The Secret Ingredient

I’m letting loose trade secrets here, but this is important.

You know when you’ve cooked something, and it needs a little extra kick?

This is it, the ingredient you need.

Vegemite is also useful for repelling drop bears.

Posted in Food. 6 Comments »

6 Responses to “The Secret Ingredient”

  1. tizona Says:

    Well, it looks as though another suspect for the browning of that fellow ass, assending the stairs, in Spot’s post has been found, Vegemite.Here I thought one was to eat it.

    Then again, maybe he did and this is the END result. Damn, didn’t think of it until now, maybe this IS, the ass balm.

  2. tizona Says:

    Although HE does resemble a “drop” bare.

  3. spot_the_dog Says:

    I often add a bit of Vegemite to my beef stews – a little bit of Vegemite and a little bit of Keen’s Mustard Powder and a dash of Tabasco. Shhh… secret recipe 😉 Also not bad in meatloaf.

    Tiz is still fixated on that Ricky Ryan photo. LOL.

  4. Ash Says:

    I do the same Spot. It adds that extra bit of taste. I use it when I braise my steak too. Delicious.

  5. bingbing Says:

    Shall have to try it. Cheers, Ash. Does it work with chook?

  6. bingbing Says:

    PS Yes, I have Vegemite over here. No, one can’t buy it in Korea but hey, I can go without my quarter pounders and doner kebabs for a year (always put on weight when I go home… funny that) but there’s no freakin’ way I’m going without Vegemite!

Well, SAY something...