Heather Mallick: Leftist Psychopathy on Display

You poor Canadians. Your tax dollars support a mentally ill columnist at the CBC named Heather Mallick.

Ms. Mallick Malicious has all the leftist psychopathy going on: Projection, paranoia, spittle-slinging rage, delusion; you name it.

“I assume John McCain chose Sarah Palin as his vice-presidential partner in a fit of pique because the Republican money men refused to let him have the stuffed male shirt he really wanted. She added nothing to the ticket that the Republicans didn’t already have sewn up, the white trash vote, the demographic that sullies America’s name inside and outside its borders yet has such a curious appeal for the right.”

Emphasis added. Heather calling many conservatives “white trash” is just the beginning of her display of mental illness, however: She’s just warming up.

“It’s possible that Republican men, sexual inadequates that they are, really believe that women will vote for a woman just because she’s a woman. They’re unfamiliar with our true natures. Do they think vaginas call out to each other in the jungle night?”

So, now we’re “white trash, sexual inadequates who think vaginas call out to each other in the jungle at night.” I’m wondering how many sexual encounters Heather has had with us white trash, sexually inadequate conservative men. No, I’m not actually, because no self-respecting conservative man would fuck Heather with a leftard’s dick.

“But do they not know that women have been trained to resent other women and that they only learn to suppress this by constantly berating themselves and reading columns like this one? I’m a feminist who understands that women can nurse terrible and delicate woman hatred.”

Actually Heather, well-adjusted conservative women admire and respect successful women; it is only leftist malcontents like you who suffer from, “terrible and delicate woman hatred.” This has been proven spectacularly recently by all of the vicious lies invented by leftists of your ilk in rabid attempts to smear Sarah Palin.

“Palin was not a sure choice, not even for the stolidly Republican ladies branch of Citizens for a Tackier America. No, she isn’t even female really. She’s a type, and she comes in male form too.”

This is mental illness. It’s insanity. Claiming that Gov. Palin isn’t a woman is classic denial, and I’m not referencing the river in Egypt. See, to the diseased leftist “mind” of Heather, a powerful and successful woman is only a woman if she’s a leftist. Comparing Gov. Palin to Sen. Clinton, I can tell you, from the white trash, sexually inadequate conservative male perspective, that precisely the opposite is true. Gov. Palin is a self-made woman, while Hillary rode to fame on her husband’s coattails. There really is no comparison if you look at it logically, which Heather cannot do.

“John Doyle, the cleverest critic in Canada, comes right out and calls Palin an Alaska hillbilly. Damn his eyes, I wish I’d had the wit to come up with it first. It’s safer than “white trash” but I’ll pluck safety out of the nettle danger. Or something.”

Classic illogic. The paragraph doesn’t even make sense, “or something,” but now she’s endorsed the term hillbilly: “Hillbilly, white trash, sexually inadequate conservative members of the Citizens for a Tackier America who think vaginas call out to each other in the jungle night.” My, the derogatory epithets are sure piling up in the sewer that is Heather’s mind.

“Doyle’s job includes watching a lot of reality television and he’s well-versed in the backstory. White trash — not trailer trash, that’s something different — is rural, loud, proudly unlettered (like Bush himself), suspicious of the urban, frankly disbelieving of the foreign, and a fan of the American cliché of authenticity. The semiotics are pure Palin: a sturdy body, clothes that are clinging yet boxy and a voice that could peel the plastic seal off your new microwave.”

Projection combined with Bush Derangement Syndrome. Awesome. You see, Heather has an MA in English literature from the University of Toronto, while Bush only has a BA from Yale and an MBA from Harvard. Compared to Bush, Heather is the unlettered hick from Bum Fuck Egypt, and she knows it. Obviously, this fact embarrasses her to the point that she feels compelled to project her feelings of inadequacy and lack of self-regard onto an Ivy League blue-blood, whom she is jealous of.

Oh, and note the word “semiotics” in there. It is one of the markers emblematic of post-modernist pseudo-intellectualism. I learned this while working on a DMA years ago (That’s, Doctor of Musical Arts, Heather). All fields of semiotics and deconstruction are is pits of leftist subjectivism and pseudo-thought, and Heather is a fine exemplar. Bravo!

Finally, not that to any objective mind it is Hillary’s voice that is condescending, and that could, “peel the plastic seal off your new microwave.” They don’t call her “Shrillery” for nothing.

“Palin has a toned-down version of the porn actress look favoured by this decade’s woman, the overtreated hair, puffy lips and permanently alarmed expression.”

Never mind the fact that Sarah Palin typifies the “naughty librarian” that so many of us, “unlettered, hillbilly, redneck, white trash, sexually inadequate, conservative, members of The Citizens for a Tackier America who think vaginas call out to each other in the jungle night” happen to like, here’s Heather…

Heather Mallick

Heather Mallick

… obviously stuck in 1962 and trying to look like Jacqueline Kennedy. Sheesh, this woman is as transparent as a freshly Windexed pane of glass.

“Palin has it all, along with being vicious and profoundly dishonest. Just hours after her first convention speech, the Associated Press did a good fast listing of her untruths and I won’t dwell on them.”

No, Heather Kennedy-wanna-be, it is you who are vicious and dishonest, and those AP lies – and many others you stupid fucking lefty twats have been spreading – have been debunked in excruciating detail.

“The conventioneers are nothing like the rich men who run the party, and that’s the mystery of the hick vote. They’d be much better served by the Democrats. I know Thomas Frank answered this in What’s the Matter with Kansas?; I know that red states vote Republican on social issues to give themselves the only self-esteem available to their broken, economically abused existence.”

More typical leftist projection. As I demonstrated above, Heather is the hick from BFE, not us (I did get my BM from a music school in Boston, you know). Oh, and how, exactly, Ms. Tacky-O (That’s a play on… oh, never mind), would us, “unlettered, hillbilly, hick, redneck, white trash, sexually inadequate, conservative, members of The Citizens for a Tackier America who think vaginas call out to each other in the jungle night” be better served by Democrats who think we are, “unlettered, hillbilly, hick, redneck, white trash, sexually inadequate, conservative, members of The Citizens for a Tackier America who think vaginas call out to each other in the jungle night”? Abject absurdity. Leftists live to serve themselves at the expense of us, “unlettered, hillbilly, hick, redneck, white trash, sexually inadequate, conservative, members of The Citizens for a Tackier America who think vaginas call out to each other in the jungle night.”

“But surely they know Barack Obama is not planning to finish off the ordinary hillbilly when he adjusts tax rates. He’s going to raise taxes on the top 2% of Americans and that doesn’t include anyone at the convention beyond the Bushes and McCains and random party management. So why cheer Palin when she claims otherwise?

Is it racism? I’m told that it is, although I find racism so appalling that I have difficulty identifying it. It is more likely the dearly held Republican notion that any American can become violently rich, as rich as those hedge funders in Greenwich, Conn., who buy $40-million mansions unseen and have their topiary shaped in the form of musical notes.”

First of all, Heather, income taxes are immoral. They are, in fact, immoral because they are institutionalized covetousness: The have-naughts – who are have-naughts because they do-naught – are covetous of the successful. Covetousness is a multi-faceted term, so it can be looked at through many prisms: Covetousness, envy, jealousy, lust &c. It all amounts to a desire for something that is not rightfully yours – something God blessed another with – and so covetousenss is the real root of all sin. The only legitimate things a government can tax are transactions. The founders of our country understood this, but the leftist-socialists changed our constitution and our laws to enrich themselves. You are just such an immoral, covetous have-naught/do-naught, as your banal and illogical term, “violently rich” betrays. It is beyond obvious that there is nothing inherently violent about financial success, but it is violence to take from a person something that you have no right to: The money that they earn. And, I happen to like topiary shaped in the form of musical notes, because I’m a musician, bitch! But now we’re “violent, racist unlettered, hillbilly, hick, redneck, white trash, sexually inadequate, conservative, members of The Citizens for a Tackier America who think vaginas call out to each other in the jungle night.”

“When Palin and Rudy Giuliani sneered at Obama’s years of “community organizing” — they said it like “rectal fissure” — the audience ewww-ed with them. Republicans dream of a personal future that involves only household staff, not equals who need to be persuaded to vote.

So I’m trying to imagine the pain of realizing, as they all must at some point, that it is not going to happen for them. It’s the green light at the end of the dock. It’s the ship that never comes in, gals, as Palin would put it. But she won’t because the lie works for her. It helps her scramble, without compassion, above all those other tense no-hoper ladies in the audience.”

More rank projection. This woman’s female’s hypocrisy knows no bounds. You are the lying “rectal fissure,” Heather. I watched the convention, and people laughed, they did not “ewww.” Democrats seek nothing but a Matrix-esque proletariat that they can bleed for money, as Heather so aptly “demon-strates.” I’m becoming proud of being a, “no-hoper, violent, racist unlettered, hillbilly, hick, redneck, white trash, sexually inadequate, conservative, member of The Citizens for a Tackier America, who thinks vaginas call out to each other in the jungle night.”

“American politics isn’t short of smart women. Susan Eisenhower, Ike’s granddaughter, who just endorsed Obama, made an extraordinary speech at the Democratic convention (and a terrific casual appearance on The Colbert Report as Palin was speaking). The Republican party has already consumed nearly all of its moderate “seed corn,” she said aptly. Time to start again.

Eisenhower, a scholar and journalist, has a point. Or am I only saying that because she’s part of the thoughtful demographic that I’m trying to reach here? Think, Heather, think like a Republican! The Skeptics, shall I call them, are my base, and I’ll pander to them as ardently as the Republican patriarchs tease their white female marginals.”

I’m sure Ike is spinning in his grave: Just as sure as I am that you’d be gushing about Susan if she hadn’t left the Republican party to endorse Obama.

“Mad Men is scaring me (AMC on Sunday nights). What has Matthew Weiner, a writer from The Sopranos, created, a period soap opera about reality and façade or a horror series on a localized war between men and women? Was Episode 6 of Season 2 a costume drama about the Madonna/whore complex or the operatic rendition of one simple thing, human cruelty?

Or maybe I’m seeing too much into it and it’s just a sexed-up version of the Republican convention.”

LULZ!!! Don’t be afraid, Mad Men is a TV show, Heather! LULZ!!!

OK, Heather’s vacuous diatribe boils down to this: “Anyone who likes Sarah Palin is a no-hoper, violent, racist, unlettered, hillbilly, hick, redneck, white trash, sexually inadequate, conservative, member of The Citizens for a Tackier America, who thinks vaginas call out to each other in the jungle at night.”

Well, I think Heather is safe from ever being convicted of journalistic malpractice, because any jury would certainly believe her insanity defense.


UPDATE: [19 Sept ’08]  Video Megyn Kelly rips CBC columnist Heather Mallick for comparing Palin to “white trash,” porn stars  [spot_the_dog]

UPDATE 2: Okay, this is getting weird.  While I could sort of maybe understand the number of incoming searches we were getting for “Sarah Palin Nude” and “Sarah Palin Swimsuit” on Augus’ Palin blog post from February (see Update VII), I am concerned at the number of incoming searches we are starting to see for “Heather Mallick Nude” and “Heather Mallick Naked.”  That’s just, well, eeeewwwww! [spot_the_dog]

32 Responses to “Heather Mallick: Leftist Psychopathy on Display”

  1. twolaneflash Says:

    Heather and her crowd have been pissed ever since an adolescent Sarah Palin walked up to a bra-burning, hung a haunch of moose over the fire, and said: “Guess what’s for dinner, bitches?”

  2. twolaneflash Says:

    Ted Nugent hearts Sarah Palin. What else does any “no-hoper, violent, racist, unlettered, hillbilly, hick, redneck, white trash, sexually inadequate, conservative, member of The Citizens for a Tackier America, who thinks vaginas call out to each other in the jungle at night.” need to know? Go Meat!

  3. sooshisoo Says:

    Just another woman pissed off at the success of another non-liberal woman. They’re losing their patent on what it means to be a “feminist”, and they don’t like it one bit.

    Too bad.

  4. The Nuge {hearts} Sarah Palin « The Tizona Group Says:

    […] Rodrigo Díaz on Obama Steps in Shit: “Yo…Angus Dei on Asshats Ahoy!sooshisoo on Heather Mallick: Leftist Psych…twolaneflash on Gallup Poll: McCain over Obama…twolaneflash on Heather Mallick: Leftist […]

  5. minicapt Says:

    Charlotte Whitton: “Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult.”
    Heather Mallick: “Is so!!”


  6. WH Says:

    Heather, How dare you call us TRASH! You are so empty headed you have no brains to rattle. SHame! Shame!

  7. It Was Sexist. Or Possibly Racist. « Tai-Chi Policy Says:

    […] comment and running with it as if he did mean it in the most offensive way (Why would it be racist? If he meant it along these deranged lines). The hilarity of all of this is that the left is getting worried and outraged by the character […]

  8. Kaboom Says:

    Angus, that was a damn fine fiskin’ pardner! Yo wanna see what these BAITCHES says about NASCAR and ropin’ and thangs.

    Well done!

  9. MAS Says:

    Heather Mc Lick is So Very SICK!

  10. Jane Adams Says:

    Dearest Heather!

    I am one of those redneck ,white trash, Republican women -haters you described! I am in my mid forties, possess a bachelors degree, and work in a demanding profession while raising two very decent kids. I live in a comfortable home in a country club community in RURAL Ohio with my professional MBA husband.

    You may have a hard time believing this but most of my life long and newer friends are Republicans who live a similar existance to mine who share the same values as I do. And we almost never let the chickens in the house unless it’s dangerously cold in the barnyard.

    Why don’t you cross the border (Ohio is a midwestern state in the country due south of Canada…set your GPS as I am sure you can’t read a map) and me and my lipstick wearin’ ,white trash, porn star, women folk will gladly kick your ugly ass while our Republican stuffed shirt husbands cheer us on.

    Sarah Palin ROCKS!

  11. Jane Adams Says:

    ps…My opinion matters more than yours because I get to make mine count at the polls on 11/4

  12. KATHRYN Says:


  13. Roberta Airesman Says:


    I hear my vagina talking….it says you’re an asshole…and it would know since it lives next door to one!

  14. Dminor Says:

    What is it with women of the Left and their anthropomorphosized vaginas?

  15. c Says:

    You scank! Your what Americans really hate about you douche bags to the North. Stay the fuck out of our business, you liberal fish twat. Worthless trash like you need a shiney bullet between your black eyes.

  16. lorraine Says:

    Heather, you need to see a doctor…oh, I forgot…you’d have to be on a waiting list for about 2 years!
    You are one really sick woman. I am embarassed for my Canadian friends and the University of Toronto. Why don’t you move to Iceland?

  17. Steve Says:

    Mallick is a despicable piece of loathsome “progressive” trash.

    I am a American graduate of one of Canada’s leading universities, McGill. I majored in White Trash Anthropology.

    Seriously, though, what a jackass.

  18. Karen Says:

    Yes, totally “jealous” with a bit of mid-life crisis mixed in with a case of nuts!

    Palin rocks!

  19. fernando lavin Says:

    I have lived my life happy not knowing Heather. Now I would make an exception for this Canadian inverted vagina (she speaks with it!). I wish your mother had an abortion: Yours!!! Because scum like you should not be allowed in society like a leach, taking advantage of the people’s taxes to proclaim herself the shame of all women on earth.
    This is what you are:

    Pathetic! Shout your “talking vagina”, Bitch!

  20. Douglas Says:

    Heather Mallick knows white trash first hand… she’s only seen a dentist once her lifetime.
    Upon close examination you’ll notice she needs a new set of choppers!

  21. amy j. Says:

    This is something I SO wish I’d been clever enough to write. Well done, well, well done! And brilliant comments also. From one piece of white trash to another, I think ya’ll got some real fine noggins a churnin’.

  22. Christy Says:

    Heather Mallick is a sick, horribly ugly, ignorant, did I mention ugly, stupid, Atheist (she is listed as a famous Canadian Atheist in Wikopedia) immoral, unwanted by either sex, TOTAL WACKED OUT NUTJOB…..Canadians should be ashamed to come to the United States if they support this b***h

    No need for *s unless that’s your personal preference – ed.

  23. bingbing Says:

    Apologies to all those who waited so long for their comments to pop up. Was driving in between cities. The rest of Tizona’s were either working and/or sleeping (sic).

    Am pretty sure you only have to wait the first time round. It should be instant smooth sailing from here on in.

    Your sentiments are appreciated.

    A reminder: if you want to post anything off topic, posting on a ‘bingbing’ or ‘ash’ thread is probably your best bet.

  24. bingbing Says:

    Hadn’t heard of that vulgar female, Gus, until your post. Brilliant summary.

  25. spot_the_dog Says:

    I apologise too for not clearing things through moderation faster – been a bit crook today.

    Just added an update, link to a video of Megyn Kelly ripping into Heather Mallick – “The White Trash Vote.”


  26. Ash Says:


    I was off spending my third mortgage on the Royal Melbourne Show. So many rides, so little time…

  27. bingbing Says:

    The Ekka/Royal Easter Show/Royal Melbourne Show has always been great value…

    Still, what’s money there for, right?

    Third mortgage???

  28. the4given Says:

    I love how the CBC tried to dismiss Miss Malcontent and distance themselves from responsibility for her article by stating she is not a JOURNALIST, but a COLUMNIST.

    Yet on Malcontents official website, she refers to herself as a journalist and author.

    To me she is more like a child that has no true vocabulary throwing a temper tantrum…

  29. Al Kulick Says:

    I live in the states and would like to respond to Ms.Mallick’s comments. It seems free speech in Canada is the same as the US it is ok if it is leftist, without merit and of course attacks the institutions that provide the free speech. However, regarding Ms. Mallick’s comment Senator Obama is correct – lipstick on a pig is still a pig!

    Yall! come on down to da states I have a sidecar on the trailer and uze kin has yo own outhouse!!

    BTW kin uze really gits a english degree writing that stuff?

  30. Sarah Palin: A Star Ordinary « The Tizona Group Says:

    […] Heather Mallick, one of the Leftists doing their “cause” no good. Posted in Australia, Democrats, […]

  31. Caring, compassionate, tolerant Lefty reveals Palin fantasy « The Tizona Group Says:

    […] compassionat… on Sarah Palin: A Star Ordi…Sarah Palin: A Star … on Heather Mallick: Leftist Psych…twolaneflash on The Reality Of Nightmares…stopchavez.blogspot.… on Interpol […]

  32. Palin slimed – Counting Cats in Zanzibar Says:

    […] who thinks vaginas call out to each other in the jungle at night to another, this is one of the better deconstructions of Heather Mallicks bilious […]

Well, SAY something...