Still saying “Bush lied, people died”? Cretins.

The last major remnant of Saddam Hussein’s nuclear program _ a huge stockpile of concentrated natural uranium _ reached a Canadian port Saturday to complete a secret U.S. operation that included a two-week airlift from Baghdad and a ship voyage crossing two oceans.

Imagine that, there was actual nuclear material in Saddam’s Iraq.

The Iraqi government sold the yellowcake to a Canadian uranium producer, Cameco Corp., in a transaction the official described as worth “tens of millions of dollars.” A Cameco spokesman, Lyle Krahn, declined to discuss the price, but said the yellowcake will be processed at facilities in Ontario for use in energy-producing reactors.

Yay for capitalism!

Accusations that Saddam had tried to purchase more yellowcake from the African nation of Niger _ and an article by a former U.S. ambassador refuting the claims _ led to a wide-ranging probe into Washington leaks that reached high into the Bush administration.

Um… can Joe Wilson and his enabling wife, Valerie Plame, still be investigated and/or tried for trying to confuse and cover up things?

The yellowcake was the last major stockpile from Saddam’s nuclear efforts, but years of final cleanup is ahead for Tuwaitha and other smaller sites.
The U.N.’s International Atomic Energy Agency plans to offer technical expertise.

Job security for Iraqis with some technical experience, and the Unforgivable Neuters can still offer that, if nothing else.

From AP Exclusive (shudder), via Instapundit, as usual.

It’s Time For Something Different

It’s time I did something very different to my ordinary routine. I’m not sure what, but it has to be something.

I’ll let you all know if I’ve found something tomorrow.

Posted in Temp. 9 Comments »

Another Scary Website

Are these people actually for real?!

It’s cheap, pathetic, paranoid, spoilt, and weak.

They should grow. the. fuck. up!

Fantastic News: Iran’s Most Famous Dissident Escapes to the US!

Ahmad Batebi took advantage of a brief furlough from his life sentence and routine torture to escape through Iraq to Europe, and then the United States.

This picture of Batebi appeared on the cover of The Economist magazine back in 1999.

The bloody shirt he is holding is that of a classmate killed by the Mullah’s thugs for protesting against the regime.

Much will come out over the next several weeks and months about this. Expect Mr. Batebi to become the biggest propaganda nightmare that Iran has ever had, and a major inspiration to his fellows who want the Mullahs overthrown.


Via The Corner and Gateway Pundit.

Posted in Iran, News. 3 Comments »

What The Hell Are They Thinking?!

I was strolling through the liquor store on a quest for a nice, relaxing beer when I spied the worst trick ever played on innocent drinkers ever. This is just fucking cruel. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you Cascade Green, a beer which has the honour of having all the carbon used in it’s manufacture, consumption and disposal completely offset.

There’s only one day a year that beer should be green, and it’s certainly not today!

This scam just keeps getting creepier, stupider and more expensive.

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Posted in Temp. 5 Comments »

Looking At Those Who Give Us News: Limerick Version

I’m no Lyle (hell, there can only be one Lyle!), but here’s my bit. This lot only refer to Australian journalists.

There once was a bint named Traceeee,
She was actually pretty damn spacey,
She said stupid things,
And thought Labor were kings,
And sometimes got a bit racy.

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Photoshop Can Work Miracles

Roberta Williams is the wife of gangland murderer, drug pusher and all round scumbag Carl Williams, who is currently serving a life sentence with a non-parole period of 35 years in prison. Roberta herself was sentenced to six months imprisonment for her part in the filthy business.

While in jail, Roberta divorced Carl, and picked up a new religion. The religion that seems to have a lot of scumbags these days, Islam.

Clearly, she’s highly devout:

On Swanbourne Beach

Swanbourne to City Beach

An article in yesterday’s Courier Mail about the “no-jiggling” rule in force on Cairns (QLD) topless beaches spurred me to dig up the photo below.

There is a beach at Swanbourne which would have to be one of the most interesting beaches in my neck of the woods.  Some people stumble upon it accidentally (it is adjacent to a nice dog beach, for instance), whilst some go there on purpose for the niche sporting events (PDF).

As some here would also know, Swanbourne is also home to Campbell Barracks and Australia’s SAS Regiment.

Which leads to this question:  Can anyone else here lay claim to a Nude Beach in their area where patrons are warned via red flag when live-firing exercises are going on just the other side of the dunes?

Swanbourne Beach, Western Australia

Swanbourne Beach, Western Australia

UPDATE: The singularly perspicacious Boy On A Bike contributes his own thoughts and memories of Swanbourne Beach and the SASR.  Read.