This Time It’s Not The Presbyterians.

Via GoV comes news from Denmark:


A nameless resistance group has taken responsibility for the action. There were banners hung up along the motorway in Denmark saying “stop Islamic racism” and “stop Islamic racism, long live Greenland.” Mohammed has also been hanged on lamposts around the country with signs hung around his neck with inscriptions like “pedophile highwayman.”

The editors received these images with the wording:

“Here are the first pictures from our action on Zealand. We send the other images from Funen and Jutland and the rest of Zealand in the next few days. Our action will continue until the Islamic Religious Affairs controls the racists in Gellerup, allows Greenlanders to come back, treats them properly and gives each of them a personal apology. We will continue to hang muhammed until this happens. “

Since I’m a bit of a wuss, I won’t show the pictures, but if you check out SIOE’s blog, there’s enough material to set those so inclined to burning down a few more embassies, Israeli flags and GWB effigies.

6 Responses to “This Time It’s Not The Presbyterians.”

  1. Angus Dei Says:

    Here comes the push-back.

    I have thought for a long time that Europe is ripe for riots that will make anything the US saw in the 60’s look like kids at summer camp. I’m almost certain it will happen, the only question is when and where it will break out first.

    Paris is my guess.

  2. Ash Says:

    Angus, I bet you’re right about the riots, but I don’t think Paris will be the first to break. I think Italy’s a pretty big contender, and Germany wouldn’t tolerate much of this shit.

  3. Nick M Says:

    Definitely Scandinavia somewhere. Small populations feel very easily overwhelmed by hostile immigrants. And the Scandies are feisty.

  4. Angus Dei Says:

    I don’t know, Nick. I’ve spent quite a bit of time in Scandinavia – even had an apartment in Stockholm for a summer – and the Swedes are pretty phlegmatic. Nothing like their Viking ancestors. I think Ash might be closer to the mark. The Germanic tribes have been a bane since Roman times. LOL!

  5. Ash Says:


    I have the inside scoop, because three-quarters of my family still live in northern Italy, and I speak to them often enough to know that the Muzzies keep on trying to get things changed in their favour, but the Italians keep rejecting that shit. And good on ’em!

    It’s fair to assume that if even people up in the mountains who rarely go to town are as sick of this Muzzie shit as they are, that the ones in the cities view Muzzies even more badly.

    Italy’s a major contender here. The Roma moves actually attribute to that.

  6. Angus Dei Says:

    “The Roma moves actually attribute to that.”

    Interesting, but I’m not sure what you mean my that last sentence.

Well, SAY something...