Is Obama lying or just stupid?

Okay, I am not a military man but even I can pick some problems here (I don’t have the longer clip, but he made several statements like the one shown above). I won’t go as far as some have and accuse Obama of flat-out lying — perhaps he has wildly misunderstood or taken out of context a genuine statement by this Army Captain he speaks of. Although, it’s very hard to account for his assertion that “They were actually capturing Taliban weapons, because it was easier to get Taliban weapons than it was for them to get properly equipped by our current commander in chief.”

IMHO, someone so ill-informed about the US Military, so ideologically-driven and anti-military, is just a sitting duck waiting to be used for political purposes by the next Jesse MacBeth or Scott Beauchamp who comes around.

No wonder the Islamists and Russians want to see him installed as America’s next Commander in Chief.

UPDATE: I actually wrote this post the other day, but held off on putting it up until someone with more knowledge of things military did some fact-checking — and with the way the blogosphere works, I knew it wouldn’t be long.

Ace of Spades HQ has done some fact-checking of this 4-5 year old anonymously-sourced story and of its defender and calls, if not 100% “Bullshit,” then at least “Ludicrous Exaggeration,” along the lines of the Scott Thomas Beauchamp hoax.

UPDATE #2:  On a somewhat lighter note, I’m seeing some scary similarities between Obama and Our Kevni.


Posted in Temp. 8 Comments »

8 Responses to “Is Obama lying or just stupid?”

  1. tizona Says:

    WTF, is the “TOLLYBAN”, Hussein? Excuse me, just listened again…it’s “TOLLYBON”.

    Dayo…Daaaayyyy -O…Daylight come and me tollybon want to go home.

  2. Angus Dei Says:


    Like, since when doesn’t captured ordinance get used in war?

    Sheesh. Talk about your empty suits: Obama’s is a perfect vacuum.

  3. spot_the_dog Says:

    #2 Precisely, but Obama has somehow spun that into an attack on President Bush. Our poor boys over there, BusHilter deliberately refuses to supply them with the ordinance they need, so they’re forced to attack those brave Freedom Fighters of the Taliban in order to get it. Or, something like that?!?

    It’s a pity Jesse Macbeth and/or Scott Beauchamp didn’t take their cases direct to Obama – not only would he have not questioned their “stories,” he woulda made heroes out of ’em.

  4. tizona Says:

    Sir Spot

    Fran just posted a thesis, equal the worthiness of Michelle Obama’s, in Fran’s Little Soap Box

  5. Ash Says:

    What is it about people named Jesse being incredible liars with equally stunning criminal records?

    /biased bitch.

  6. SwinishCapitalist Says:

    You and Carly Simon. A pair of bb’s.

  7. Angus Dei Says:


    The beer is starting to take effect.

  8. Jim T Says:

    Let’s see. Lying, or just stupid. Can’t I pick both? LOL! He’s stupid, _and_ he thinks he can get away with lying because he thinks everyone else is as uninformed as him. So I’ll go for (c) there, “all of the above”.

Well, SAY something...