistHore#2 Says:

    My God, he did alot of damage before splattering all over..

  6. tizona Says:

    Sure did ZH#2. Wonder how he likes his “virgins”, well done, or charred?

  7. Ash Says:

    He must have been pissed to find that box of dates…

  8. saltydog Says:

    I have nothing to say, just tears of joy.

  9. SandiM Says:

    Dead, is he? Good. Thanks, Mentalfloss. Who do you think should be next?

  10. MentalFloss Says:

    Well, let’s see….here’s 10 I can think of:

    Raad Karmi – Fatah – wanted for murder of four Israelis

    Tabet Azmi Mardawi – Islamic Jihad – wanted for Binyamina and Hadera suicide bombings

    Mahmoud Ahmed Tuwalabe – Islamic Jihad – wanted for Binyamina and Hadera suicide bombings and failed bombing in Afula

    Kamal Najib Abu-Waer – Force 17- wanted for killing a Jewish settler

    Ahmed Yusef Ulame – PFLP -wanted for preparing a car bomb in Jerusalem

    Moussa Muhammad Kulab – Hamas – wanted for firing mortar shells

    Nabil Hassan Sharihi – Islamic Jihad – wanted for sending suicide bombers to IDF targets in Gaza

    Then, if you dig a bit deeper, you could find something like a partial list of wanted terrorists’ frozen accounts — the banks, regions, depositor’s name, balances and account numbers… like this one.

  11. MentalFloss Says:

    A bit rusty on the ‘ol XHTML…sorry

  12. Ash Says:

    No worries MentalFloss. These things can be altered.

  13. MentalFloss Says:

    Thanks, ash_ …was just away brushing up on my tag protocols and returned to find my egregious error fixed!

  14. spot_the_dog Says:

    #13, That’s happened to me too! Either we have magical self-correcting software, or a Resident Blog Fairy who flutters in and sprinkles stardust on our stuff-ups to fix them…;-)

  15. Ash Says:

    So as to contain someone’s secret identity Spot, let’s go with the magical self-correcting software! LOL.

  16. Dave Surls Says:

    Good job to whoever capped this POS. It’s about damned time.

  17. Ash Says:

    Damn straight Dave. And may there be many more POSs taken care of.

  18. Third Zionist Whore Says:

    I have been so happy about this man sploding that it has even trumped my Valentines day gift of a new red i-pod. LOL

Well, SAY something...