Korean pizza

Those whacky Koreans. They’re welcome to it. I’ll stick with pepperoni.

PS Pizza Hut over here has pan crust, thin and crispy, cheese crust (yep, all your regulars), plus the cheesy bites (mixed with sweet potato) as you see in the pic above pluuuuus, sweet potato crust. EEK!

10 Responses to “Korean pizza”

  1. spacecadette Says:

    atleast, no anchovies yet…

  2. nilk Says:

    That is one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen.


  3. Ash Says:

    I knew there was a reason I don’t eat seafood.

  4. thefrollickingmole Says:

    I quite like the look of it, if only theyd left the heads poking out with sad looks on their faces as well it would be complete.

  5. spacecadette Says:

    I love seafood not prepared or cooked in Korea or by Koreans.

  6. Angus Dei Says:

    When we lived in Japan – I was 13-14 at the time – one of the things I loved the most was the food.

    Mom had some domestic help, and she used to cook me yaki soba with all kinds of exotic vegetables for lunch. Mmmmmm!

    Then, of course, I love sushi too.

    So, needless to say, probably, the Pizza Hut “Seoul food” there looks really, really good to me! LOL!

  7. SezaGeoff Says:

    When I was staying in central Seoul I used to frequent a pizza restaurant just up from the town hall. The little girls that had had a good days shopping would come in and order a simple margerita pizza, and then empty half the ever-present bottle of Tabasco sauce over it! I am sure they had chillies on their porridge in the morning!
    I miss my Kim-Chi though!

  8. bingbing Says:

    #7 Have never been able to get used to kimchi but don’t mind some of the other stuff like jajang, galbi, bulgogi, samgyupsal and of course, soju.

  9. bingbing Says:

    #7 And yeah, they love their hot sauce, don’t they?

  10. spacecadette Says:

    Thanks to the Japs they have chili peppers…

Well, SAY something...