Sarah Palin: “She’s Not a Woman, She’s a Republican”

This perfect leftist reductio ad absurdum now appears on an Obama bumper sticker.

As one historically astute commenter notes, the Nazis had a similar slogan back in the ’30’s and ’40’s:

“They are NOT Men and Women, They are Jews.”

Dehumanizing your enemies is the first step in rationalizing their murders.

Finally, you have to love the rich irony of the Christian Ichthus under the bumper sticker. I have one of those on my pickup (Same basic design, but simpler: No cross). I meet a lot of deluded leftists who consider themselves Christians, and I’m not shy about telling them that it is impossible to be simultaneously a leftist and a Christian for the simple reason that leftism is immoral by every old and new testament measure. Just as income taxes are government authorized theft – Thou shalt not steal – progressive income taxes are government authorized covetousness (Jealousy of the poor for the rich, in this case) – Thou shalt not covet anything that is your neighbor’s. Socialism is evil for the simple reason that it is institutionalized covetousness.

I’ve never turned a single one of them yet, but that’s not the point: I get to check them off and delete them from my friends list. That is the point. This deluded Oregonian is no valid kind of Christian.

WWJD? The opposite of dehumanizing His opponents.

UPDATE: Welcome to all our Polish Immigrant visitors. Feel free to comment below.

20 Responses to “Sarah Palin: “She’s Not a Woman, She’s a Republican””

  1. thefrollickingmole Says:

    Funny how the standards drop when “the chosen one” has a % or 2 shaved off his lead….

  2. Steve Poling Says:

    Let’s see, she’s borne five children and men find her jaw-dropping attractive. Not a woman, eh?

  3. Ash Says:

    The first thing I noticed was the Ichthus. The idea of voting for Obama and being a religious Christian are wholly incompatible.

    Jesus may have taught to help your fellow humans, but he never taught to forcibly take money from others in order to do it.

    Then again, he also taught people to help themselves…

  4. Angus Dei Says:

    The single most common point that leftist pseudo-Christians try to respond to me with is that early Christians formed communes. This is true, of course – and they were strung out over great distances as a network – but first of all it was voluntary, and secondly, the members of the commune used their skills in the free market outside of the commune to make money for the commune. This is exactly analogous to what Amish do today. Plus, there was no rule against becoming a free agent, so to speak, as an entrepreneur.

    Jesus was Joe the Carpenter, Peter was Joe the Fisherman, and Paul was Joe the Tentmaker. Don’t think they had plumbers back then.

  5. Angus Dei Says:

    Oh, and as Paul said, he who is not willing to work does not deserve to eat. Leftists today call that socioeconomic Darwinism. LOL!

  6. Jenniferwhatnot Says:

    The first thing I noticed was the Oregon license plate. Makes sense, out there.

  7. Angus Dei Says:

    Welcome Ms. Whatnot.

  8. spot_the_dog Says:

    Angus – looks like some Lefties want to disown it:


    Via TS at Instaputz, I see that Glenn Reynolds, Kathryn Jean Lopez, and a number of other righty bloggers are upset about this bumper sticker:

    Conveniently for one of the offended righties, this offers the perfect opportunity to play the Hitler card: [link to this post]

    As one historically astute commenter notes, the Nazis had a similar slogan back in the ’30’s and ’40’s:

    “They are NOT Men and Women, They are Jews.”

    Dehumanizing your enemies is the first step in rationalizing their murders.”

    Um, if this bumper sticker is on the car of an evil Godless Nazi liberal, why does it have a Jesus fish on it?

    Better Photoshop next time, kids. (Notice that the bumper angles in, but the bumper sticker doesn’t?)

    I challenge anyone to find this bumper sticker on sale anywhere.

    Sorry – don’t look like a photoshop to me – looks like the real deal. I’d say that that Lefty has a problem with reality, just doesn’t want to acknowledge how vile his side is.

  9. Angus Dei Says:

    LOL! It’s called denial.

  10. spot_the_dog Says:

    I think it has to do with the fact that the Left lie (“Kill him!” ) and photoshop (Bush’s military records?) so regularly, they automatically assume everyone does it.

  11. Ash Says:

    They clearly didn’t look that closely, because the sticker does angle in, although it’s hard to see because it’s white.

  12. Ash Says:

    I notice that the post you linked to Spot has now decided it looks real after looking at a bigger photo.

  13. spot_the_dog Says:

    Ah – well good on them then. Still, love how they initially automatically declared it to be a fake…

  14. WCWC Says:

    La Pequeña Sarah Palin http:/

  15. bingbing Says:

    One more time WCWC. I fucking dare you.

  16. WCWC Says:

    It’s a joke. I think Sarah’s great. We’re supposed to be the side that can laugh at ourselves. If you look at the related YouTube videos you’ll see this midget guy’s also done Hillary Clinton spoofs.

  17. bingbing Says:

    True. Saw that the other day after the last time you posted the link.

    It’s still weird… but… people are strange when you’re a stranger.

    So, where’s your head at? What’s up?

  18. WCWC Says:

    Well I live abroad so already cast my absentee ballot for McCain/Palin, but pretty sure it won’t make a difference in my home state of NY, but I do have a feeling these national polls are missing something. Way too many undecideds this late in the game. Could be a reverse Bradley effect too where people aren’t racist but are afraid of being called racist going on. Otherwise I’m afraid the One will bag it.

  19. bingbing Says:


    Good point. There are a lot of undecideds. Check out Zogby’s map…. electoral votes. 21 blue. 21 red.

    And yes, that Bradley effect.

    Snowball’s chance in hell but whilst Barack’s enjoying some time off, let’s help out that old tortoise, McCain.

  20. Edu Says:

    I,m With Obama/Biden ,change is comming soon!

Well, SAY something...