Mexico drug gang clashes kill 15. Awwwwww, damn

Gun battles between rival factions of a Mexican drugs cartel have left at least 15 people dead in the city of Tijuana, near the border with the US.




Posted in Crime. 7 Comments »

7 Responses to “Mexico drug gang clashes kill 15. Awwwwww, damn”

  1. Angus Dei Says:

    Stuff like that used to happen in New Your and Chicago… during prohibition.

  2. SwinishCapitalist Says:

    Stuff like that happens every week – wherever Collingwood’s playing.

  3. Ash Says:

    Except when they played Carlton Swinish… our Mafia guys are too scary for the Mexican Bandits.

  4. Paco Says:

    It was kind of like that when I lived in Miami back in the ’80’s. Everyday there, for a while, they were finding a bullet-riddled body wrapped in a sheet and dumped alongside of I-95. The first house I ever bought was next door to a house that had been rented to a drug dealer; the guy kept a jaguar – the four-legged kind – in a cage in his back yard, and was ultimately killed with a chainsaw in his own place (don’t know whether the incident was inspired by a similar episode in the movie, Scarface, or vice versa). Before we bought the house, Mrs. Paco and I rented a condo, and we’d take walks around the neighborhood. There was this one house surrounded by a seven-foot high fence, security cameras strategically located by the doors and ground-floor windows, a Mercedes, a BMW and a cigarette boat in the driveway. We figured he was a narcotraficante, and sure enough, he was murdered, too. At one time, the Federal Reserve office in Miami, which is just a branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, handled more cash than all the other Federal Reserve banks combined. Cash counters at the Miami Fed were coming down with headaches because so much of the stuff was contaminated with cocaine.

    For the record, though, I lived there for 13 years, and never fired a shot.

  5. thefrollickingmole Says:

    As long as they are killing each other, I dont see this as anything other than a good news story.

  6. tizona Says:

    Agree completely, Sir Mole.

    In fact, if this scum continues to do so…we should supply each side with weapons. 🙂

  7. saltydog Says:

    I went to school in Miami from 65 to 70, then continued working where I did my Practical (sort of an internship for nurses), Jackson Memorial Hospital (one old old old hospital), several years. It became steadily worse in the ER. I had left by 71, but friends told me that by the mid 70s, the brotherhood and love flower-power overdoses and suicides began to morph into the traffickers trips to see us. All knife and gun shot wounds.

    Brave souls, the Pacos.

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