Kevin Rudd’s all-singin’ all-dancin’ goat rodeo

…Also known in some circles as “The Australia 2020 Summit”

To get us in the mood, here’s young Annette getting ready for the Summit, in “Faces of 2020”

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Stay tuned…

UPDATE: “Everybody was standing around a sheet of, you guessed it, butchers’ paper when the PM entered and took a seat – on the floor. Kooky. According to the PM, he ‘just felt like sitting down’.” -via Annabel Crabb’s summit live-blog

UPDATE #2: (Sunday 20 April, 9pm AEST)

Well, Kevin’s all-singin’ all-dancin’ goat rodeo has finally drawn to a close, and what a circus it’s been!

Andrew Bolt deserves some kind of commendation for going above & beyond the call of duty and spending the weekend actually watching this shitefest and live-blogging it for us from woe to go. Another commendation goes to Tim Blair for his comprehensive round-up. But the Grand Prize must go to both sets of readers/commenters, who filled the pages of all three posts with scads of side-splitting, eye-watering pants-p!ssing observations – at this point, near on a thousand comments all up.

(UPDATE #3: Well over a thousand comments now. And another excellent morning-after round-up by Andrew Bolt, plus a discussion of the Official 2020 Goat Rodeo Summit Theme Song.)

Read ’em and weep, campers.


UPDATE #4: Via Bill Leak

6 Responses to “Kevin Rudd’s all-singin’ all-dancin’ goat rodeo”

  1. yojimbo Says:

    Goat rodeo! Ha! I like that one.

    Here’s one for the Aussie taxpayer, “sheep shearin’ jamboree”

    and my personal favorite, “intellectual mutton bustin'”*

    *prior to the regular rodeo they usually have a kids event called “mutton bustin” where young children ride sheep trying to emulate the adults on the broncs and bulls.

    Metaphors abound in this target rich enviornment.

  2. spot_the_dog Says:

    #1 It works best with a southern accent 😉

    The Mutton Bustin’ would be the Youth Summit?

  3. Paco Says:

    Spot: One of the finest post titles in recent memory.

  4. yojimbo Says:


    Or in Brooklynese: “yutes’ summit”:)

  5. spot_the_dog Says:

    #3 Why thankee, Paco. I’m workin’ up to gettin’ myself one of your Patented Paco “HAW!s” 😉

  6. Kevin’s all-singin’ all-dancin’ goat rodeo: the 2020 roundup « Tizona’s Weblog Says:

    […] by spot_the_dog on April 20, 2008 Well, Kevin’s all-singin’ all-dancin’ goat rodeo has finally drawn to a close, and what a circus it’s […]

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